The eldest grandson Yu didn't count his identity, and there were still two people who were paying attention. even persevered in the investigation for four full years.

Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling are indeed worthy of being one of the smartest people in Datang. As long as they catch the slightest clue, they can be uprooted and investigated.

Even, the information they had was enough to make anyone suspect Changsun Yu. The only thing missing is the crucial evidence.

In the next few days, the eldest grandson Wuji discussed with the eldest grandson queen for a long time, and finally, the wedding date of the eldest grandson Yu and Princess Xiangcheng was set for a month later!

This was a little earlier than Changsun Yu expected, and a little earlier than Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui expected.

"What should I do? What can I do now?"

Fang Xuanling walked around the study, it seemed that they were destined to be unable to solve the mystery. If they get married, it doesn't matter whether the eldest grandson Yu is His Majesty's biological son or not.

Because, even if it is certain that the eldest grandson Yu is His Majesty's biological son. They're going to have to rot it in their stomachs, too.

"It seems that what we have been investigating for four years can only be terminated. "

Du Ruhui sighed softly, they were all loyal ministers of the Tang Dynasty. In fact, I saw the growth of the eldest grandson Yu and the amazing achievements in Yanyun.

They really hope that the eldest grandson Yu is His Majesty's biological son. In this way, in the future, they or their descendants can assist a generation of Ming monarchs and create a more brilliant Tang Dynasty!

It's just a pity that now it seems that God has not given them a chance to investigate.

This made them very sorry, because of their loyalty to Li Shimin, they wanted to investigate clearly and return the royal bloodline.

"There's another way! One last way!"

Fang Xuanling seemed to have thought of something, and immediately gritted his teeth.

"What's the solution?"

Du Ruhui hurriedly asked.

"We can recognize our relatives with blood!"

Fang Xuanling was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, yes!

In ancient times, the only way to determine whether it was a relative was to recognize relatives by dropping blood. In fact, after scientific analysis by later generations, this is fake.

Even smart people like Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are convinced of the fact that they recognize their relatives by blood, and this is the ignorance of ancient times.

Therefore, they now have only one way, that is, to complete the blood recognition and determine whether the eldest grandson Yu is Li Shimin's biological son in front of the Manchu civil and military forces.

"But how can we let the Dragon Marquis bleed with His Majesty?"

Fang Xuanling hesitated again, this is not easy to do! Eldest Sun Yu didn't say it first, then Your Majesty is a dragon body with a golden price, how can they let them bleed?

If they did this, the Manchu civil and military would definitely tear them apart first.

However, I have to say that these two people are the smartest ones in Datang. It didn't take long for Du Ruhui to think of an excellent solution!

"This official has a way!" Fang Xuanling touched his beard, his eyes were full of pride! Looking at Fang Xuanling's curious appearance, he was very satisfied.

This time, he came up with it first. He came up with the blood recognition just now, and now the method of bloodletting is his.

"What's the solution?"

Du Ruhui asked anxiously, this guy, it's time to go.

Fang Xuanling pondered for a moment and said.

"Your Majesty is fond of Taoism, if we spend a lot of money to find a highly respected Taoist priest, and then introduce it to Your Majesty, after gaining Your Majesty's trust, give advice to Your Majesty. "

"Let's just say that the Marquis of Long conquered the sixteen states of Yanyun and killed hundreds of thousands of people, which was too murderous. "

"If the princess wants to marry the dragon marquis, and is not corrupted by this murderous aura, only if the two drink each other's blood can they not be afraid of the murderous aura. "

After Fang Xuanling finished speaking, he looked at Du Ruhui with a smug face.

Although it is a bit unrealistic, after His Majesty ascended the throne, because he became the Son of Heaven, he trusted these techniques more and more. "

"If this is done, Your Majesty will definitely agree, after all, only the princess and the dragon marquis only need to put a drop of blood each. "

Du Ruhui had to admire, Fang Xuanling's strategy was good. At that time, in front of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, the blood of the two dripped into the bowl, and after blending, the fact that the two were brothers and sisters would shock the court!

