The Immortals Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 183 Quick Kill, Counterattack

Chapter 183 Quick Kill, Counterattack


As if two energies collided, Eli bumped into Pablo in an instant.

Big vs small.

But to everyone's astonishment, three seconds later, a huge figure flew out.


Pablo flew out, Eli remained where he was.

He was sent flying head-on!

This is the blood of the Titans in the mountains, strength is their strong point, and they were actually knocked away by Eli.

All the White Tower warlocks under the White Tower looked at Eli in shock. No one expected that the strength of the Deputy Speaker of the Logistics would be so terrifying and outrageous.

Such a strong person has been doing logistics for hundreds of years, this shit is too outrageous.

This was the first time they had seen Eli fight, and the first time they knew how powerful he was.

At this time, the warlocks of Ten Thousand Blood also looked at me in shock, Eli. Their impression of this warlock was that the virus caused their failure back then.

And in the corner, the second-level sorcerer looked at Eli curiously. This bloodline seems interesting. It seems that the White Tower is not that simple.

But he didn't intend to do anything, just watched quietly, and he didn't participate in the previous battle.

On the other side, Pablo flew all the way, passed through the crowd, and smashed into the building. The building began to collapse instantly, burying it, and the smoke and dust flew up.


The ruins started to move, and Pablo slowly drilled out, spitting out the stray rock in his mouth, and then saw a few cracks in the rock outside his body, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Eli again.

"Your bloodline is very powerful, but if it's just that, it's not enough to break my defense. The defense of the mountain range Titan is the top among the three rings." Pablo walked out of the ruins, and more rocks were attached to it.

"Although my strength is not as good as yours, it is absolutely impossible for you to break through my defense. With such a strong defense, how can you beat me?"

Pablo's face also became serious, but his style remained the same.

The Ten Thousand Blood Warlock felt relieved when they saw that Pablo was fine. In their view, Pablo's defense was ridiculously strong, and it was absolutely impossible for Eli to break through Pablo's defense.

Eli was a little speechless.

A very strong warlock, with a mouth in vain.

Glancing at Pablo, Eli took a deep breath.

The power of the bloodline was stimulated to the extreme, and a coercion from the bloodline was released directly. He looked around, and it was already night, and it was the time when the shadow dragon was the strongest.

A large number of shadows rushed to Eli in an instant, and countless shadows gathered in Eli's hands. At the same time, Eli's wizard's huge spiritual power also gathered inward. If this is the second characteristic of his blood's talent for witchcraft, he can integrate other powers.

The right time and place.

This was Eli's strongest fusion attack, and he attacked Pablo in an instant.

"Shadow, this can't break my defense." Pablo grinned grimly, and the power of his blood was activated.

In the next second, the small balls gathered by the shadows attacked.

But what surprised Pablo was not the power of shadows, but that there seemed to be other powers in it, which were silent but burst out instantly, making Pablo feel as if his brain was being stirred, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

Mental attack!

The mountain range titan has enormous power and aura, but its spiritual level is very fragile, but due to the scarcity of wizards, he has never encountered a strong spiritual attack.

At this moment, his control over the power of the blood was instantly disordered.

"Do not!!!"

At this time, the rock defense on his body was instantly released, and to his horror, the ball of shadow had also exploded, and in less than a second, endless shadows instantly submerged him.

Three seconds later, the shadow dissipated.

Pablo's body appears on the ground.


There was silence.

The originally noisy battlefield fell silent in an instant.

No one thought that the battle would end in an instant, and the people from both the White Tower and the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance were a little confused.


Kratos looked at this scene, not knowing what to say!

Looking at Eli, his expression was complicated.

This Nima is too strong, even stronger than him. Judging by this strength, it is definitely considered the strongest group in the second ring and the limit of the second ring. It is not at the same level as him. confused.

After all, a subordinate of a hundred years suddenly burst out with strength stronger than you at the time of life and death, telling you that everything is a small problem, who would not be confused by this!

"Is this Lord Herman?"

The other White Tower Warlocks also understood with shock, and looked at Eli, for a long time, you believed what they saw.


But this time the second is the strongest combat power of Ten Thousand Blood, the Pablo of the second ring limit!

"Ass, I knew it." The corner of Rawls's mouth twitched. He knew that Eli was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Seeing Eli pretend is worse than eating ashes himself.

"This is the Herman who taught me casino skills back then." Evna stopped talking, and suddenly understood why Eli always behaved indifferently before.

Because he has the ability to face the crisis, he naturally does not panic.


"how is this possible!"

On the other side, the other Ten Thousand Blood Warlocks also looked confused.

Don't know what to say?

"Master Pablo died just like that?"

"Does the White Tower still hide such a strong combat power?"


The remaining nine second rings looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

This reversed too quickly.


After killing Pablo, Eli walked towards the White Tower.

The people on the periphery moved out of the way, and Eli made his way to the center.

"Heman, you..." The others looked complicated.

"Don't think about it too much, we must not let anyone from the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance here today." Eli said directly.

"However, we are exhausted now." Kratos said awkwardly.

But in the next second, more than a dozen bottles of medicine were thrown over.

"This is?" Kratos wondered.

"The blood potion has restored the power of the blood." Eli said casually.

"Bloodline potion, isn't this the potion you developed before? It shouldn't be useful to us." This is one of the potions modified by Eli, so Kratos was puzzled.

However, he took it immediately, and instantly felt that the blood power in his body recovered by more than a quarter, which was completely different from the previous medicine.

"It was a castrated version before." Eli explained casually.

other people:……

The blood potion was one of the signature potions of the White Pagoda before, but today they found out that it was a castrated version.

Soon Kratos distributed the potion to everyone, and the combat power began to recover. Then Kiki looked at Eli and Kratos, waiting for orders, and Kratos looked at Eli.

"Look at me, you are the speaker!" Eli said inexplicably.

"Oh, I'm still the speaker, haha, I forgot." Kratos rubbed his head in embarrassment.

The main reason is that Eli has changed so much all of a sudden that he doesn't know how to deal with it. Now it seems that the change has not been that great, and he is still the same Herman.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Kratos then probed over and asked with a smile.

Eli: ...

"Kill it." Eli glanced at Kratos speechlessly.

"Well, then kill." Kratos nodded, stopped his body, and said loudly to the warlock behind him:

"Kill the Ten Thousand Blood Warlock, leaving no one behind."

The battle begins again.

This time, Eli took a rest after killing three or four second-ring warlocks, but watched Kratos kill, but only for a while, his eyes shifted to the warlock in the corner.

This second-ring extreme warlock in black robe has never done anything.

In fact, he had noticed this warlock when he first arrived. This warlock was very strange, and he just stood silently in the corner, not doing anything, just watching.

On the other side, under the leadership of Kratos, three or four other warlocks were killed soon. Kratos walked towards Eli, and the other warlocks went to kill the other Ten Thousand Blood Warlocks here.

The shield that once prevented the White Tower from escaping has also become the biggest obstacle to their escape.


the other side.

"Who are you?" Eli asked looking at the black-robed warlock.

"I'm not a man of ten thousand blood. I just came here to take a look, but it seems that they are not very useful." The black-robed warlock lifted his hood, and it was a middle-aged man.

"But I seem to have discovered a force with greater potential."

"Hello, Hessota second-ring warlock Simon Publan, you can call me Simon."

Black Tower?

Eli frowned, which force is this?

(end of this chapter)

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