The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 264: Imperial Palace

"We have finally arrived, but it looks like it looks like we are coming too late!"

The proud dragon couldn't help but mutter. The nine-empty void has people going to the eighth void. Now he wants to surpass all the swords in front, which is simply impossible. , the latest chapter visit:. His talent is good, but the emperor belongs to the melee sword repair, and his road is not the same, to understand the nine swords of the emperor, he has no advantage.

"Nothing, it is also a harvest to realize two kinds of swords, not to mention that the ninth sword is not so good!"

The sword demon has begun to enlighten the ninth kind of sword meaning, and Ling Dao’s understanding of the nine swords is naturally not comparable to the average warrior. In the face of the emperor's sword, the sword and the butterfly dance are all unpredictable. If you want to understand it, it is certainly not something that can be done in a short time. As for the other sword repairs, they have not yet reached the eighth void, and their understanding of 'sex' is obviously not as good as the sword.

"It’s right, then I’m going, are you going?”

The nine-empty void contains the meaning of the sword. The Lingdao is Wu Xiu. The three swords are knife repairs. The nine swords are not too attractive for them, but they are not completely unattractive. As long as you understand the sword, you can help them understand the martial arts or the knife. However, martial arts and knives repair, it is almost impossible to comprehend the three or four swords.

"The sword is really powerful, and it has already begun to comprehend the ninth sword!"

Pretty three knives could not help but marvel, the last time the swordsmen went to the government to help them, the three swords and the proud dragon naturally know the name of the sword magic. They are all very clear that the sword demon came to Tianyuan City later, but now the sword demon can stand in the forefront. It can be seen that the sword sorcerer's ‘sexual’ is high and scary. It is no wonder that the demon emperor can be passed down.

"Let's go, I am not interested in the nine swords, after all, I just gave up the kendo!"

In fact, for Ling Dao, the top eight swords are not at all difficult. However, he does not want to go, if he goes directly to the eighth void, others will certainly have doubts. He cultivated a ridiculous genius, and there were not many people who knew it, but the swordsman got the inheritance of the demon emperor, and many young geniuses in heaven know it.

Once the swordsman goes to the heavens, there will be strong people who want to get the complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian. Others don't know that the Sword and the Lingdao are one person, then they will only deal with the Sword and Magic, and will not pay for Lingdao. Two bodies, one dead, the other can also be revived. If both bodies are caught, then there is no possibility of resurrection if they die.

"Swords and knives still have similarities. As long as I understand the two swords, I will be able to create my own sword!"

The three knives and the proud dragon have come to the periphery of the Nine Voids and begin to comprehend the martial arts. Now there are fewer and fewer warriors around the Nine Voids. The warriors who came to Tianyuan City have either realized the swordsmanship or are not interested in the swords. The appearance of the proud dragon and the pretty three knives did not cause much attention.

"If you get the sword, I am afraid you will inevitably have a bad fight!"

Lingdao and Aolong teamed up to kill Lin Ritian and Qianyu and got their ring. The Swordsman is also a young genius who killed the Netherland, and also got the other's 戒 戒. Now he knows the young talents of Heaven, what is the card. Maybe there is a difference, but it should be something similar.

There is a symbol in the young genius of the Netherland, and Lingdao has seen something similar. It should be an attack with a strong person. The rules of the Great World of Swords and Spirits are not allowed to go down to the warriors above the peaks of the heavenly people. It is no problem to carry an attack with the warriors above heaven and earth.

He hasn't used the symbol, and naturally he doesn't know what kind of power he will have. But he knows that the forces of the heavens are not lacking in the strong, even if they are heavenly, they are nothing in the forces created by the great emperor. Don't say that the strong man above Tianzun, even if it is a blow of Tianzun, it is not the defender of the sword **** world.

"I know that the things in the land, you can solve it yourself!"

The Great Devil has already realized the spirit of the sword and the Thunder sword, and is preparing to combine the two swords to create their own ideas. The appearance of Lingdao naturally caught his attention. When he saw the three-knife, he realized that the land had no way to get the ridge. If Lingdao is caught in the government, he will go to the rescue, and he will be caught by three knives. Then he will only pay tribute to Lingdao himself.

The last time, let the big demon understand that his strength is far from enough. Lingdao went to the Tianjian Jedi, and he went to other forbidden places. During this time, his strength was also leaps and bounds. Now even if the five powers like the local government have to deal with him, he is also confident to cope. Ordinary people in the sky, the fear of the soldiers, I am afraid that even his one can not stop.

"Unfortunately, this time the emperor's sword was born, the emperor's palace did not send people down!"

I got a drop of ‘precision’ blood from the emperor, and the big demon knows more things than Lingdao. The Three Emperors created the Three Royal Palaces, the Five Emperors created the Five Emperors Palace, the Qin Emperor created the Daqin Holy Court, and the Emperor Zhuang created the Emperor's Palace. If one of the most powerful forces in the heavens is the most detached, it must be the emperor's palace. Other big forces certainly have no opinions.

