The Imperial Concubine Just Wants To Be a Salted Fish Every Day

Chapter 300 Even if you commit suicide, it's useless

Luo Qinghan looked at the two odd-shaped things on the lantern, and thought for a long time before asking.

"You drew this... a fried egg?"

Xiao Xixi said angrily, "This is a rabbit!"

Luo Qinghan really can't figure it out, isn't she just a small circle inside a big circle?

How did you become a rabbit?

He looked at her with a look of caring for mentally handicapped children: "Just be happy."

Xiao Xixi felt that her painting skills had been humiliated.

She said angrily, "If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't show you the lantern."

Luo Qinghan sighed.

He took the lantern, picked up the brush next to him, and added a few strokes to the lantern at will.

In the blink of an eye, the two circles turned into a naive little pig.

Xiao Xixi was not convinced: "This is obviously a rabbit, why did you change it to a pig?"

Luo Qinghan put down the pen, returned the lantern to her, and said earnestly, "Because things are like their owners."

Xiao Xixi: "..."

She felt like she was being connoted.

Luo Qinghan asked someone to call warm water, washed his hands, and said slowly, "I asked you to come here because I have something to help you with."

Xiao Xixi: "What's the matter?"

Luo Qinghan glanced at Zhao Xian.

Zhao Xian understood, he stood at the door and greeted outside.

"Bring people in."

Soon Yu Linwei walked in with two people.

Xiao Xixi looked over and found that one of the little eunuchs was the one who tried to push her into the river last night.

She had never seen the other man, nor knew him.

Zhao Xian explained: "This person is from the forbidden army, whose name is Lu Yun. He trespassed in the locker room of Country Garden last night and disturbed Duan Liangdi. His Royal Highness will find out his origin at the end of his life."

Xiao Xixi immediately understood what the prince meant.

The prince wanted her to help investigate the case!

Xiao Xixi walked to Lu Yun with the lantern in her arms and looked at his face carefully.

Lu Yun was still wearing yesterday's clothes, which were wrinkled and his hands were tied behind his back.

Because he was too uneasy, he didn't sleep all night last night, and his expression was very haggard.

He looks like he is in his early twenties, and he is quite handsome, but Xiao Xixi is used to seeing the prince's beautiful face, and his requirements for appearance are much higher, so she doesn't think how good-looking the man in front of her is. .

Xiao Xixi looked at it for a while, and she had a bottom line in her heart.

She didn't go around in circles, and asked, "Do you still have a sister?"

When Lu Yun heard this, his expression changed immediately.

Without even thinking about it, he denied it: "No! I have no parents and no mother since I was a child. I am an orphan, and I have no other relatives at home."

Xiao Xixi: "But judging from the appearance, you have a younger sister in your life, and she is eighteen years old."

Lu Yun said eagerly: "I really don't have a younger sister! If the lady doesn't believe it, you can ask someone to check."

Zhao Xian spoke at this time.

"The last general has checked Lu Yun's information. He really has no father, no mother, and no sister. He didn't find any tokens like family letters in his residence."

Lu Yun was relieved a little when he heard the words.

At this time, he heard the prince say something coldly.

"Go check his records of entering and leaving the palace over the years, and see where he went after leaving the palace?"

Zhao Xian took the order: "The last commander will let someone investigate."

He turned and strode out.

Lu Yun's face has turned pale, and his eyes are full of panic.

Xiao Xixi looked at his anxious expression, afraid that he would be as incapable of thinking as the little eunuch, and reminded him specially.

"Even if you commit suicide, it's useless. Don't forget that you have a younger sister. Without you to protect her, she will definitely not have a good life."

These words were like a basin of cold water, which quenched Lu Yun's thought of trying to end the matter by suicide.

He slumped to the ground, his face full of despair and pain.

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "If you tell the truth now, Gu Xing may spare your life."

Lu Yun's lips were tightly closed and he didn't say a word.

Xiao Xixi sighed.

Yu Linwei's work efficiency is very high, and soon he found out the records of Lu Yun's departure from the palace during this period, and also found out that he bought a house in the city.

The location of the house is relatively remote, the area is relatively small, and it is very inconspicuous.

Zhao Xian answered truthfully: "The house is uninhabited now, but according to the testimony of the neighbors, I learned that there used to be a young girl in the house, and every time Lu Yun went out of the palace, he would go to the house for two days. The girl's name is Lu Lin, she and Lu Yun are brothers and sisters, a month ago Lu Lin was taken in by a certain noble family in the city, and she was taken into a room, and since then, Lu Lin has never been seen again."

Every time he said a word, Lu Yun's face became ugly.

After Zhao Xian finished speaking, Lu Yun's expression was unrecognizable.

Luo Qinghan asked, "Whose room did Lu Lin do?"

Zhao Xian lowered his voice and said, "Qin Kang, he is the concubine of the second house of the Qin family."

Luo Qinghan's gaze towards Lu Yun became sharper.

"Are you from the Qin family?"

Lu Yun still kept his mouth shut, looking at the way he looked, he was planning to carry it to the end.

Luo Qinghan glanced at Zhao Xian.

Zhao Xian understood, and immediately had Lu Yun dragged down and tortured.

Now that there is an object of suspicion, it is naturally more convenient to interrogate.

There was a Lu Yun and a little eunuch.

The little eunuch's tongue was injured and he couldn't speak, but his mind was clear. At this moment, he knelt on the ground, his face was as pale as paper, his body was trembling, and he seemed to be extremely frightened.

Xiao Xixi looked at him and said to the prince.

"There is nothing unusual about this person from his face, just an ordinary eunuch's face."

Luo Qinghan said calmly: "Gu has already sent someone to the Inner Minister to check, he is on duty in the imperial dining room of the East Palace, and I heard from the people in the imperial dining room that he and Caiyun next to Concubine Li are from the same hometown, and the two are very close. ."

Xiao Xixi was quite surprised: "Is he from Concubine Li?"

Luo Qinghan: "On the surface, it's the same thing."

"How about from the inside?"

"do not know."

Xiao Xixi thought very simply: "Since he may be from Concubine Li, then call Concubine Li over to ask."

Luo Qinghan called Eunuch Chang in.

"You have someone go to the Golden Wind Palace and call Concubine Li side over."


Concubine Li is copying the scriptures in the Golden Wind Palace, so that her life is better than death.

When she heard that the prince wanted to see her, she was overjoyed, and quickly put away the pen in her hand, dressed briefly, and hurried to Mingguang Palace.

When she walked into the Mingguang Palace and saw that in addition to the prince, there was a concubine Xiao in the room, half of the joy in her heart disappeared immediately.

Concubine Li stepped forward to greet her: "My concubine greets His Royal Highness the Prince."

Luo Qinghan has never liked to chat with people, and it was the same at this time. He didn't say a word of nonsense, and went straight to the topic.

"Look at this little eunuch, do you know him?"

Concubine Li followed his line of sight, only to find that there was a little eunuch kneeling on the ground.

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