Nie Changping turned his head to ask the servant.

"How much dry food did we bring?"

The little servant said with a bitter face, "I've run out of food."

Nie Changping stubbornly refused to admit defeat, gritted his teeth and said, "I won't eat the main food tonight, only meat! Give me a big plate of bacon!"

Except for him, everyone else said that they wanted to eat the main food, even if the main food was only tortillas, it was better than dry bacon.

Xiao Xixi asked for an extra pot of sauerkraut soup.

The food was served quickly by the dude.

The tortillas were dry and hard, and they were really hard to swallow for those who were used to eating fine grains.

Nie Changping laughed when he saw them frowning and eating the cake.

"Fortunately I didn't ask for tortillas, I knew they were awful!"

But soon he stopped laughing.

The bacon is thinly sliced ​​and fried without any other side dishes or seasonings, and it tastes dry and salty in the mouth.

After a few bites, he couldn't take it anymore, and shouted for water.

The servant hurriedly handed him tea.

Xiao Xixi reminded: "A pot of tea and a dollar, the king of the small county can save a little."

Nie Changping looked up at her and saw that she tore the corn cakes into small pieces and dipped them into the sauerkraut soup. After absorbing the soup, the dry and hard corn cakes became much softer.

She took out a bowl of the softened tortilla and pushed it in front of the prince.

Then she hugged the porcelain pot in front of her and began to take a bite of the cake and the bacon, and ate it deliciously.

Nie Changping did not expect such a way of eating.

He called the guy and served himself a pot of sauerkraut soup and a few tortillas.

Because a lot of water is added to the sauerkraut soup, it is the most expensive of all dishes.

Fortunately, their group is not short of money, even if it is expensive, they have to drink soup, otherwise the tortillas can't be swallowed.

When Xiao Xixi saw Nie Changping eating the corn tortillas, he stretched out his paws without hesitation and dragged the whole plate of bacon in front of him.

"Little County King, you lose, all these bacon are mine."

Nie Changping struggled: "You can't finish so much meat, I'll help you share some of it."

Xiao Xixi smiled: "No, even if I can't finish this meal, I can save it for the next meal, anyway, the bacon can be kept for a long time."

Nie Changping also wanted the man to bring up another plate of bacon.

Xiao Xixi reminded me: "According to our bet, all your bacon tonight will belong to me, even if you bring a few more plates of bacon, you still have to give it to me in the end, you can't eat a piece of meat. arrive."

Only then did Nie Changping react.

There is still such a hole!

He said indignantly, "Just for your ability, being a little eunuch is really underpowered."

Xiao Xixi said while eating, "I accept your compliment, but I won't give you the bacon."

Nie Changping: "..."

He gritted his teeth: "I don't care about your bacon!"

Luo Qinghan calmly finished the rough meal in the bowl.

Although the taste is still unpalatable as always, it can at least fill the stomach.

next morning.

Xiao Nan came back with Xing'er.

Myolie's eyes were red and swollen from crying, and she looked even more pitiful than before.

When she returned to her cousin's house yesterday, her cousin and her aunt were very surprised when they saw her, and they kept asking how she got back.

Myolie didn't want to pay attention to them, she just wanted to see Grandpa.

Uncle and aunt refused to let her go. They suspected that Xing’er had escaped. They were afraid that Xing’er would cause trouble for their family, so they planned to tie her up and send her back to the county government.

Fortunately, Xiao Nan shot in time and knocked out his cousin and aunt and put them in the woodshed.

During the PK period, everyone voted and commented to support it. When the PK enters the second round, I will add more!

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