Lu Heng shook his head, but refused to say any more. When he saw that it was almost time, he got up and rushed Wang Yanqing back to the room to sleep.

He can joke and tease Wang Yanqing on purpose, but he can't really keep her in his room late at night. The siblings are not at the same table at the age of seven, they are not yet siblings.

Besides, Lu Heng suspected that if someone slept next to him, he would not be able to sleep a night. That's one of the reasons why he didn't marry.

After Wang Yanqing returned to the Lu Mansion, the chaotic court life for the past two days gradually faded away, and she became a secluded and leisurely Miss Lu Mansion. After several days, the news from outside the mansion gradually reached Wang Yanqing's ears.

Jin Yiwei's commander, Lu Heng, flipped through the dossier, but he didn't want to see He Ding's case many years ago. It's okay not to investigate. After such an investigation, it was revealed by Lu Heng that Zhang Yanling had been a filthy maid in the palace many years ago, and the woman died afterwards.

Brothers Zhang Heling and Zhang Yanling peeped at the emperor's crown, and the emperor Hongzhi did not pursue it. There is no reason for the emperor's nephew to have an attack. But the nature of the palace maids changed. In theory, the palace maids were all the emperor's women. Zhang Yanling was so daring to contaminate the palace maids at the banquet. Who knows if he has continued to commit crimes over the years. If there is a child born in the palace, wouldn't it confuse the emperor's veins?

After this incident was disclosed, the whole court was in an uproar, and the emperor was furious, and immediately ordered Jin Yiwei to imprison Zhang Yanling, and severely reprimanded Zhang Heling in the early court. The emperor scolded him for a while and was not relieved, and ordered the execution of Zhang Yanling.

Empress Dowager Zhang never expected that she had only been ill for a few days, and the situation suddenly changed. Empress Dowager Zhang also did not care whether the Ciqing Palace would continue to be haunted. She went to the emperor several times to intercede, but the emperor avoided seeing it. In the end, Empress Dowager Zhang couldn't, so she knelt down to the emperor outside the Qianqing Palace, burst into tears, and begged the emperor to spare Zhang Yanling's life.

Empress Dowager Zhang really doesn't understand, she's just a palace maid, why should her brother lose his life? The palace maid and eunuch died when she died, but her younger brother was the Marquis of Jianchang.

The Empress Dowager Zhang knelt down and begged, and the courtiers also begged for mercy. In the end, the emperor couldn't bear it, took a step back, and exempted Zhang Yanling from the death penalty, but he wanted to remove the titles of Duke Chang and Marquis of Jianchang, and demoted the Zhang brothers to Nanjing, and they were not allowed to stay in the capital anymore. stay. At the same time, the title of Empress Dowager Zhang was lowered from the Virgin to Aunt.

Wang Yanqing listened to Lingxi Lingluan's retelling of the outside world. After she heard it, she did not express her opinion, but then she took the opportunity to ask Lu Heng: "Second brother, there was a lot of noise in the East Palace some time ago, how will this matter end?"

Lu Heng's eyes were light, and he said casually, "You also said that it was haunted. It just so happened that Tianshi Shao was coming to deliver new medicinal herbs, and by the way, he would do a ritual, so there should be no little ghosts making trouble."

Wang Yanqing was silent for a moment and asked, "What about Qin Xiang'er?"

Lu Heng's tone was more casual: "In order to become a female official, she missed her marriage, and she was delayed until she was thirty-five years old. The emperor thought that she had served in the court for a long time, and she had no credit or hard work, so he let her go home."

Wang Yanqing looked at Lu Heng, and Lu Heng also smiled back. In the end, Wang Yanqing didn't ask any further, nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

Wang Yanqing thought in his heart, everyone got what they wanted, and this case can only end here.

For Qin Xianger to achieve his goal, it is also a matter of seeking benevolence.

As early as the first month, Qin Xianger paid close attention to the news of the emperor's intention to strip the title from the former court. Later, Qin Xianger heard that the emperor had dismissed the idea of ​​expelling the title of Zhang family under the pressure of Empress Dowager Zhang. She was angry and unwilling, and finally came up with a plan.

She wants to make things bigger under the guise of ghosts and gods, and it is best to let someone retry the Qin Jier case. Therefore, she did not choose to take advantage of Empress Dowager Zhang to kill each other while she was sleeping, but took a different approach - pretending to be a ghost.

She did attract Jin Yiwei, and not surprisingly, she was also arrested. She finally found an opportunity to convey her sister's injustice to the people above. This kind of thing is not because the evidence is difficult to find, or how clever the perpetrators are, but because the superiors don't want to investigate. If the superior person has the heart, he can find out with the simple movement of his finger.

Sure enough, Lu Heng found out the cause and effect in just one day, and the report was handed to the Qianqing Palace the next day. After that, the emperor took the opportunity to attack the Zhang family and finally removed the thorn in the flesh that had been rooted in him for twelve years.

And Lu Heng once again scratched the emperor's itch, handed over the knife in time when the emperor needed a crime, and caredly solved the Zhang family for the emperor. After a while, the limelight passed, Lu Heng was afraid that he would be promoted again.

Qin Xianger provided Lu Heng with information, and if she had merit, Lu Heng let her die. As for the haunting of the East Palace, it can only stop at the strange power and chaos. The emperor wanted to attack the Zhang family, but he didn't want to make another mess. If the haunting is exposed, the Empress Dowager Zhang will definitely take the opportunity to sell miserably, and the group of civil servants will also talk about it. It's better not to say anything, and after a month, the world will forget about it.

Anyway, there are so many things going on in the palace, so it doesn't hurt to add a haunted talk. Maybe many years later, only the long-lived old palace maid still remembers that there was a bizarre case of the haunting of the Queen Mother in the East Palace, which was never solved.

Wang Yanqing had no intention of thinking about what role she played in it. She only hoped that after Qin Xianger left the palace, she could really display her talents, live her own life, and never come back.

In this majestic and solemn capital, there is no justice, only politicians.

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