Then the truth will be revealed, and their marriage can be stopped! And they can also help Datang to find a wandering prince, or a prince with great talents!

After having a plan, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui took action.

As the two prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty, they spent a lot of money and finally bought a prestigious Taoist priest.

He didn't ask him to do anything illegal, but just offered a plan to tell His Majesty that the Dragon Marquis had killed too much, and if he wanted the princess to marry and not be eroded by the killing qi, he could only be relieved by drinking the wine mixed with the blood of the two.

Just drink a little bloody wine, there will be no danger, looking at the golden hundred taels in front of him, the Taoist priest directly agreed.

And after Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were ready, they would often mention this Taoist priest to Li Shimin.

Through their understanding of Li Shimin, Li Shimin's interest was really aroused. Directly invited this Taoist priest to Chang'an City, met with him a few times, and talked about Taoism.

Gradually, he gained Li Shimin's trust.

Seeing that there are only less than seven days left before the wedding date of Changsun Yu and Princess Xiangcheng, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui look at the time.

Now, let the Taoist priest start to offer advice.

On this day, in the Taiji Hall, the Taoist priest first talked to Li Shimin about Taoism. Then, when the conversation was over, he suddenly asked.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the princess is about to marry the dragon marquis of the sixteen states of Yanyun?"

When Li Shimin heard this, he couldn't help but smile. Although that kid never gave himself face, he was indeed a genius, and he was very satisfied with such a colt.

The Taoist priest saw that it was almost over, so he groaned for a while and said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Marquis of Long defeated Luo Yi in the sixteen states of Yanyun, suppressed the Turks, and killed at least more than 300,000 people!"

"This killing aura is too heavy. And the princess's words, Xiaodao has seen her once, looking at her face, she is not as noble as the queen's mother, I am afraid that she will not be able to bear this killing atmosphere. "

Li Shimin was shocked, he believed in the so-called Taoism very much, otherwise, there would be no matter of taking pills in the middle of the year.

"Dao Chief, what can I do about this?"

Li Shimin asked anxiously, if this erodes Xiangcheng's body, how can it be good?

The Taoist priest smiled slightly, and slowly said the words that Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui told him.

"Your Majesty, this is not difficult. Just put a drop of blood from the Dragon Marquis and Her Royal Highness the princess into a bowl of wine. Let the two of them drink together. "

"In this case, Her Royal Highness the Princess has the blood of the Dragon Marquis in her body, and the murderous aura will not dare to erode Her Royal Highness the Princess. "

"And Long Hou has the blood of Her Royal Highness the Princess in his body, and the murderous aura will naturally have a sense of closeness to Her Royal Highness, and it will not hurt Her Royal Highness. "

It's just nonsense, but the ignorant ancients ate this set, and Li Shimin, the wise and martial emperor, really believed it.

"Thank you, Chief, thank you, Chief! Come, give a reward!"

Then, the chief left, and soon said goodbye to Li Shimin, saying that he was going to travel. In fact, he ran away and got a hundred taels of gold from Fang Xuanling Du Ruhui.

Coupled with the various treasures given by the emperor, it is enough for him to be chic for ten lifetimes.

As for why Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui asked him to come up with such a plan, he would never know for the rest of his life, let alone care.

And Li Shimin, after listening to the words of the Taoist priest, thought it was true. even asked Fang Xuanling to discuss with Du Ruhui, the two glanced at each other, and immediately agreed.

You must know that in the past, both of them admonished Li Shimin that this kind of question about magic was false.

This time, it was so decisive.

With the approval of the two ministers, Li Shimin was ready to follow the Taoist method. I don't know what Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui said to Li Shimin.

actually asked Li Shimin to agree, and the matter of drinking blood wine was put on the morning court.

Whether it was Changsun Yu or Princess Xiangcheng, they didn't know at this time that the two smartest people in Datang had set up a bureau for them, and they would jump into it tomorrow.

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