Whenever the emperor's palace is located, the other powerful forces do not know. Secondly, the emperor's palace has never been clear to recruit disciples, and the disciples of the emperor's palace have always been single digits. Thirdly, once the descendants of the Emperor's Temple are born, the same-armed warrior is a rare enemy.

Even the top leaders of the great powers of the heavens have never heard of the imperial palace. Even the younger generations of the great forces of the heavens, few people know the emperor's palace, and most of the warriors have never heard of such a force. After all, most of the forces are occupying a large territory and have a fixed address.

Today's big demon god, is not a **** disciple disciple, he got the emperor's ‘precision’ blood is not fake, but he did not get the cultivation of the emperor's palace. Only when he reaches the heavens can he become a disciple of the Emperor. The reason why he is not sure is that he does not know that there are several people in the current imperial palace. If no one picks him up, he will certainly not find the emperor palace.

Although he called Lingdao's younger brother, he understood that Lingdao could not be a descendant of the Emperor. The ridiculous sacred spirit of Lingdao cultivation is the creation of the emperor, but every warrior who is ridiculous and ridiculous is not the emperor's palace. For the specific reason, the big demon does not know. After all, he has not been to the emperor palace.

After all, the cultivation of the Great Devil is an unnamed scripture. If other people practice the unnamed scriptures, he must be inspired. After all, Lingdao cultivation is quite ridiculous, and he can sense it. It is the most transcendental force in the heavens, and even one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo is not interested. Of course, it is also possible that there is no disciple under the Heavenly Kingdom.

"Are you not a sword repairer? Why don't you go to the nine swords and understand your ‘sexuality, even if you come now, can you catch up with the swords in front?”

Feng Wangdian’s ‘sex’ test, Lingdao first, the big demon naturally does not doubt Ling’s understanding of “sex”. It is a pity that the Great Devil did not suppress his voice. His words naturally made many warriors glare at them. The Great Devil is simply insulting their understanding of 'sexity', and most importantly, Ling Dao and the Great Devil are still the lower warriors. When do the lower bounds dare to look down on them?

If it was before, there must be a young genius in heaven to refute, and even sarcasm and the great demon. But now, those young celestial celestial beings are just glaring at them, and there is no 'chaos' to speak. After all, in the Nine Voids, the two swords that first reached the eighth void were the lower martial artists, and so far, they have reached the eighth void.

"I have abandoned the sword and I am a pure martial artist!"

When I heard Lingdao say this, the big demon **** smiled and nodded. In the past, the big demon **** felt that the Lingdao cultivation was quite ridiculous, but the way to repair the sword was completely wrong. However, everyone has a path for everyone, he will not interfere with the Lingdao, and will not say anything about Lingdao. Now Lingdao can be changed, and of course he is happy for Lingdao.

"The people's palace disciples finally reached the eighth void!"

A young genius from the heavens shouted excitedly. Although he was not a disciple of the Imperial Palace, there was finally a Heavenly Sword that had been repaired to the eighth void and began to enlighten the ninth sword. They are also young geniuses in heaven. They don't want to be compared to the lower bounds, but they can only hope for those swords.

"If you can't be the first to enlighten the emperor's sword, you really can't be sorry for your blood!"

The young emperor in the ninth void saw Ji Mingde enter the eighth void, and began to break down the emperor's sword in the eighth void. In this way, the essence of the Emperor's sword will be revealed. If he doesn't do this, the swordsman, the butterfly dance, and Ji Mingde may have to wait for how long it takes to understand the emperor's sword.

Although Ji Mingde entered the eighth void time, later than the sword and the butterfly dance, but he understands that Ji Mingde has the greatest advantage. Whether it is the blood of the emperor or the emperor, it is enough to speed up his understanding of the emperor's sword. If Ji Mingde couldn't get into the ninth void first, then he was really disappointed.

Time passes by, the latter's warriors are moving forward one by one. The sword repair in the eighth void is also more and more. After Ji Mingde, it is Qianhui who enters the eighth void. After that, it was Feng Junhua, and finally Guo Yifan. Those behind the sword repair, it seems that there is no chance to go to the eighth void.

Behind the swords, butterflies, and Ji Mingde, they slowly condensed the shadow of a young emperor. Obviously, the ghost behind Ji Mingde is the most solid. The other warriors in Tianyuan City are laughing. It seems that the first one to understand the ninth kind of sword is necessarily Ji Mingde. Fortunately, their young genius in the heavens is still better.

"Emperor Sword!"

Whether it is other warriors or Ji Mingde himself, he feels that he will win. However, when Ji Mingde had already enlightened the emperor's sword, the sword demon suddenly said. Then, the young emperor's shadow behind the sword is turned into an entity, and then rushed into the body of the sword.

The sword demon is the first one to realize the emperor's sword!

Even if Ji Mingde is practicing the Emperor's Sword, even if Ji Mingde has the blood of the Emperor, it is still a slow sword! --40503+dsuaahhh+24973298-->


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