The Immortals Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 121 The Disappearing Eli

Chapter 121 The Disappearing Eli

The battle above the ground is fierce, and Eli waits anxiously below the ground.

Eli is at the bottom of the prison, and from time to time he can hear fierce explosions coming from the outside world. The terrifying elemental fluctuations make the whole prison tremble from time to time. There are only two weakened versions of the true spirits, but their power is still beyond what Eli can imagine.

Time passed little by little. .

Eli waited anxiously. After about three hours, the sound on the ground gradually disappeared.

"Who won?" Eli questioned when he heard no movement outside.

Just when he was about to go out to check, suddenly, Eli suddenly felt the nearby space change again, Eli's eyes widened, and the next second, he was teleported away again.

When he reacted, Eli reappeared in the castle.

But at this time, the castle had already disappeared without a trace, only a piece of rubble, and within a few hundred meters was full of devastation, the soil was rolling, the ground was cracked, and it looked like a mess.

At this time, Eli was standing on the ruins of the castle, and there was a large piece of rubble under his feet. On the sky in the distance, Nick's figure was already extremely unreal, and on the ground not far away from him, there was always a shadow covered by unknown numbers. Chain binding.

At this moment, the demon dragon is extremely miserable, the entire right half of the wing has disappeared, most of the pitch-black scales are also broken, one eye is also pitch-black at this time, the other eye is closed tightly, more than a dozen chains passed through his body, and he trapped on the ground,

There is no doubt that the dragon lost.

"Ahem, Eli." In the sky, Nick slowly landed, his figure flickering, as if he was about to collapse.

"Master True Spirit Wizard." Eli walked over immediately.

"I lost!"

Nick's first words made Eli a little numb.

? ? ?

Who is that dragon lying on the ground?

As if knowing what Eli was thinking, Nick glanced at him and said:

"We are both losing. I temporarily trapped him with the chain of rules, but as soon as I dissipate, he will escape, and I don't have much time."

"I'm sorry, this secret realm may not be available to you. You still have five days to escape, and I can support it for another five days. After five days, the chain of rules will disappear instantly without the support of magic power. Will get out of trouble again.

This time I underestimated him. "

cough cough!

Eli coughed, and the turning point changed too quickly. One second he was happily preparing to accept the inheritance and the secret realm, and the next second he had to leave here and run away.

"Ahem, run. I won't let him run away. I already remember his smell. When I get out of trouble, I will catch him as soon as possible and kill him. Your inheritance will end here."

Suddenly, the shadow dragon in the distance opened its only remaining eye, and looked at Nick viciously.

"I'm sorry!" Hearing this, Nick turned his head and apologized to Eli.

This time, it was his mistake.

"Oh, by the way, do you still have magic stones? If you have magic stones, you can also leave some magic power, so that the chain can last for a while." Nick asked.

"Magic stone? No!" Eli shook his head in embarrassment.

If there was a magic stone in this place, it would have been excavated by a wizard long ago, so how could no one come.

"That's right." Nick fell silent, and after a while, he spoke again: "I'm sorry."

Nick apologized again, but Eli didn't have the mood to think about this at this time, he was about to face a recovered four-ring shadow dragon, how could he run away.

We have to think of other ways.

Nick just said the magical power of the magic stone?

Wait a minute, the magical power of the magic stone is not much. Could it be possible to keep the shadow dragon Chris trapped? He immediately raised his head and asked Nick who was not far away:

"My lord, is the magic power of the magic stone enough to maintain this chain?"

"Of course, you can, not to mention the magic stone. This is the chain of rules. It is not the chain that traps Shadow Dragon, but the power of rules. As long as there is magic power to support it, the chain can always exist. ' Nick explained, feeling sad.

Because of his mistakes back then, the successor he had finally found would also die.


All melancholy turned into a lament.

On the other side, Eli's eyes lit up when he heard Nick's words, and he hurriedly asked: "My lord, then I'll stay here and come in once a day to input some magic power every day, it's fine."

"What are you thinking!" Nick glanced at Eli, and continued: "I used the power of the rules of the secret realm to trap the shadow dragon. You can leave once at most, and once you decide to do this, you have to stay here forever. Until the Shadow Dragon escapes, or you die."

"Although the lifespan of this shadow dragon is not long, it is no problem for a hundred or two hundred years. Although the secret realm will slightly alleviate the consumption of vitality, it is absolutely impossible for a normal first-ring wizard to survive it."

Nick's tone was getting lower and lower, but Eli clenched his fist on the other side.


It is indeed impossible for normal wizards to withstand it, because ordinary first-ring wizards normally have a lifespan of two hundred years, and the world of wizards who consume their vitality quickly can live up to about 140 years old.

There is also the time of the apprenticeship period, and the elements here are thin and cannot be broken through.

It is absolutely impossible for a normal wizard to survive the Shadow Dragon.

