Baofu struggled to get up from the bed.

She doesn't want to die, she wants to live.

She was going to ask someone for help.

However, the arsenic in her body had been poisoned, severe pain swept her whole body, and her limbs were so weak that she couldn't stand up even with all her strength.

In the end, she fell off the bed and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

She lay prone on the cold and flat ground, gritted her teeth, and using both hands and feet, she struggled to crawl towards the door little by little.

But before she climbed to the door, her eyes went dark and she fainted suddenly.

Zhao Xian rushed into the Misty Rain Palace aggressively with the guards.

Yan Cairen had already made preparations, and when he saw them coming, he deliberately showed a look of astonishment.

"What are you doing? This is the residence of the harem concubines, how can you trespass at will?"

Zhao Xian showed the imperial edict written by the emperor himself, and said in a deep voice.

"The last general was ordered to do something, and he wanted to take Miss Baofu to ask a few words, and I would like to ask someone to help me."

Although Yan Cairen was a little dissatisfied, he still said: "Since it is the emperor's order, I naturally dare not disobey, but Baofu has been a little uncomfortable these two days, she is resting in the room, if you want to see her, you have to go Find her in her house."

Zhao Xian: "Please let someone show you the way."

Yan Cairen estimated the time in his mind, and by this time the arsenic had already occurred, and Baofu must have died.

She nodded: "Come with me."

Under the leadership of Yan Cairen, the imperial guards successfully found Baofu's residence.

The doors and windows are closed.

Zhao Xian knocked on the door several times, but no one responded.

His heart sank, and he immediately raised his foot and kicked the door open!

On the ground behind the door, Baofu was lying on his stomach in an extremely embarrassing posture.

Her eyes were wide open, her lips were purple, and there was a streak of black blood hanging around her mouth. Her face was pale and gray, with a grim expression, the wound on her forehead had not healed, the light-colored jacket she was wearing was stained with blood, her hair Spread out.

Everyone outside the door was shocked by this scene.

Even Yan Cairen, who had been mentally prepared long ago, couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

She subconsciously took two steps back, her face full of horror.

"Baofoo is dead!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xian glanced back at her.

There was something strange in that gaze.

"I haven't checked yet, how can you be sure she's dead?"

Yan Cairen panicked, and hurriedly argued: "I guessed it, she really looks like she is dead, I don't understand this, if I say something wrong, please don't take it to heart .”

At the end, her eyes turned red slightly, her face was begging, and she looked very pitiful.

She was originally a rare beauty, but showing such a mood at this time made her even more lovable, as long as it was a man, he couldn't help but be attracted by her.

Zhao Xian couldn't help but was slightly taken aback.

But soon he came back to his senses, and his heart suddenly became vigilant.

This woman was deliberately pretending to be pitiful just now, in an attempt to win his sympathy and make him lower his suspicion of her.

If Yan Cairen has a clear conscience, she doesn't need to do this at all.

Zhao Xian withdrew his gaze calmly, and stepped forward to check Baofu's breath in person.

Unexpectedly, Baofu is still alive!

she is alive!

Zhao Xian immediately had Baofu lifted up and put on the bed, and sent someone to invite the imperial physician.

When Yan Cairen saw this, his face paled.

Why didn't Baofu die? She has already finished the chicken soup, and there is a lot of arsenic in that soup, she will definitely be poisoned to death!

Since Zhao Xian became wary of Yan Caisheng, he has been secretly observing her every move.

At this time, seeing the panic expression on her face, the whole person was restless.

Zhao Xian's suspicion of her deepened a bit.

He sent someone to upload a message to the emperor.

After Luo Qinghan learned of this, he immediately put down the memorial in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Putting in Misty Rain Palace."

Eunuch Chang respectfully replied, "Here."

The dragon chariot carried the emperor to the Misty Rain Palace, surrounded by a large number of court ladies and eunuchs.

When they arrived at Yanyu Palace, the imperial physician was already treating Baofu.

Yan Cairen stood by, staring at Baofu on the bed without blinking, and unconsciously messed with the silk handkerchief with her fingers, the high-quality silk handkerchief had been pulled out of shape by her.

She didn't notice it.

She prayed in her heart over and over again, praying that Baofu would die immediately.

At this time, someone came to report that the emperor had come!

Yan Cairen was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating.

She had hoped that the emperor would come to Yanyu Palace to visit her, but now that the emperor really came, she didn't feel the slightest joy, only deep fear and uneasiness.

Why didn't the emperor come sooner or later? Why did it come at this time?

Was it because he knew something?

Yan Cairen didn't dare to think about it any further, she was afraid that if she continued to think about it, she would scare herself to death.

Zhao Xian looked back at her when he walked to the door.

"Won't Cairen go out to pick him up?"

Yan Cairen twitched the corners of his mouth and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "I'll go right away."

Zhao Xian took the initiative to step aside: "Talented talents are invited first."

Yan Cairen walked out of the room slowly with heavy steps.

When she walked to the main hall, the emperor was already standing in the hall.

Yan Cairen and Zhao Xian greeted the emperor one after the other.

Luo Qinghan turned around, looked at them and asked.

"How is the person?"

Zhao Xian replied truthfully: "Still being rescued."

Luo Qinghan: "You continue to watch over there, and notify me as soon as you have any news."


Zhao Xian simply turned around and left.

Yan Cairen also wanted to follow along and watch, she wanted to know whether Baofu was dead or alive.

However, Luo Qinghan's eyes locked on her.

"You stay here."

If it was the past, Yan Cairen would definitely be overjoyed when she heard this, but now she feels even more panicked.

She tremblingly replied: "Here."

The maid served refreshments.

Luo Qinghan didn't want to taste it, he just stood there quietly.

He didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to speak rashly, they all held their breath.

For a while, a needle could be heard in the hall.

In the cold weather, Yan Cairen was so nervous that his back was sweating.

From time to time, she raised her eyes to peek at the emperor, trying to analyze the emperor's mind at this time through her expression.

To her disappointment, the emperor had no expression from the beginning to the end.

She couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind at all.

Time passed little by little.

Yan Cairen could neither move nor dare to speak, he could only pray frantically in his heart, hoping that Baofu would die soon!

As long as Baofu dies, no one can prove that she has anything to do with the case of the missing concubine.

At this moment, Zhao Xian ran over quickly.

"Your Majesty, Miss Baofu is awake! But her throat is severely damaged, and she can't speak for the time being. The imperial doctor said that she will be able to speak again after a period of recuperation."

Yan Cairen is like being struck by lightning.

Her eyes widened in disbelief and she blurted out.

"How can this be?"

Baofu ate so much arsenic, how could she survive? !

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