Xiao Xixi was startled and hurriedly retracted her hands.

She covered her fingers and complained, "I feed you chestnuts, why are you still biting?"

Luo Qinghan ignored her, threw the chestnut meat into his mouth, chewed it into pieces and swallowed it in his stomach.

He continued to read his book as if nothing had happened just now.

Xiao Xixi looked down at her fingertips, the place where she was bitten was slightly red, but the pain wasn't much, it just felt weird.

The next day, the prince got into the carriage and slowly left Gangu County under the escort of Yulin Army.

Prince Shaofu and Prince Shaobao were left in the Gangu County Office, and they could not leave until the new county magistrate and county magistrate arrived.

When the people learned that the prince was leaving, they spontaneously followed behind the team and reluctantly sent them out of the city gate.

It wasn't until they were sent out for more than ten miles that the people stopped and watched the prince's car drive away.

After Xiao Xixi got into the car, she consciously found a comfortable position to lie down and quickly entered sleep mode.

Luo Qinghan read quietly.

Everything is the same as when it came.

The news that the prince was begging for rainwater for the four southern counties spread like wildfire, but wherever the prince drove by, there were many people kneeling and offering thanks.

These people don't understand the big truth, they only know that it was His Royal Highness the Prince who begged the rain for them.

This is the great kindness of God!

The deterrence of kingship, coupled with the catalysis of kindness, has made the people's worship of His Royal Highness reach the peak.

However, in just a few days, the Prince's reputation in the south suddenly soared to an incredible level.

People in many places also spontaneously pooled money to build a shrine for the prince, burning incense and praying for the prince every day, hoping that the prince would live a long life and bring more blessings to the people of the world in the future.

This stop and go has left countless legends about the prince for various places.

After word of mouth, in the eyes of many people, His Royal Highness the Prince has become a mythical existence.

When the prince and his party returned to Shengjing, it was already two months later.

The news about the success of the Prince's request for rain has been spread to Shengjing through the merchants, and everyone is amazed. His Royal Highness is worthy of being the future emperor, and he begged for the rain as soon as he made a move.

One word, cow!

Dasheng is open to the folk customs, and does not prohibit the common people from speaking about royal affairs.

Some storytellers adapted the prince's request for rain into a story and told it to everyone in the teahouse restaurant. For a time, the prince became famous in Shengjing, attracting the admiration and admiration of countless people.

The Prince's car drove slowly along Suzaku Street.

Suzaku Street has already been cleaned up by the Yulin Army, and the idle people are afraid to approach it.

Only the prince and the master came forward with a few officials to bow down and pick him up.

The prince got out of the car himself and helped the prince and the master up.

The prince and the master are now 60 years old. His hair and beard are all white, and he looks very thin. Just standing, he has to be supported.

He looked at His Royal Highness, the tall prince standing in front of him, and his mood was very complicated.

Originally, like everyone else, he was dismissive of asking for rain.

He also tried his best to dissuade the prince from going south to ask for rain.

In the face of the prince's stubborn opinions, he was very disappointed, thinking that the prince would not listen to his advice and would not be able to become a wise ruler in the future.

When the prince came out of the palace, he didn't even come to send it off.

can result-

The prince not only brought rain and solved the drought in the south, but also rectified the Gangu County well, winning the gratitude and worship of the people.

The plus update is over, and I have become a four-geng strange again. Don't beat me or scold me. I have to save the manuscript for the explosion when it is on the shelves. (top the pot cover and escape)

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