Luo Qinghan asked Nie Changping to find a way to investigate the matter of the county magistrate Yang.

Nie Changping was originally a man who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos. He knew that the magistrate Yang had provoked the crown prince, so he immediately responded with a smile.

Luo Qinghan took Xiao Xixi back to the inn.

Xiao Xixi felt a little hungry, so she looked around for something to eat, and finally found a box of snacks from the salute.

It was bought by her on her way here.

Xiao Xixi asked the man to come over with a pot of tea.

The man was embarrassed and said: "It is said that tea must be available, but recently we have had a drought here, and the water is pitiful, so..."

Xiao Xixi: "How much?"

"A penny and a pot of tea."


The guy immediately ran to the stove and brought out a pot of tea for her.

Xiao Xixi asked him to keep it in the account, and gave him the money together when he checked out.

The guy happily said yes.

Xiao Xixi carried the teapot into the room, and saw that His Royal Highness was sitting by the window, looking out the window, motionless, the afterglow of the setting sun fell on him, casting a warm glow on him.

This picture is quite eye-catching.

Xiao Xixi walked over, sat down opposite him, and poured him a cup of tea. This tea is a little cloudy, and the tea is also the cheapest large-leaf tea, both in taste and color, are very poor.

Luo Qinghan only glanced at it and didn't touch the teacup.

Xiao Xixi ate two pieces of cakes, and seeing that he was still not moving, he asked tentatively, "Is Your Highness unhappy?"

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "I really can't be happy."

"How about I sing you a song to make you happy?"

Luo Qinghan decisively refused: "No need."

Xiao Xixi made persistent efforts: "What about telling jokes?"

"I don't want to hear your jokes."

Xiao Xixi sighed: "You are so hard to coax."

Luo Qinghan looked at her with cold and deep eyes: "You said, did those people deceive Gu as a fool?"

"But you are not a fool, you are the smart Prince Bingxue, they can't deceive you."

"If Gu hadn't come here quietly in advance, they might have been deceived. Under the guise of Gu, they wantonly amassed money, forcibly recruited strong men, and caused people's grievances. These people's grievances will eventually focus on Gu, and the people will think Gu is a faint-hearted person who does not know the sufferings of the people, but only knows how to eat, drink, and enjoy himself. Gu’s reputation will be ruined little by little without even knowing about himself.”

Xiao Xixi comforted: "Don't worry, Your Highness, think about the good in everything, maybe your reputation has already been ruined by others?"

Luo Qinghan: "..."

He looked at her blankly, his eyes cold.

Xiao Xixi smiled: "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Luo Qinghan didn't want to care about her anymore.

Xiao Xixi ate a piece of cake and sipped tea, and was soon full.

She lay down on the bed and was about to fall asleep, and just as she closed her eyes, she heard a knock on the door.

It was Nie Changping who had returned.

He also brought back a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

The little girl's hair was messy, there was a bright red slap print on the left side of her face, her collar was also torn apart, her eyes were red, and she looked very pitiful.

Xiao Xixi looked at the little girl and then at Nie Changping, her expression became extremely complicated.

"Little Prince, no matter how hungry you are, you can't use force on such a young girl? How old are you!"

Her eyes seemed to be looking at a beast.

Nie Changping's face was flushed red: "You, how can you make people innocent out of thin air?!"

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