Xiao Lingfeng frowned and said, "The Book of Changes is a very common book. Almost every bookstore in the market sells this book. If you really want to start looking for this book, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Besides, your speculation. There is a lot of uncertainty, we can't just rashly check all the "Book of Changes" in Beijing because of your speculation, right?"

Who would have thought that his son had just finished speaking when his son jumped out and slapped his face.

Xiao Qiming said: "I know where there may be the "Book of Changes" you want!"

In an instant, everyone present looked at him.

Suddenly being stared at by so many people, Xiao Qiming was inevitably a little nervous, and he was a little stumped when he spoke.

"Me, I recently went out with my friends to buy books and sometimes some reference questions in order to prepare for the exam."

In order to avoid everyone's understanding, he also explained the reference questions specially.

"Before the general examination every year, someone in Beijing sells reference questions. The so-called reference questions are the integration of the questions from previous general examinations, and then the sample essays of the top three previous years are written in, so that we can be a reference for the candidates."

Li Qingyan also knew about this. In the past, in order to raise money to buy books, he once helped others to copy similar reference questions.

In fact, in the eyes of many literati, this kind of reference question is something that is not on the table, especially those who have read poetry and books. is disgust.

Therefore, these kinds of reference questions are only circulated privately among the candidates, and they do not dare to say it on the surface.

After Xiao Qiming explained the reference question, his father glared at him immediately.

"If you don't study hard in ordinary times, you will engage in these crooked ways during exams."

Xiao Qiming has always been courageous, and likes to fight against his own father at home. At this time, he was disciplined by his father, and he was not afraid, but instead stubbornly retorted with his neck.

"I'm not the only one buying reference questions!"

As a person who has experienced the modern college entrance examination, Xiao Xixi accepts the reference questions well. As long as she doesn't cheat, what does she care about? !

Xiao Lingfeng wanted to teach his son a few more words, but was interrupted by the prince.

"Go back and talk about your housework. Let's talk about business first."

Xiao Lingfeng shut up.

Xiao Qiming said: "About five days ago, I heard that there was a bookstore that sold a lot of reference questions, and many test takers bought it. I would rather believe it or not, so I will join my friends. Went to that bookstore.

There are indeed a lot of reference materials there, which are more complete than I have bought before.

I'm not short of money anyway, so I simply bought all the reference question templates from their bookstore.

Maybe the bookstore shopkeeper saw me being generous, so he took the initiative to pull me aside and quietly asked me if I wanted to buy other reference questions? "

When Luo Qinghan heard this, he sat up a little and listened more seriously.

Xiao Qiming said while recalling: "I didn't quite understand what the shopkeeper meant at the time, so I asked him what other reference questions? The shopkeeper gave me a copy of the Book of Changes at the time, saying that it was a good thing, as long as I had it, I would guarantee it. Pass the exam."

Now even Xiao Lingfeng heard something was wrong.

What books are guaranteed to pass the exam?

Unless, that book has questions for this year's exam.

Xiao Qiming: "I think the shopkeeper is bragging, and he doesn't believe him at all. When he sees that I don't believe it, he doesn't continue to sell to me. At that time, there are many people in the bookstore, and the shopkeeper goes to greet others. ."

He didn't take it to heart at all. If he hadn't heard Li Qingyan mention the "Book of Changes" just now, he wouldn't have remembered it.

Luo Qinghan asked, "Have you ever opened the Book of Changes?"

Xiao Qiming shook his head: "The shopkeeper took the "Book of Changes" and shook it in front of me, and then quickly put it away, not to mention letting me read it, he didn't even let me touch it, I was too stingy. "

Because of this, he felt even more that the other party was bragging.

But now it seems that there is really something in that "Book of Changes".

Xiao Qiming was suddenly a little annoyed, knowing this, he should have bought the "Book of Changes" in the first place.

Luo Qinghan: "Do you remember the address of that bookstore?"

Xiao Qiming nodded and said he remembered.

Luo Qinghan glanced at Xiao Lingfeng.

Xiao Lingfeng was impressed and immediately said, "The last commander will bring someone to search that bookstore."

Luo Qinghan: "You take Li Qingyan back by the way, and let him live in your house for the time being recently, don't let him be silenced."

If this matter is really related to the exam questions, then Li Qingyan's current situation is very dangerous and must be strictly protected.

Xiao Qiming bowed his hands and responded: "Here!"

He left the East Palace with Li Qingyan and Xiao Qiming.

Li Qingyan was sent back to the general's mansion, while Xiao Lingfeng took his son and a team of Yulinwei straight to the bookstore.

The bookstore was raided, and all the books inside were turned over, including the bookstore's shopkeeper and two staff members, who were also detained.

Xiao Lingfeng forced the shopkeeper to say where is the Book of Changes?

The shopkeeper refused to admit that he had this book, and he was wronged one by one, as miserable as he cried.

It was not until Yu Linwei pulled out a copy of the Book of Changes from the dark grid of the bookstore that the shopkeeper stopped crying angrily and did not dare to say a word.

Xiao Lingfeng opened the Book of Changes.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiming stretched his neck and leaned over to take a look.

Sure enough, the content of this book has nothing to do with the eight poles of the "Book of Changes". It is full of test questions and test sample essays.

Xiao Lingfeng didn't know what the exam questions were for this year's exam, but the prince knew.

The prince is the person in charge of this year's spring general examination. The topics of this year's general examination are all negotiated by him and Qin Lie. As long as the prince takes a look, you can know whether the topics in this book are related to the general examination.

With a big wave of Xiao Lingfeng's hand, he ordered the shopkeeper and the staff of the bookstore to be taken away, and the bookstore was also sealed up.

At this time the sun had set, and night fell quietly.

Xiao Lingfeng went to the palace overnight to ask to see the crown prince, and presented the "Book of Changes" that had been searched with both hands.

When Luo Qinghan opened the first page of "Book of Changes", his complexion sank.

The more he looked back, the darker his face became.

Seeing this, Xiao Lingfeng felt uneasy.

After Luo Qinghan read the entire "Book of Changes", Xiao Lingfeng asked tentatively.

"Your Highness, are the topics in this book really related to the exam?"

Luo Qing spit out a word coldly: "Yes."

Xiao Lingfeng thought that it was indeed the case.

In fact, it is not uncommon for exam questions to be leaked. In previous years, there have been cases where exam questions were leaked in advance.

But the prince is one of the main persons in charge of the examination this year.

If this year's exam questions are leaked, the prince will definitely take responsibility.

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