Wang Yanqing nodded, she didn't miss what Lu Heng said, "Someone will come back at any time". He described it as Fu Tingzhou or Cheng Zhifu. Cheng Zhifu was only of the fourth rank. Even if he saw that Lu Heng hid outsiders in the house, he would not dare to spread the word. Then Lu Heng was only worried about Fu Tingzhou.

Strange, why did the second brother exclude Fu Tingzhou from seeing her? Although it's shameful to say this, Fu Tingzhou is still infatuated with her. Even if he bumps into Wang Yanqing, he won't go to the top to complain. What is the second brother worried about?

Since she met Fu Tingzhou, there have been more and more unexplainable things. Wang Yanqing didn't make a sound, and quietly followed Lu Heng back to the Xingyuan where they lived. Everything on the Southern Tour was simple, and even Wang Yanqing was quietly stuffed into the team. She could no longer bring too many maids, and only brought Lingxi out.

When Lingxi saw Wang Yanqing and Lu Heng come back, she didn't ask anything. After putting on hot tea for them, she skillfully closed the door and left. Wang Yanqing was used to this kind of treatment, and didn't think it was wrong. She didn't have time to drink tea, so she approached and asked, "Second brother, what's going on?"

She had been in the carriage for a day and finally set foot on the ground. Before she could pack her luggage, someone suddenly came and said that the commander was looking for her. Wang Yanqing didn't understand what was going on, and was placed behind a faded, dusty screen. Then, Lu Heng, Fu Tingzhou and an official she didn't know walked in.

Lu Heng leaned on the back of the chair and said casually, "As you heard, someone went outside the palace to complain. The emperor heard it and ordered me to solve the case within three days."

"Within three days?" Wang Yanqing was shocked, "Why is the emperor so difficult for others?"

Lu Heng tapped the armrest with his slender fingers, and said slowly, "I asked for my order."

Wang Yanqing was speechless for a moment. She looked at Lu Heng, unable to understand what he was doing.

Lu Heng didn't want to explain more, and said, "This is the end of the matter, let's solve the case first. You say, is that piece of life-saving cloth true or false?"

The blood on the cloth is not fake, but it did not say that it must be the blood of the Liu family's son. What if the Liu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law deliberately exaggerated it in order to attract attention? Wang Yanqing thought for a while, then shook his head honestly: "There is too little information for me to judge. I always feel that there are many things that Aunt Liu didn't say."

"Yes." Lu Heng did not deny this, "I felt it too. They seemed to be very scared, and they were hesitant and vague when they spoke."

"It's normal for them to be afraid." Wang Yanqing said, "You put on the posture of three tribunals. Which ordinary people are not afraid? Besides, there are their local prefects among them. It's normal for them to have scruples."

Lu Heng couldn't do anything about it, he was good at making people fear him, but how to be approachable was not in Jin Yiwei's lesson. Lu Heng said, "If you come to ask, are you sure you can tell the truth?"

Wang Yanqing considered for a moment, and finally nodded slowly: "It should be possible. However, I want to see these two people alone, preferably without officers and guards."

If the person is in Jinyiwei, this is a very easy arrangement, but the person was taken away by Fu Tingzhou. Lu Heng scolded bad luck in his heart, but his face was still light: "No problem, I'll arrange it."

The summer is long, and the heat is shrouded in the earth, and even the air seems to be filled with a layer of blue mist. The officers and soldiers have been raiding for a day, and they have to patrol here at night, and they are miserable. But they did not dare to neglect the things ordered by the Marquis of Zhenyuan. A group of people patrolled around the base of the wall. Suddenly, someone with sharp eyes saw several young and strong men walking towards here.

Jin Yiwei's suit could be recognized at a distance of 800 meters. The officers and soldiers immediately became vigilant, stood in front of the road, and asked loudly, "Who is coming?"

Jin Yiwei, headed by him, quickly showed his waist badge and said, "Master Lu is afraid that the witnesses will make mistakes, so he ordered us to check and check."

The patrolling officers and soldiers are from the military divisions of the five cities, but they don't like Jinyiwei's suit: "The Marquis of Zhenyuan has an order, and no one is allowed to enter without his token."

Jin Yiwei was impatient, and couldn't help raising his voice: "I'm just looking at the witnesses. Do you have any other purpose?"

Xia Ye was so angry that the two teams quarreled when they disagreed. The officers and soldiers guarding the gate kept looking forward, anxious and afraid to leave their posts without permission. Two women in palace costumes came over, and the officers and soldiers paid attention to the front, but did not forget to stop the person: "Who?"

The palace maid performed the palace ceremony in an upright manner, and took the initiative to open the lid of the wooden box in her hand: "We are delivering meals."

The officers and soldiers swept over the two men, who were dressed in ordinary palace maid dresses with waist cards on their waists. The two of them looked at each other, but they were foreign ministers, and it was normal for them not to know palace maids. The officers and soldiers noticed that the edges of their waist cards had been rubbed flat, their clothes were a little old, and the corners of their skirts were still stained with dirt, as if they had walked for a long time.

Generally speaking, these are two very ordinary palace maids, the only unusual thing is that their appearance is so outstanding. Especially the one at the back, she kept her head down, but her exposed forehead was snow-white, and her figure was also slender and slender. Would this kind of woman be just a food delivery person in the palace?

The officers and soldiers looked suspicious. He checked the food box. There was nothing in the box except for two simple dishes and two bowls of rice. The palace maid took the initiative to take out the silver needle and tested each dish for poison in front of the officers and soldiers. She held her hand motionless, and after a long time, the silver needle did not change color. The eyes of the officers and soldiers fell on the two of them, and the palace maid was instantly nervous, and her voice was stiff: "Master, we are the maids of the Shangshi Bureau, and we were ordered to deliver meals..."

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