The Immortals Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 141 He's A Good Man

Chapter 141 He's a Good Man

At this time, Hines and the others were completely half-blooded, with black scales all over their bodies, a little bit of shadow lingering, and their eyes were cruel black vertical pupils.


Heins gave an order, and the remaining five began to attack.


bang bang!

The black flames and sharp claws touched the shield, sparking sparks one by one. With a ferocious smile, Hynes kept smashing the shields one by one.

Necromancers are much weaker physically than warlocks, as long as they enter, Eli will die.

Seeing Hines and the others constantly attacking outside, Eli couldn't ignore it, and began to cast witchcraft one by one, attacking them.

The two first-ring warlocks resisted with their tyrannical bodies, but the remaining apprentices died quickly. Facing this scene, Hines ignored the scene and just kept bombarding the shield.

The powerful attack hit the shield with a sound, and Eli looked at the remaining two while attacking.

One is in the middle stage of the first ring, and Hines is in the late stage of the first ring. Compared with Eli, the level is a little higher, but at this time, the two of them are exhausted, and the power of their blood is also languishing.

Unlike wizards, warlocks' training mainly relies on the power of tapping bloodlines, and the first ring is also mainly about tapping bloodlines. Both of them have at least 60% compatibility, which should be regarded as the late stage of the first ring.

Less than 30% is the early stage, 30%-60% is the middle stage, and 60%-90% is the late stage. The same is true for the elementalization of wizards, and the same is true for the bloodlines of warlocks. Bloodlines are almost impossible.

In terms of mental strength, Eli is currently a wizard in the middle of the first ring, but if it is about blood, it is much worse. Eli has tested it before, and the fit is only about 34%.

There is no way to do this, who made him choose the path of the wizard, he has just started the bloodline journey, in fact, this is also the status quo of most wizards integrating into the bloodline, they rarely improve the power of the bloodline, mainly relying on the identity of the wizard Learning progress, naturally it is impossible to leave too much time for the blood.

Eli has time, but he just hasn't had time to do it yet.

And through the shield, Eli can't use powerful witchcraft, and can only watch the shield be destroyed a little bit, but Eli's original intention is to consume the two of them.

As the shield disappeared little by little, Hines and the two couldn't help showing a somewhat tired expression on their faces, and the power of blood in their bodies even dropped to a low point.

"Heins, we can't continue, we have to take a break." Another warlock said with a tired face.

"Yeah." Hines nodded, he turned his head to look at Eli, and said viciously:

"Damn wizard, we'll go in and take your head off in a moment."


"What the hell, come out if you have the guts!" A simple huh made Hines furious again and cursed.

"it is good!"

? ? ? ?

Hines was about to scold, but when he heard this, he froze for a moment, and then saw Eli slowly walking out of the shield.

He looked at the two of Hines, and then a large thick shadow appeared on the body, with dragon scales all over the body, and the dark eyes gradually turned into golden vertical pupils.

"Come on, let me see the blood of the shadow monitor lizard." Eli smiled.

When it's exhausted, it's natural for him to do it.

"You have also fused blood???"

Hines' eyes widened. This wizard's learning is too complicated. It's necromancy, elemental witchcraft, and blood. Can you learn it?

But these are not the most important thing. What is important is that when he looks at Eli, he always feels a kind of terrifying suppression on the bloodline, not only the higher-level bloodline, but also the original suppression.

Does the West Coast have this blood?

Hines' throat twitched slightly. With this feeling, he couldn't be a dragon vein warlock. A wizard who has fused the blood of a giant dragon. You must know that the shadow monitor lizard also contains a trace of the blood of a dragon.

"Heins, something is wrong!" Another warlock beside him also felt a kind of pressure.

At this moment, most of their energy was exhausted, looking at Eli, they felt a great fear.

"Why, I'm out, why don't you come on." Eli smiled.

A few hours have been consumed, isn't it just for now?


"Hynes, come on!"

On the other side, Hines and the two looked at each other and shot at the same time.

By this time, they had no medicine for regret, and as they got closer to Eli, they felt the suppression of their blood even more, which made their already weak physical strength exhausted faster.

The battle begins.

"Die!" Hines cursed, controlling the shadows around him, and attacked Eli.

But he was stunned in the next second. Although the shadow appeared, it didn't attack Eli, but rushed towards the two of them directly, submerging them.

Compared with the shadow monitor lizard, the shadow dragon is the ancestor.

In the shadows, the corner of Hynes' mouth twitched. He never expected to become like this. In front of Eli, their ability to control the shadows was almost deprived. In the darkness, he could only keep resisting the shadows coming from all around him.

"Damn it!" Hines cursed.

