Xiao Xixi knelt down beside the prince, rolled up his sleeves, and untied the cloth towel, revealing the hideous and terrifying wound.

As soon as she saw the wound, she remembered the way the prince looked before her regardless of his own safety when facing the killer.

In such a dangerous situation, normal people should ensure their own safety first, and then consider protecting others.

But the prince did not.

He stood in front of her almost without even thinking about it.

It was an instinctive reaction, not thought through by the brain, not rational.

Xiao Xixi couldn't help but say.

"Thank you."

Luo Qinghan looked down at her: "Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for protecting me."

Luo Qinghan said indifferently: "The reason why I protect you is because I didn't know that you knew martial arts. I originally thought you were a weak woman with no strength, but I didn't expect your skills to be so good, even without my protection, You can still be safe."

Xiao Xixi shook her head and said seriously: "It has nothing to do with me being able to do martial arts or not, what I want to thank is your heart, not everyone can be like you, desperate to protect me in the face of danger. ,Really thank you very much."

At first she chose the prince as the mission target, just to be lazy.

But now, she felt fortunate.

She was glad that she chose the crown prince, Luo Qinghan, not anyone else.

No one would expose themselves to danger in order to protect her.

Only Luo Qinghan would do this.

He may not be a good person in the traditional sense, but at least he is a good person to her.

Xiao Xixi stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around his neck.

She repeated those three words in his ear again.

"Thank you."

Luo Qinghan sat still, letting her hold him.

He knew that Xiao Xixi was different to him, whether it was emotional or otherwise, she had an irreplaceable important position.

But what he didn't expect was that he would even risk his life in order to protect her.

At the moment when the danger came, before his mind could make a judgment, his body had already stood in front of Xiao Xixi.

Looking back on it later, he felt that he was really too impulsive.

But if he was asked to do it all over again, he should still do it.

He may be annoyed by his impulses.

But he won't regret it.

Xiao Xixi let him go and started giving him medicine.

Her movements were very light and gentle, and she stopped and asked in the middle.

"Does it hurt?"

Luo Qinghan wanted to say that it didn't hurt, but when she touched her concerned and nervous eyes, her words changed.


Xiao Xixi lowered her head and blew at his wound, muttering while blowing, "Huhu, it won't hurt anymore."

The warm breath sprayed on the wound, and there was a tingling feeling.

Luo Qinghan wondered what kind of cutie was this? How can she be so cute?

I really want to hide her group in my pocket so that no one can see her.

Xiao Xixi said solemnly: "I was naughty when I was a child. I climbed a tree and broke my arm. That's what my master told me. As long as you snort at the wound, the wound will not hurt."

Luo Qinghan: "It seems to be useful, it doesn't feel as painful as before."

"Then I'll give you another whistle."

Xiao Xixi kept blowing at his wound, her cheeks bulging, like a cute little squirrel.

Luo Qinghan just looked down at her, the corners of his mouth raised slightly involuntarily.

He called out in a low voice.


Xiao Xixi raised her head subconsciously, wondering what he was calling him to do?

Who knew that the next moment, the prince lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Xiao Xixi was immediately stunned.

She opened her eyes involuntarily, and her mind went blank.

The kiss was light and shallow, and parted with one touch.

Like a dragonfly on the water, touch it gently.

When Xiao Xixi came back to her senses, the dragonfly had already flown away, leaving only a circle of ripples shaking in her heart.

She stared blankly at the prince in front of her, and after a long while, she uttered a word.

"What are you doing?"

Luo Qinghan said without changing his face: "It's nothing."

If I want to change to another girl, I will probably be embarrassed and embarrassed to ask more at this moment.

But Xiao Xixi refused to let the other party go like this, she had to break the casserole and ask to the end.

"Don't play stupid, why did you kiss me just now?"

Luo Qinghan really couldn't explain this problem.

Why kiss her?

Because I thought she was so cute, I couldn't help but want to kiss her.

But he couldn't say it.

He said blankly, "I didn't kiss you, it was just your hallucination just now."

Xiao Xixi was shocked: "You obviously kissed me, but you still refuse to admit it. You eat it and wipe it clean and don't admit it? Scumbag!"

Luo Qinghan: "..."

He just kissed her, how could he just eat her clean?

It's too easy to eat, right? !

Xiao Xixi: "I'll give you Huhu in vain, you actually treat me like this, you have no conscience, so I won't give you Huhu!"

Angrily, she helped him apply herbs and re-bandage the wound.


When it was almost early morning, Luo Qinghan suddenly started to have a fever.

His whole body was burning hot, and even the breath he exhaled was terrifyingly hot.

Because Xiao Xixi was worried about the safety of the prince, she had never been able to fall asleep. From time to time, she would reach out and touch the prince's forehead to check his temperature.

It is precisely because of her concern that she discovered the prince's strangeness at the first time.

She quickly ran out and wrapped the ice and snow with a handkerchief to make a simple cooling bag.

She put the "cooling pack" on Luo Qinghan's forehead.

It's not enough to just rely on this to cool down.

Xiao Xixi went to draw a basin of cold water again, and after soaking the cold water with a cloth towel, wiped his body.

This series of actions of her disturbed the sleeping Yue Laosan and his wife.

Yue Laosan put on his clothes and walked out the door, wanting to see what happened?

Seeing Xiao Xixi's actions, he probably guessed what the situation was.

"Little lady, is your husband feverish?"

Xiao Xixi nodded and said yes.

Yue Laosan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. According to his experience, once the whole body was hot, it meant that the injury was aggravated. This is very dangerous for the patient. Whether he can survive it depends on whether his life is hard enough.

Xiao Xixi asked, "Master, do you have liquor here?"

In addition to smoking dry cigarettes, Yue Laosan also likes to drink. He has a jar of burning knives in his house. The wine was brought to him by his daughter when she returned to her parents' house last year.

He has been reluctant to drink.

He looked at Luo Qinghan, who was already unconscious, and at Xiao Xixi, who was so anxious that his eyes were red, but he still couldn't bear to refuse.

"Wait, I'll get it for you."

Soon Laosan Yue brought a bowl full of liquor.

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