Luo Qinghan said with aggravated tone: "You are not allowed to raise pigs in the East Palace!"

He can tolerate her raising chickens, ducks and fish to the limit. How dare she raise pigs? Did she really regard Donggong as her breeding farm? !

Xiao Xixi grabbed his sleeve and shook it.

"His Royal Highness, please, people really want to eat pork~"

Luo Qinghan shook off her claws: "Don't act like a spoiled child!"

Xiao Xixi wrapped it around again and hugged his arm: "Your Highness, pork is so delicious, do you really want to eat it?"

Luo Qinghan: "I don't want to eat it."

"But I really want to eat it. I didn't eat anything delicious in the mountains when I was a child. Every day, except for cabbage and radish, it is tofu. At the end of the year, I can only eat meat during the New Year. I thought at that time, wait. I'm going down the mountain, I must eat a lot of pork, Your Highness, can't you have pity on me and fulfill my wish?"

Luo Qinghan: "Have you Xuanmen been so poor that you can't even eat pork?"

"Yes, we are very poor."

"Is it because you were poor?"

Xiao Xixi: "..."

Your Highness, you are so unlovable.

Luo Qinghan: "If you really want to eat pork, you can ask the imperial kitchen to cook it for you."

Xiao Xixi flat-mouthed: "I don't think the dishes made by Baoqin are as delicious in the imperial dining room, and the imperial dining room is too far from the Qingge Hall. Every time I bring the dishes back from there, the dishes are cold, and the pork in the pot has to be fresh. The pot is fragrant, but it won't taste good when it's cold."

Luo Qinghan still insisted: "That won't let you raise pigs in the East Palace."

Xiao Xixi: "Can't you really raise it?"

Luo Qinghan: "No."

He thought that Xiao Xixi would be entangled, but she would let him go.

She took two steps back, slumped on the cushion, and began to sing feebly.

"The little girl lives next to the small town under the bridge in Jiangzhou, and the family originally had a house and farmland. Unexpectedly, the bully came to me and took over my house and took my farmland. My grandfather turned his face with him and was beaten down by him! The bully forced me to Occupy me, kidnap me to be his eighteen concubines, my heart is sad, no one can come to know, only one death will prove innocence ~ I will be innocence by death~!"

Luo Qinghan: "..."

Who is the bully? Whose 18th concubine did you become?

He felt his temples throbbing, this woman really dared to say anything for the sake of one bite!

Xiao Xixi let out a long sigh, and continued to sing bitterly: "I was his eighteenth concubine, but I didn't even give pork. My heart is sad, who can know..."

Luo Qinghan couldn't bear it any longer, interrupted her desolate speech, and had no good air.

"Only one head is allowed to be raised, only this time, the next one will not be an example!"

Xiao Xixi immediately kicked a salted fish, jumped up and hugged his waist, smiling brightly.

"His Royal Highness, you are really the best Highness in the world! Mhhhhh!"

Luo Qinghan's heart is desolate.

He felt that he must be the most absurd prince ever to allow his concubines to raise pigs in the East Palace.

He couldn't even imagine what the reaction would be if the emperor, queen and courtiers found out about it?

Probably crazy.

Nie Changping pushed open the door and walked in: "His Royal Highness, we..."

His words came to an abrupt end.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiao Xi hugging the prince tightly, Xiao Xi's face still pressed against the prince's chest, this posture...

I'll give it a go, the prince in the daytime is actually messing with the little eunuch in the house!

The point is that the crown prince didn't stop Xiao Xi, and even followed him.

tsk tsk.

What a slut!

The lyrics in the text are from Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang.

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