Empress Qin: "It's good, why did the prince suddenly catch the cold?"

Quartz: "It is said that the prince caught a cold last night and felt a little uncomfortable at night. Chang Xi wanted to ask a doctor for the prince, but the prince said that he was fine and would be fine after a sleep. Who knew that after waking up this morning, the prince was ill. Instead of getting better, it got worse.”

Empress Qin frowned lightly: "There are so many people, even a prince can't take good care of it, you waste."

Quartz lowered his head, not daring to make a sound.

"Pass the order of this palace, and all the people who serve the prince will be fined for one month, and the people who were on duty at night last night will each be punished 20 times. If this happens again, they will be directly punished."

Quartz replied: "Well."

"Has the prince met anyone these days?"

Quartz answered truthfully: "Yesterday, the prince met Xiao Liangdi and the eldest prince and the king of the small county, Nie Changping."

Empress Qin couldn't remember who Xiao Liangdi was.

Pearl reminded in a low voice: "Xiao Liangdi is the eldest daughter of General Zhongwu. She entered the palace during last year's draft. This year, Xiao Liangdi gave you a good ginseng for your birthday banquet."

Speaking of ginseng, Empress Qin immediately thought of it.

"It's her."

She received a lot of gifts for her birthday this year. Among them, the one that impressed her most was the ginseng tree sent by Xiao Liangdi, in addition to the calligraphy and painting sent by the prince.

At first, the ginseng was mixed with other gifts and did not attract the attention of others. It was not until Pearl, the maid of the palace, who counted the gifts one by one, did she discover the top-quality ginseng.

Pearl immediately held the ginseng in front of Empress Qin.

Empress Qin is naturally knowledgeable. Wild ginseng such as this top-quality ginseng is a rare treasure, and even money may not be able to buy it.

Looking at the gift list again, it was Xiao Liangdi who gave the ginseng.

Empress Qin asked, "Is Xiao Liangdi very favored in front of the prince?"

Pearl is not very clear about this, and cannot give an accurate answer.

She suggested: "Why don't you invite Concubine Li to ask?"

Empress Qin frowned, obviously not wanting to see that idiot again.

Pearl observed her words and said, "Or ask Huixiang? Huixiang is the maid of honor beside the prince. She should be very clear about the prince's affairs."

Empress Qin thought about it for a while, but still felt that it was unnecessary.

"Forget it, it's just a little Liang Di. Even if she is really favored, it doesn't matter. When there is a princess in the future, these little fish and shrimp will be cleaned up properly."

"What the lady said is."

Quartz led the way.

Empress Qin asked thoughtfully, "Do you think the prince is really sick or is he fake?"

While beating her leg gently, Pearl said softly, "I don't know what this servant is."

"Recently, I always feel that the prince has changed a lot."

Pearl: "Probably grow up. The child will change a little as he grows up."

Empress Qin seemed to sigh with emotion: "Yes, as people grow up, their wings become hard."


Quartz brought Empress Qin's order to the East Palace.

The four eunuchs and two palace maids who were in charge of the night last night were all dragged out and beaten with 20 sticks.

Including Eunuch Chang.

In order to play a warning role, when the eunuchs of the Department of Prudence and Punishment beat people, they deliberately did not block the mouths of the six people and let their screams linger in the East Palace.

The painful cries could be heard even from a distance, which frightened many people.

As the great eunuch of the East Palace, Eunuch Chang gritted his teeth and said nothing in order to maintain the dignity of the East Palace.

When all twenty hits were finished, a little eunuch stepped forward to help him up.

Eunuch Chang shook his hands towards Quartz tremblingly.

"Many thanks to the empress for your mercy."

Eunuch Chang endured the pain and grievances and asked for votes~T^T

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