But Eli is different. If you can guarantee your life safety by staying here for more than a hundred years, it will not cause any loss to Eli. Anyway, it is only a hundred or two hundred years.

"My lord, I think staying here, after all, I can't escape, it's better to stay here and live a little longer." Eli lied.

"Okay." Nick glanced at him, then sighed.

It's all his fault.

"But I'm going to go out and get my stuff in," Eli said.

"Well, take it, this is the carrying object of the secret realm, within five days, you can take it back again." Nick handed Eli a black ring, Eli took a look at it, and then put it on his hand.

"Yeah." Eli nodded.

In the next second, he was teleported out of the secret realm.

Shadow Dragon closed his eyes in disdain.

He's already like this anyway, and he just wants to go out and have a look.

Can you survive me?

The shadow dragon is a famous long-lived species in the endless world.


at this time.

In the valley.

Vivica and David waited in the valley, looking anxious.

It has been three hours since they were teleported out, but the teacher still hasn't moved at all, and the bronze door has disappeared.

"David, you said nothing will happen to the teacher, right?" Vivica asked worriedly.

"I don't know." David sighed.

Just as the two were lamenting, suddenly, the space in front of them fluctuated, and a figure appeared from the void.


Vivica and David showed surprise on their faces, and immediately stepped forward.

Eli shook his dizzy head, glanced at the two of them, and said, "I'm going back to King's Landing immediately, I'm leaving first."

So, under the dull eyes of the two, the wind element surged under Eli's feet, leading Eli away.

He only has five days, no time to waste.

It took 15 days for Eli and the others to come in a carriage, but this time, Eli really worked his ass off and returned in three days.

Back in King's Landing, the first thing Eli did was to go to the palace.

Anna, who was making an important diplomatic contact, was interrupted and called away by Eli.

"Prepare all these materials for me, the more the better, the more the better, and then send them to Leighton Manor." In the room, Eli directly gave Lai Anna a list.

This time, it was really a hundred years of solitude.

The materials in the secret realm are limited, so Eli needs a lot of materials and substances to ensure that he can use it for a hundred years, oh, and bring some seed creatures, or he will starve to death in the secret realm.

"Teacher, did something happen?" Anna asked.

He remembered that the teacher should have gone to explore the secret realm, why did he come back again.

"It's nothing, but it may take a long journey, it may take a long time." Eli touched Anna's head and sighed.

Anna can be regarded as the one he watched growing up, and Eli is also in a complicated mood when he suddenly wants to leave.

The next time I come out, I'm afraid it will really be different.

"Long-distance travel?" Anna was a little puzzled, even if it was a long-distance trip, why are you so melancholy?

Even if the trip is long, it can't be longer than the teacher's last trip for twelve years.

"Collect for me first. Remember, you can collect as much as you can. There is no upper limit. I'll go back to the manor first." Eli said again, and then left quickly. His time was too urgent.

Seeing Eli's leaving figure, Anna blinked, and then started to call for someone.

"Come here!"


On the other hand, after Eli returned to the manor, he also started to organize all the items.

Experimental equipment, experimental materials, magic plants that have been planted, and important blood bamboo flowers, some backups of monster blood, flower pots for planting flower seeds...

Eli threw everything into the secret realm directly, and the secret realm was held by Eli at this time.

On the other side, under Anna's order, truckloads of materials also began to be sent to Leighton Manor, almost without stopping, and the materials also piled up into hills.

This is also the reason for the short time and geographical restrictions.

Otherwise, with Byrne's current power, it would be enough to bury the entire Leighton Manor dozens of times. At this time, Eli is very grateful that he still has an empire to operate. Otherwise, at this time, where would he find so many materials.

In this way, for a whole day and a half, the trucks at Layton Manor did not stop.

Eli kept sending him to the secret realm, and even felt a little tired.

At this time, there are still three hours before the five days Nick mentioned.

Inside the manor, Eli touched Anna's head and said:

"I won't be able to help you in the future. The teacher may be away for a long time this time. I have left you a process for how to make those blood knights. It is all in it. You may need to study it."

"Teacher, do you really want to leave?" Anna had tears in the corners of her eyes, and she had a faint feeling that if she left this time, she would really have no chance to meet again.

"Hey!" Eli gave Anna a hug.

He has stayed in King's Landing for about a hundred years, and this time he will be away for nearly a hundred years.

After a hundred years, there is really nothing left.

"Take care of yourself," Eli said finally.

For the next two hours, Eli kept sending things to the secret realm, making sure that everything he needed was there. The only pity was that David hadn’t come back yet, and he didn’t get the talent rune, but he didn’t important.

last hour.

Eli took a quick look around King's Landing before returning to the manor.

In the study, Eli finally scanned the land outside, and said calmly:

"Goodbye, King's Landing."

In the next second, Eli disappeared in place.

(end of this chapter)

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