Suddenly, feeling the wind in his ears, his eyes widened, and he immediately dodged to the side, but a dragon claw had already passed by his ear, tearing a hole in his face.

"Damn it!" Hines' throat moved slightly, and he was already regretting it, but when the Dragon Claw missed a hit, he immediately returned to the shadows again, waiting for an opportunity.

In this way, Hines kept observing, and Eli kept looking for opportunities.

Finally, ten minutes later.

Accompanied by Hines' exhausted resistance, a dragon claw directly pierced into his chest, broke through the hard scales, and crushed his heart.

Hines died!

With Hines' death, the shadow gradually began to dissipate.

Eli standing on the ground was exposed, and Hines was dead, and another warlock was dealt with in the gap.

This shadow area created based on the shadow dragon bloodline and other witchcraft models is still very useful, but it consumes a lot of money and is a bit difficult to manipulate. This is a skill he developed when he was free, and his first show was not bad.

And this is a very potential witchcraft, with the potential to improve all the time.

"Hey, I was almost injured. If there were dozens more of them and their strength was stronger, it might be dangerous!" Eli shook his head, looking at the only wound on his arm, which was just now. made in the shadows.

"No one saw it this time, which is really good."

No, Eli turned his head to look at the castle. At this time, in a window of the castle, Rose was dumbfounded.

Is Grandpa Herman who protects him so good?

Eli sighed, he should have passed out just now, and now he can only use the soul brand slave.


Three hours later.

Outside the city of Corinna, a figure rushed towards him.

His whole body was covered with pitch-black scales, and his vertical pupils were full of anger and anxiety. When he saw Wangcheng, his speed increased and he headed directly towards the palace.

"Damn, damn, damn!!!" Eiffel looked angry.

Originally, he was on duty outside, but suddenly he received the news that his family was attacked, and it was his old rival family who told him the news. This made him turn pale with fright, and immediately ran towards here.

Enter the palace.

He smelled the smell of blood, and his heart skipped a beat.

There was blood everywhere, corpses.

Eiffel gritted his teeth and traveled almost everywhere. There was no longer a living person, and there was almost nothing left in the family.

So everything, the family he had run all his life, just disappeared.

"It's gone, it's gone." Eiffel said tragically, tears streaming down his tough skin.

Except for some outsiders of the family, none of the immediate family members were alive except him.

He is two hundred years old, and he was injured when he was young, and he will not live for a few years. Today, all his relatives left directly, which made him feel a little painful.

"Hey!" All the pain turned into sadness, and Eiffel took out a dagger.

He picked it up with one hand and placed it on his chest.

Eyes closed.

"Your Excellency Eiffel, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a voice came.

Among the thorns of the big tree not far away, a large piece of thorns not far away slowly spread out, revealing Eli among them, and Rose blinking beside him.

Eiffel opened his eyes, and the six eyes met, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

The corner of Old Eiffel's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that someone was still alive. He didn't realize it just now, but when he saw Rose beside him, his eyes widened.

He ran over quickly, picked up Rose, and confirmed that it was really his great-grandson.

"Your Excellency Eiffel, someone raided here a few hours ago. I fused with the blood of the Thorn Dryad, so I immediately hid here with Rose until the Lord came." Eli said with a look of horror, as if thinking of the past Horror scene.

"Who did it?" Although he didn't know when Herman in front of him would be promoted, he didn't have time to care about that at all.

"I don't know." Eli shook his head.

"Forget it, I'll investigate." Originally, he was determined to die, but suddenly found that he still had relatives who were still alive, and he immediately cheered up.

"Thank you, Herman." Eiffel said solemnly.

"It's nothing, I just protect myself." Eli shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, it's a pity that I have nothing now. My collection room and the magic stones stored by my family have been looted, so I can't give you any rewards." Eiffel sighed.

"It's okay my lord, I also got paid for the mission." A forced smile appeared on Eli's face.

"Well, I'm still sorry, don't worry, I will definitely give it to you if I have a chance in the future, but now I want to take my grandson to the academy, I have to ask for an explanation, and it is also the safest place, why don't you first Go back to the camp, I heard it's quite serious there." Eiffel apologized.

"Yes, my lord." Eli nodded.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then Eiffel took Rose away.


On the way, Eiffel took Rose towards the academy. He glanced at Rose and said:

"Heman not only saved you, but he didn't ask for payment. He is a good man, don't forget it in the future."

Ross blinked.

nice guy?

Although he is still young, but...


the other side.

Eli sensed that Rose's soul was in a normal state, then glanced at the Corinna family's legacy in the secret realm, and then quickly left Corinna City.

The Corinna family is also a good family.

(end of this chapter)

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