
"The coast is different from the inland. There are many people here, and the land is not enough for farming. Since the Song Dynasty, many people in Zhejiang and Fujian have relied on doing business to make a living. After the court ordered the sea ban, they cut off their livelihoods and could only move around, quietly transporting goods, trying to find ways to make a living. Avoiding the pursuit of officers and soldiers, it gradually evolved into a pirate. If the conflict between people and land is not resolved, even if this group of Japanese pirates is quelled, in a few decades, new problems will develop."

"If that's the case, why not let go of the sea ban?"

Lu Heng shook his head: "Governing the country is a simple multiple-choice question. The emperors of the previous dynasties loosened the sea ban and set up a city and shipping department along the coast. There are fewer Japanese pirates, but it also involves the occupation of land, government and businessmen. Collusion and other issues. When the emperor first ascended the throne, the two shogunate delegations from Dongying met at the Ship Division of Ningbo City. Many civilians and officers and soldiers. After this incident, the emperor closed the shipping divisions in Zhejiang and Fujian, refusing to allow the Japanese to land. The official channel was closed, and they could only collude with private individuals, which gradually turned into a disaster for Japanese pirates.”

During this period of time in the south of the Yangtze River, Wang Yanqing saw all kinds of people, and she realized that those pirates who were robbers on the sea were not necessarily born bad. Wu Sheng actually said something right, people can't live anymore, what about He Zhong, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness?

Wang Yanqing asked sincerely, "Is the sea ban really correct?"

"I don't know." Lu Heng turned back and looked at her with a smile, "This is something that the emperor should consider, how do I know? In such a big country, if you control it, you will die, and if you let it go, there will be chaos. There are so many heroes in the history books. They all sigh that it is easy to conquer the world and it is difficult to rule the world, how can I answer this kind of question?”

Wang Yanqing's mind was very confused, she couldn't think of an answer, she stood silently beside Lu Heng, and looked at the vast sea with him.

This is a bloody era, with fierce party disputes and wars, and officials are involved in the court battle and die every day. But this is also an era of bright stars. Zhu Wan, Qi Jiguang, Hu Zongxian, Yu Dayou, there are emperors, Xia Wenjin, Zhang Jinggong in the capital, and perhaps Fu Tingzhou and Lu Heng should be added.

The emergence of talents in large numbers is one of the important symbols of prosperity. Each of them is a top smart person, gathered on the same stage, cherishing each other and killing each other. She is fortunate enough to live in this era and witness the rise and fall of these geniuses with her own eyes.

Wang Yanqing asked Lu Heng: "The Japanese-Japanese war has far-reaching effects, and it will definitely be a highlight in the history books in the future. However, the history books will only describe Hu Zongxian's governor of Zhejiang, clever tricks to capture thieves, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou to protect the family and defend the country, and heroic generals. Won't mention you. Wouldn't you be unhappy?"

Lu Heng laughed: "I don't even know how to live my life for decades. What do I care about my reputation? To the commander of Jin Yiwei, being famous is not a good thing. I wish everyone would not remember me."

"Do you really care?"

Lu Heng looked at the distant sea level, the sea and the sky were a line, and the splendid galaxy seemed to be poured into the sea. The world is so vast, how small are people?

Lu Heng said: "Now that the Ming Dynasty is prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment, that's enough."

Some people are shining bright and famous for eternity, and there are people who stand in the dark and move forward with a heavy load. The prosperous world is not only bright and beautiful, but more places are hidden in the mud, festering and producing maggots. Someone needs to remove the carrion inside and carry it forward.

But what everyone can remember in the future will always be that glorious and prosperous age.

The sea breeze is getting colder and colder, and the city gate will be closed after waiting. Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing walked down the mountain together, their horses were grazing on a tree, and when they saw them coming back, they chirped excitedly.

Lu Heng first untied Wang Yanqing's horse and handed her the reins. Wang Yanqing skillfully turned on his horse, and after she sat down, Lu Heng also came up. The two of them didn't need to say more, Lu Heng gave a soft drink, and the horse galloped with its hooves immediately, and Wang Yanqing immediately followed.

They didn't call the guards, and ran towards the city gate one after the other.

The crescent moon in the back is like a hook, the cold wind is blowing, and the nine-layered city tower in front is full of lights.

At this moment, it was only the two of them.

Chapter 132 Happy Pulse

The Japanese-Japanese war was gradually on the right track. Fu Tingzhou learned traditional tactics. Although he was not good at water warfare, he knew how to employ people. Hu Zongxian is a slick person and uses tricks well; Qi Jiguang created the mandarin duck array himself, adapting measures to local conditions; Yu Dayou's style is fierce...

Since ancient times, thousands of troops have been easy to obtain, but one general is hard to find, but now that so many outstanding generals have emerged, it can be seen that God's will is on Daming's side. But Lu Heng didn't have time to wait for the victory of the war. Next was the battlefield of the regular army. He completed his mission and could retire.

Lu Heng counted the manpower and prepared to lead Jinyiwei back to Beijing. Before returning to Beijing, he asked Zhu Yuxiu what he meant. Zhu Yuxiu was unwilling to go to the capital, and also rejected the proposal to send her to seek refuge with relatives, but chose to stay in Suzhou to be filial to her father and grandmother.

During the Qixi Festival, Zhu Yuxiu and Grandma Zhu should have been staring at each other, but the old servant of the Zhu family escaped, and now he continues to serve the young lady. Since this was Zhu Yuxiu's decision, Lu Heng did not reluctantly, but wrote a memorial of his petition and handed it to the emperor after he entered the capital, so that the court could reward and settle Zhu Yuxiu.

At the same time, Lu Heng went through the release procedures for Yu Zhong. Yu Zhong was born in a brothel and was born happy, but she provided Lu Heng with a lot of official information, and Lu Hengnian destroyed her original place of origin in order to protect her from retaliation by the officials. Give her another identity.

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