The Immortals Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 194 The New Parliament, The Crisis Of The White Tower

Chapter 194 The New Parliament, the Crisis of the White Tower

Wearing a warlock robe, Eli walked out of the Black Tower Prison.

Passing through the dense forest, he soon came to the main area of ​​the White Tower.

"What a difference."

Eli walked on the street, looked at the surrounding environment, and couldn't help but sigh. Compared with a hundred years ago, both the number of buildings and the density of buildings are much higher.

Of course, the biggest changes are still the warlocks of the White Tower, whose strength is much stronger than before.

Ten minutes later, he came to the White Tower.

"Stop, casual entry is not allowed here." Two guards of third-class apprentices stopped Eli.

Eli didn't expect this scene to happen, and he understood in the next second that he hadn't shown up for a long time, and then he took out his own token.

"This is... Lord Herman? You are Lord Herman." The two guards glanced at the token. They were puzzled at first, and then realized that they opened their mouths wide.

The person in front of him is Heman, one of the legends of the White Tower.

"My lord, please come in!"

The two guards stepped aside immediately, for fear of offending Eli.

Naturally, Eli would not argue with the two guards, and walked in directly. The White Tower is no longer in charge of other business, and it is not the same as before, so it is very spacious, and he soon came to the door of the meeting room.

He opened the door and walked in directly.

"Hey, am I the first to arrive?" Walking in, there was no one there, and he was the first to arrive today, which is a bit rare. After thinking about it, he sat directly where he used to be.

After half an hour, the first person came in.


Kelin is a second-ring wizard who made great contributions in an important battle more than ten years ago. In addition, he thought that the White Tower had paid a lot of credit before and became a member of parliament.

Today he was called to sit in parliament.

"Hey, someone has already arrived." Looking at the opened door, Kelin was a little surprised.

Since the parliament was usually delayed for half an hour a few years ago, few people came so early. He also came early today because he had nothing to do. It seemed that someone was earlier than him.

"Who is it?" Kelin strode in, ready to say hello.

But when he walked in and saw the only person inside, he was stunned.

"this is?"

He blinked, and there was actually a person sitting in the deputy speaker's seat that had been vacant all along.

"It looks young, but the aura is just a ring of layers. Is it a disguise? I've never seen this person before!!" Kelin frowned, a little confused.

Finding faults is naturally impossible. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to come here. Could it be...

Thinking of a certain possibility, Kelin's eyes widened.

Walking into the conference room, he asked Eli respectfully.

"Hello, my lord. I'm Kelin, the eighth member of parliament. Are you Lord Herman?" Kelin watched Eli slowly approaching, and asked cautiously.

Eli nodded.

"What, you are really Lord Herman. I didn't expect you to come to the meeting." Kelin couldn't believe it. This honorary councilor hadn't shown his face for almost a hundred years.

If the Black Tower Prison hadn't been in operation, some people even suspected that he was dead.

After saying hello, Kelin suppressed his excitement and returned to his seat.

It's so explosive.

But then he realized something was wrong. Even Herman had attended the meeting. What happened?

With Kelin's arrival, the councilors came one by one.

They also expressed quite shock when they saw Eli, and Eli sighed a little.

I don't know each other, I don't know any of them.

At this time, eight councilors came, and Eli didn't know any of them. They were all new faces, but the difference was that they were all second-ring, and one of the second-ring limits showed that the White Tower was different from what it used to be.

Another five minutes.

Eli finally saw an acquaintance.

"Herman, you're still willing to come out!" Rawls joked, sitting on the deputy speaker's seat.

"Haha, what happened?" Eli asked directly, he didn't pay much attention to the outside world recently.

"I don't know either." Rawls shook his head.

"Okay." Eli had no choice but to wait for Kratos to come.

After a while, other congressmen also came one by one, Ross also came, and sat in the seat of another deputy speaker. As for Silen, he died in a battle thirty years ago.

Ross and Eli are very familiar and wanted to come over to say hello, but Eli just winked. After all, it would be strange for one deputy speaker to call another deputy speaker.

At this time, the crowd was basically full, and Eli glanced around. Except for Ross and Rawls, he only knew three of the other twelve people, and the others were already different.

The twelve people are all second-ring, Ross is the late second-ring, Rawls is the limit of the second-ring, but to Eli's surprise, the first member of the council is also a second-ring limit.

From other sources, Eli learned that his name was Laurent, and his fusion was a third-ring bloodline named Thorn Earth Dragon. He joined the White Tower by accident, and it has been almost seventy years.

"What do you think of his strength!" Rawls joked in a low voice.

"Not bad." Eli commented briefly.

"Hehe, it's more than good. With the blood of the third ring and the extreme strength of the second ring, I should not be his opponent at this time. If it weren't for my seniority, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold him down, and he has always been very upset with Ross. As the deputy speaker, I think this is a shady scene, and I have some opinions on you." Rawls said quickly, and then turned his head back.

When Rawls said this, Eli also found that it seemed a little bit.

Laurent was a thirty-year-old man, with a yellowish complexion, a tall figure, and khaki eyes. He glanced at Eli and Rose from time to time.

Eli smiled and didn't take it seriously.

It's just a warlock at the level of Pablo, and Ross, he guessed right, it is indeed a black box operation.

He recruited his own person to be the deputy speaker, but he didn't care what other people thought.

He shook his head, closed his eyes, and waited for Kratos.

"Sure enough, it's the Herman I know." Rawls looked at Eli and smiled in a low voice. Since he knew Eli Eli, he didn't seem to have seen him flustered.

"Damn it!"

Laurent gritted his teeth, just now he was deliberately testing Herman, but he didn't think that this guy didn't take him seriously at all, and just closed his eyes to rest.

"The times have changed, and I still have the honorary title? If I was here at the same level as I am now, Pablo, I can also solve it, and I haven't made any contribution for decades, but I have always occupied a lot of resources and power." Laurent took a deep breath.

He was upset, super upset.

Ten minutes later.

Tread Tread!

With the sound of footsteps, Eli opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

Kratos is here.

However, compared with a hundred years ago, Kratos has changed too much at this time.

he is old.

Just like his former teacher, Kratos's skin was covered with wrinkles at this time, his hair was more than half white, and his body was no longer as burly as before.

He has reached the end of his life.

At the end of each warlock's life, due to the strong blood, it will cause a huge backlash on the appearance, making them age faster. Kratos is at this stage at this time.

At this moment he walked in slowly, saw Eli nodded, and Eli nodded in return.

Another dying!

As soon as Kratos came, everyone else became serious.

He walked slowly to the chairman's position, looked at the crowd, sighed, and said in a heavy tone:

"Guys, we're in big trouble."

(end of this chapter)

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