The Imperial Concubine Just Wants To Be a Salted Fish Every Day

Chapter 176 The concubine is dead, the concubine is going to die!

Xiao Xixi walked over and sat next to the prince in a very natural way. Just as she was about to ask, she was interrupted by Huixiang's voice.

"Little Master, you cannot take your seat without the permission of His Royal Highness."

What happened to this Xiao Liangdi?

Why don't you know the rules?

When she first entered the palace, didn't the nurture nanny teach her these rules? !

Xiao Xixi just remembered that there is such a rule.

It's all her fault that she went south with the prince before. Since it was outside the palace, the prince relaxed his requirements for her. She always wanted to sit in front of him. It had been like this for three months, and she was used to it.

She was about to stand up immediately, but was stopped by Luo Qinghan.

"There are no outsiders here. You can be the same as before without being too restrictive."

Xiao Xixi was immediately happy.

She likes to feel uninhibited.

She leaned close to the prince and asked in a low voice as if whispering to someone.

"Isn't it okay to pretend to be sick? Why is Your Highness really sick?"

The warm breath sprayed on the ear, it was a little itchy, Luo Qinghan turned his eyes slightly, and said in the same low voice.

"Fakes can't be mixed up, and it's easier to convince people if the real and the fake are mixed together."

His voice was a little hoarse when he was sick. At this time, he deliberately lowered his voice, almost like a subwoofer. Even if Xiao Xixi was not a voice controller, he still felt that his ears were numb, as if there was an electric current.

She felt a little overwhelmed.

She whispered: "His Royal Highness's voice is really nice now."

The compliment came so suddenly, Luo Qinghan was startled.

He looked at her bright and translucent eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly involuntarily, revealing an extremely shallow smile.

Such a smile, coupled with his pale face because of his illness, had an indescribable beauty of fragility.

Xiao Xixi covered her heart and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "My concubine is dying, my concubine is going to die!"

Luo Qinghan put away his smile, frowned and asked, "Are you sick too?"

"Yeah, my concubine was hit in the center of the mouth by your prosperous beauty, and I just felt my heart beat faster and dazzled. Your Highness, let the imperial physician take a look at the concubine. Can this disease be cured?"

Luo Qinghan: "..."

It seemed that he might have been molested.

Xiao Xixi laughed for a while, and the laziness on her body began to drill out again.

She leaned her upper body against the table, propped her face with one hand, her lips parted slightly, and yawned, with a boneless and lazy look.

Seeing this, Huixiang frowned even more.

How can you be so rude in front of the prince? Sitting or not, it is really ugly!

But due to the presence of the prince, Huixiang couldn't talk too much, so he could only bear it for the time being.

Xiao Xixi looked at the large number of files piled up by the prince's hand, and asked curiously, "Your Highness is sick, why don't you go to bed?"

Luo Qinghan said without raising his head: "These are the important files of the Ministry of Punishment this month. They are eagerly waiting to be sent to the cabinet. I have to read them all today, so I can't waste time."

Xiao Xixi put her hands on her cheeks, looked at his pale face, and sighed.

"Your Highness is also working very hard."

Hearing this, Luo Qinghan raised his head and glanced at her.

"Are you feeling lonely?"

Xiao Xixi admitted frankly: "Yes."

She was so magnanimous, but Luo Qinghan felt a little uncomfortable. He coughed lightly: "There's nothing to feel sorry for, and it's what Gu should do when you are in your position to seek political affairs."

Seeing Prince Dao coughing, Huixiang hurriedly poured him a cup of hot tea.

"Your Highness, drink some water to moisten your throat."

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