Holding up the gleaming silver dagger, Yu Jiu walked up to Xiao Xixi step by step.

Because the medicine was too bitter, her eyes were a little red, as if she could cry at any time.

Yu Jiu looked at her fixedly.

His purpose is to kill the real Tianyan and avenge his family.

Xiao Xixi's life and death were actually not within his consideration.

He only needs to goug out her eyes, and then give her eyeballs to the real Tianyan, and the real Tianyan will transplant it to himself immediately. During the process of transplanting the eyes, the defense of the real Tianyan will definitely be greatly reduced.

At that time, it was an excellent time to assassinate the real Tianyan.

But now, Yu Jiu looked at the faint pink smudged from the corners of Xiao Xixi's eyes, and suddenly felt that the dagger in her hand was extremely heavy.

It was so heavy that he could barely hold it.

Immortal Tianyan's urging voice came from behind.

"Hurry up!"

At this moment, Xiao Xixi finally realized that something was wrong.

She woke up completely, her face remained calm, and her fingers quietly clenched the knife hidden in her sleeve.

Yu Jiu stopped less than a foot away from Xiao Xixi.

He bent down, pinched Xiao Xixi's chin with one hand, and slowly lowered the dagger with the other hand.

The tip of the knife shone with a cold light, getting closer and closer to Xiao Xixi's pupils.

Xiao Xixi blinked her eyelashes lightly.

In the bright and clear pupils, the dagger that was close at hand and the man in front of him were clearly reflected.

At this moment, Yu Jiu suddenly understood that she did not fall into a half-dream and half-awake state because of the effect of the medicine.

She is still wide awake!

Yu Jiu was suddenly a little uneasy, did she think that he really wanted to goug her eyes?

His movements became slower and slower, but the determination in his eyes became more and more obvious.

At this time, Yu Jiu was facing the real Tianyan and Wang Gan with his back.

His lips slightly opened and closed, and he silently said something to Xiao Xixi——

I'm going to do it.

Before Xiao Xixi could respond, Yu Jiu turned around abruptly!

The backhand is a silver needle, and it is thrown towards Tianyan Zhenren and Wang Gan!

The real Tianyan's reaction speed is extremely fast.

Without even thinking about it, he grabbed Wang Gan who was standing beside him, and dragged him in front of him.

Wang Qian became the shield of the real Tianyan, blocking all the silver needles with his body.

Those needles are coated with highly toxic.

Wang Gan's expression changed the moment he got the needle.

He fell to the ground convulsively, foaming at the mouth, his eyelids kept rolling up, looking in extreme pain, and then he began to vomit black blood from the mouth, unconscious.

Immortal Tianyan didn't care about Wang Gan's life and death, he raised his right hand, aimed his cuff at Yu Jiu, and at the same time pressed the switch, and the small crossbow hidden in the wide sleeve was fired.

The short arrow swished towards Yu Jiu!

Yu Jiu dodged sideways and at the same time pushed Xiao Xixi.

Xiao Xixi fell to the ground with all her strength, and her shoulder just missed the short arrow.

If she had been slower just now, she would have been shot by a short arrow.

Xiao Xixi was afraid before it was too late, and quickly scratched the rope on her wrist with a knife.

The short arrow flew into the air, nailed hard into the wall, and made a buzzing sound.

Master Tianyan shouted sharply using his inner strength.

"Come on, there are assassins!"

His stern shout spread a long distance, and immediately attracted the attention of the rebels.

Yu Jiu knew that the rebels would come soon, and he had to make a quick decision.

He did everything he could.

Silver needles, Gu worms, hidden weapons.

As long as there is something on his body, he will throw it all at Tianyan Master.

Immortal Tianyan is still injured, and his speed is slower than before, but when facing Yu Jiu, he still performs with ease.

With a flick of the whisk in his hand, he swept away the hidden weapons that were rushing towards his face, and sneered disdainfully.

"I taught you everything about you. No one in this world knows your tricks better than me. These tricks of yours seem to be more powerful, but they are actually all flashy.

One last lesson for you as a father.

You have always had a very serious shortcoming, that is, your own martial arts is not high.

As long as I can get close to you, you are finished, like this..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly dodged, bypassed the hidden weapon, and appeared in front of Yu Jiu like a ghost.

Yu Jiu instinctively backed away, trying to distance herself from him.

However, Master Tianyan did not give him this chance.

Master Tianyan grabbed Yu Jiu's neck and lifted him up.

Even though Master Tianyan is still injured, his strength still far exceeds that of Yu Jiu.

Just relying on Yu Jiu's tricks, he is no match for him at all.

Yu Jiu felt that her neck was almost broken, she couldn't breathe normally, and her face turned purple.

He stabbed the dagger in his hand fiercely at the neck of Master Tianyan!

Immortal Tianyan let go of his hand first, and at the same time raised his foot and kicked Yu Jiu's abdomen hard.

Yu Jiu was kicked and flew backwards, hitting the vase with her body.

In the end, the person and the vase fell to the ground together.

The vase shattered into many pieces.

Yu Jiu just lay on the broken porcelain, her hands were covered with blood, her abdomen and neck felt burning pain.

He struggled to get up, but was slapped on the face by Master Tianyan with a whisk!

Half of Yu Jiu's face suddenly became red and swollen.

He gasped in pain.

Master Tianyan looked down at him condescendingly, his eyes filled with disgust and contempt.

"I've raised you for so many years, but I didn't expect to raise a white-eyed wolf.

That being the case, then I will abolish your martial arts, and scrape off the flesh and blood on your body bit by bit, all as repayment for the kindness I have given you in nurturing you over the years. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted Yu Jiu's Tianling Gai!

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind.

It was too late to turn around now.

Master Tianyan could only dodge to the side by instinct.

Even so, it was still a step too late, and he was stabbed in the lower back.

The stinging pain made him frown, and his face became more gloomy.

He waved the whisk in his hand, and slammed it behind him!

However, it was empty.

Master Tianyan covered the bleeding wound with one hand, turned around suddenly, but saw that Xiao Xixi had squatted down, rolled on the spot, and rolled to Yu Jiu's side accurately.

She also held a delicate and small knife in her hand.

The knife was stained with blood.

Obviously, she was the one who attacked Immortal Tianyan just now!

Immortal Tianyan's eyes were red: "Haven't you been drugged? Why can you still move freely?!"

Xiao Xixi said with a playful smile.

"Of course it's because I'm blessed by the heavens. I'm the chosen daughter of heaven. How could your mortal means move me?!"

As she spoke, she winked secretly.

Hurry up! Quickly help me untie the acupuncture points!

If the acupoints are not unlocked, the two of them will have to confess here today!

Enduring the pain, Yu Jiu raised his right hand and tapped her twice with difficulty.

At the same time, the fly whisk in the hands of Daoist Tianyan has already swept towards Xiao Xixi viciously!


Good morning everyone~

Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~~~~

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