It was when Xiao Xixi reunited with the prince that she realized that there was a temporary Zhao Meiren.

She thought she had a lot of luggage in ten boxes, but when she saw Zhao Meiren's more than 20 boxes of luggage, she suddenly felt that she was really weak.

Zhao Xian instructed the Yulin guards to load the luggage into the carriage one by one.

Zhao Meiren deliberately wore an apricot-white chest-length skirt and a cherry-pink cloak today, with delicate light makeup on her face. She looked more delicate and beautiful than flowers.

She first bowed to the prince, and then blessed Concubine Xiao.

The sky is only bright at the moment, and the time is estimated to be six o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Xixi didn't wake up, standing next to the prince and yawning constantly.

She's really sleepy, she really wants to take a nap.

Zhao Meiren took the initiative to walk to her side and asked carefully.

"Sister Xiao, can I take your carriage later? The journey is long and I'm too bored alone. If we stay together, we can still have a talking partner."

Xiao Xixi's mind is now full of thoughts of sleep, and she casually said, "Oh, it's up to you."

Zhao Meiren is looking forward to the next trip, and the whole person looks radiant.

Compared with her, Xiao Xixi is really sad.

At this time, the other concubines from the East Palace came together.

They came to see the prince off.

Since Concubine Li and Concubine Jing are still on the ground, the person in charge now is Concubine Bai.

She looked at the prince with reluctance and concern in her eyes, and said softly, "The mountains and rivers are far away, I hope His Royal Highness takes care of your health and must come back safely!"

Luo Qinghan responded casually: "Well."

The other concubines couldn't speak, and could only look at the prince with earnest eyes, hoping that the prince would notice him.

Zhao Xian walked over and said respectfully, "His Royal Highness, all luggage has been loaded into the car, and we can leave at any time."

Luo Qinghan: "Let's go then."

He turned around and walked towards his carriage, took two steps before stopping, turned to look at Xiao Xixi, and motioned for her to follow.

Xiao Xixi thought that she could finally get in the car, and she could sleep when she got in the car.

She didn't notice the sour eyes of the other concubines at all, and quickly got into the prince's carriage, then consciously found a good position and lay down straight.

The moment she closed her eyes, she felt that her yusheng was finally complete!

Luo Qinghan picked up the neatly folded blanket next to it, unfolded it, and covered it over her to prevent her from catching a cold.

Outside the carriage, Zhao Meiren was stunned.

She originally planned to follow Concubine Xiao closely, so that she could use Concubine Xiao's relationship to get the prince's attention logically.

She had already agreed with Concubine Xiao just now that the two would ride in the same carriage.

Who would have thought that Concubine Xiao turned her head and got into the prince's carriage.

Zhao Meiren was just left in place.

She also really wanted to ride in the same car with the prince, but the prince didn't mean to let her get on the bus, so she wouldn't want to forcefully get into the prince's car.

Eunuch Chang smiled beside him and said, "Little Master, your carriage is at the back."

Zhao Meiren pursed her lower lip and walked back with a depressed mood.

Seeing this, Concubine Bai and the other concubines had mixed feelings.

They were jealous of Xiao Xixi's favor, and laughed at Zhao Meiren's stupidity.

Under their watch, the convoy slowly drove out of the East Palace and drove out of the palace gate facing the rising sun.

The convoy stopped at Mingde Gate and reunited with the First Prince's team.

The eldest prince Luo Yechen did not ride a carriage, he chose to ride a horse.

He rode on a tall horse and bowed his hands towards the prince.

"Meet the prince."

Attitude can be said to be quite perfunctory.

Luo Qinghan had long been accustomed to the stupidity of the eldest prince, and was too lazy to care about such trivial matters with him.

In addition to the eldest prince, there were two of his staff in the team, as well as the Zhongwu general Xiao Lingfeng.

Xiao Lingfeng was the helper specially named by the prince.

Although Xiao Lingfeng is very utilitarian and is not very likable when it comes to dealing with people, his abilities are indeed very good.

He was born in a poor family, and his military skills were accumulated a little bit by his bloody battles. He was much stronger than those pampered family members in Shengjing City.

Most importantly, Xiao Lingfeng is Xiao Xixi's biological father.

Even if the relationship between their father and daughter is not very close, the blood relationship does exist.

With this relationship in place, Xiao Lingfeng is a staunch princeling. Even if it is for his own future, he will do his best to perform well in front of the prince.

The truth is exactly as the prince expected.

Xiao Lingfeng felt extremely excited when he knew that he had been appointed by the prince.

This is a great opportunity for him.

He must grasp it well and brush up his favorability in front of the prince.

Wearing a heavy military uniform, he turned over and dismounted, knelt down on one knee, and greeted him.

"I will meet the Prince at the end of the day!"

Luo Qinghan sat in the carriage and said to him through the car window: "The safety of this journey will be left to you and General Zhao."

Xiao Lingfeng resisted the excitement in his chest and responded loudly, "The last general will definitely live up to the prince's entrustment!"

Luo Yechen was riding on a horse, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort from his nose.


Nie Changping, the king of the small county, specially rode a horse to see him off.

He also brought two boxes of Suxiangtang's dim sum.

"His Royal Highness, these are the two boxes of snacks that I owed Concubine Xiao before. Please help and pass them to her."

Luo Qinghan stuck his hand out of the car window, took the two boxes of snacks, and said indifferently: "Hello, you are living in Beijing. If you need your help, someone will send you a letter."

Nie Changping raised his lips and smiled: "No problem!"

Luo Qinghan put down the bamboo curtain, and the car window was covered.

The convoy started again and slowly drove out of Mingde Gate.

When passing through Danxia Mountain, the old abbot was already waiting at the foot of the mountain, and he personally handed Shen Zhaoyi's urn into the hands of the crown prince.

He put his hands together and bowed.

"The filial piety of the prince is commendable, and the Buddha will surely bless you with a smooth journey."

Luo Qinghan returned to the carriage holding the urn.

The convoy turned around, returned to the official road, and continued along the official road.

Luo Qinghan slowly stroked the surface of the urn, his eyes calm and deep.

Xiao Xixi next to him turned over and still slept soundly.

Two hours later, Xiao Xixi woke up from her sleep.

With one hand on the floor, she sat up, and the blanket that was originally covering her slipped to her waist.

Luo Qinghan put down the book in his hand: "You finally woke up."

Xiao Xixi stretched a big lazy waist: "It feels so good to sleep full!"

When she turned her head, she found two boxes of Suxiangtang's dim sum next to her, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is this for the concubine?"

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "Someone gave it to you."

Xiao Xixi immediately picked up a box of dim sum, opened the box, and ate it quickly.

As she ate, she asked, "Who is so good? He even sent snacks to his concubine."

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