In a small forest near Youmen County.

Xiao Xixi was squatting in the bushes, looking out.

She saw a lot of people standing on top of the city wall in the distance, men, women and children.

Because the distance was too far, she couldn't see the expressions of those people clearly, but she could guess without thinking that those people must be very panicked and desperate at this moment.

The rebels threatened the imperial army with their lives to stop the attack.

Due to the situation, the imperial army had to suspend the siege.

The scene was deadlocked.

Xiao Xixi knew very well in his heart that Master Tianyan's move was tantamount to forcing the emperor into a dilemma. No matter what he chose, he would end up being criticized by others.

Even if the rebellion is put down in the end, the emperor's reputation will be stained.

Daoist Tianyan can't beat you to death, but he will disgust you to death.

Especially shameless!

Xiao Xixi looked back at Yu Jiu and asked in a low voice.

"Haven't you finished it yet?"

Yu Jiu was digging hard, when he heard this, he raised his head and glanced at her, and said angrily.

"Can't you come and help me?"

Xiao Xixi sighed faintly: "She's just a weak girl, she can't hold back her shoulders, she can't lift her hands, she can't do such heavy work."

Yu Jiu was so disgusted that she simply ignored her and continued digging.

When he was about a foot deep, the shovel finally hit something hard.

He immediately threw away the shovel, brushed off the layer of soil on the surface with his palm, and groped back and forth with his fingers.

Soon he touched a metal ring.

He pulled up hard.

A heavy small door made of brass was just pulled open.

A dark underground entrance was revealed.

Xiao Xixi leaned over: "Is this the tunnel leading to Youmen County?"

Yu Jiu tore a few leaves casually, wiped off the dirt on his hands, and replied casually.


From the day Tianyan Daoist decided to raise troops from Youmen County, he had people dig several secret passages in the city.

This is just one of them.

I only know where the entrance and exit of this tunnel are.

The others are only known by Master Tianyan himself. "

Xiao Xixi: "Why did he dig so many secret passages?"

Yu Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a mocking arc.

"Of course it is so that he can escape smoothly after the failure of the army."

Xiao Xixi clicked her tongue: "Tsk, so he is so afraid of death. Since he is afraid of death, why would he rebel? Wouldn't it be good to be a Taoist?"

Yu Jiu: "You have to ask him about that."

He jumped into the tunnel, picked up the torch hanging on the wall, and lit it with the torch he carried with him.

The firelight illuminated a small area.

Xiao Xixi took a closer look and found that the tunnel was deeper than she expected.

Yu Jiu raised his head and stretched out his hand towards her.

"Come down."

If the acupoints are not sealed, this height is nothing to Xiao Xixi, she can jump directly.

However, she can't use martial arts now, and if she jumps from such a high place, she may twist her foot.

Yu Jiu reached out to pick her up precisely because she expected this.

But Xiao Xixi didn't even look at his hand.

She sat down on the ground directly, then turned around, put her hands on the ground, bent one leg, and stretched the other leg into the tunnel, carefully looking for a place to land.

After finding a foothold, she stretched the other leg in.

She just moved down little by little, not only at an extremely slow speed, but also clumsily.

When Yu Jiu saw that she would rather struggle to climb down by herself than touch the hand he extended, his mood suddenly became extremely bad.

He sarcastically said.

"Do you know what you look like now? Like an old turtle dying."

Xiao Xixi ignored him.

When one foot touched the flat ground, she immediately dropped the other foot.

Take a long breath.

Finally landed!

Xiao Xixi patted the dust on her hands and clothes, and said to Yu Jiu.

"let's go."

Yu Jiu was extremely upset now, and sneered on his face: "You go ahead."

The passage ahead was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

When most people come to this kind of place for the first time, they will definitely feel uneasy.

Yu Jiu asked Xiao Xixi to go forward, knowing that he was trying to make things difficult for her.

But Xiao Xixi didn't mean to be afraid at all.

She lifted her foot and walked forward.

Yu Jiu held a torch and followed her.

His eyes followed her back all the time, those eyes were dark and deep, as if hiding an invisible monster.

Yu Jiu asked abruptly.

"Are you not afraid that I will sell you?"

Xiao Xixi didn't stop walking, and said casually, "Oh, how much do you plan to sell me for?"

Yu Jiu: "I'm not short of money."

Xiao Xixi: "I see."

Her tone was sour, full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Yu Jiu: "But I have a grudge against the emperor, and I might take this opportunity to kill you for revenge."

Xiao Xixi: "Then you still have a grudge against me, and I might take the opportunity to kill you."

Yu Jiu fell into silence.

Indeed, from the moment he met Xiao Xixi, he was full of conspiracy and calculations.

If it weren't for the fact that they had the same enemy, maybe they would still be enemies of each other now.

It was because we got along so harmoniously during this period that he almost forgot his old grievances with her.

Yu Jiu: "If we can all escape this time, can our previous enmity be written off?"

He said this very softly, but it was too quiet in the tunnel, so Xiao Xixi who was walking in front still heard it.

Her footsteps paused slightly, as if she wanted to turn around.

But in the end, for some reason, she didn't look back, but continued to move forward.


These two simple words immediately dissipated all the unhappiness in Yu Jiu's heart.

His mood suddenly became better again.

He sped up his pace a little, closing the distance with Xiao Xixi.

Yu Jiu asked enthusiastically: "If I go back to the Western Regions in the future, do you want to come with me?"

Xiao Xixi gave him three words without looking back.

"You're dreaming."

Yu Jiu: "..."

It doesn't have to be so direct.

Seeing that the exit was getting closer, Xiao Xixi finally stopped.

She looked back at Yu Jiu.

"I'll see Master Tianyan later, you should untie the acupuncture points on my body."

Yu Jiu: "No, Master Tianyan has always been suspicious. He will definitely ask someone to check whether your acupoints are really sealed. If he finds that your acupoints are unobstructed, he will definitely be suspicious of you and me."

Xiao Xixi clicked her tongue: "This old guy is really a chicken thief."

Yu Jiu took out the rope wrapped around his waist.

"I have to tie you up."

Xiao Xixi stretched out her hands very cooperatively: "Come on."

Yu Jiu tied her wrists firmly, and then pushed open the front door.

Light followed.

He extinguished the torch, threw it aside, and led Xiao Xixi out of the tunnel.


The explosion is over, good morning everyone~

Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~

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