The Tang Dynasty in the entire restaurant was silent, and all the gray-clothed people quietly looked at Qu Lianhuan's subordinates in front of them, there was no trace of panic in their eyes, only a trace of pride!

The black-robed man in the field didn't react at all, just looked at the food on the table in front of him with great interest, as if he didn't see Qu Lianhuan's existence at all!

Qu Lianhuan on the side and the sons on the side were completely shocked by the appearance of the black-robed man and the gray-clothed man in the field.

Who are these people? Why did the behavior seem so similar to the soldiers in the barracks he had seen before, Qu Lianhuan on the side had a cloudy and uncertain look on his face, and he secretly thought in his heart!

I saw a group of gray-clothed men in front of them quietly looking at the retinue who seemed to be about to rush to their side, and there was a trace of coldness in their eyes.

The entourage on the other side was full of surprise and looked at the opponent in front of them, led by several men with big shoulders and round waists who were a little hesitant on their faces, in their past, the opponents were generally weak ordinary boss surnames, where would there be such people who dared to face them face to face, as if they were going to do it if they didn't agree with each other!

Thinking of this, I saw that the few men led by me couldn't help but look back at Qu Lianhuan in the back, as if they were waiting for Qu Lianhuan's decision

At this moment, Qu Lianhuan naturally saw the unusualness of these people in front of him, and secretly scolded in his heart: What's the matter today, I've been meeting this kind of guy who doesn't want to die, as if I am a little minion myself!

But looking at these gray-clothed men in the field, I saw Qu Lianhuan take a deep breath, take a step forward, and said: "I don't know where a few strong men come from, maybe they still have some connections with my Quzhen Qu family, it's better to tell them and get to know them!"

Qu Lianhuan's words meant that he was reporting his home and being soft, but who knew that the man in black on the side didn't have the slightest idea of wanting to go down the stairs, but smiled faintly and said: "I haven't been to Qu Town for so many years, I don't know which house the Qu family is in charge of?"

Hearing this, Qu Lianhuan's face on the side moved unnaturally, looking at the face of the man in black was much more unnatural, a pair of eyes stared at the man in black tightly, and slowly said: "Qu Lianhuan, the second son of the second family of the Qu family, who is Mr. Arrangement?"

After that, I saw that Qu Lianhuan didn't have a trace of annoyance in his eyes, but looked at the man in black with a little respect!

I saw that the man in black waved his hand very casually, and said in a hoarse voice: "It turns out that Qu Xingwen is in charge now, and the little guys have grown up!"

Hearing the words of the man in black, Qu Lianhuan's face suddenly became very solemn, and the expression on his face was also much more respectful, looking at him and saying, "I don't know what the relationship between Your Excellency and my father is?"

Hearing this, I saw a smile on the face of the man in black, and slowly said, "Is your father? No, I just had some friendship with your grandfather at that time!"

Hearing this, Qu Lianhuan immediately looked at the man in black in front of him with some doubts, looking at his black hair, his skin was still so energetic

But when he observed the color himself, Qu Lianhuan found that there were some wrinkles in the corners of the man's eyes and other places, and he suddenly had some clear colors in his heart.

After all, many people in the rivers and lakes have heard a rumor that after practicing martial arts to a certain level, this person's body will definitely be much higher than others

Maybe the man in black in front of him is such an identity, thinking of this, Qu Lianlian's face looks a little better!

But at the same time, I saw Qu Lianhuan looking at the group of people in front of him with some hesitation, after all, the words of the man in black still need to be confirmed, and there are still many friends by his side at the moment, if he leaves like this time, he will not have any face in front of these people in the future!

Thinking of this, Qu Lianhuan was in a dilemma.

At this moment, I saw a man with the same face as jade on the side looking at the people in front of him, snorted lightly with some disdain, turned his head to look at Qu Lianhuan and said, "Gongzi Qu, are you afraid, is there anyone else in Qu Town that you dare not move?"

At the same time, the boy looked at Qu Lianhuan with a strange gaze, and the meaning revealed in his eyes seemed to be laughing at Qu Lianhuan

Hearing this, he saw that Qu Lianhuan's face was a little ugly, he looked at the man in front of him with a cold face, and said, "Didn't you hear just now, this senior has some relationship with the elders of my family?"

At this moment, there seemed to be a raging anger burning in Qu Lianhuan's heart, and the man who spoke out just now was named Zhan Zijin, and he was the son of a certain family in another city on the side.

Zhan Zijin has always looked down on Qu Lianlian, just because the Qu family only has some say in Quzhen, but there is no other influence in other places!

But the Zhan family is different, and they also have a prominent position in the region where they are located. Zhan Zijin holds his own identity, so naturally he looks down on Qu Lianlian.

This time, I will naturally not let go of such an opportunity to slap my face in the face

The man in black looked at the two people in front of him who didn't put him in his eyes at all, but there was no trace of annoyance on his face, but he looked at the conversation between the two in front of him with some expectation.

I saw that Qu Lianhuan listened to Zhan Zijin's words at this moment, and his face was a little unbearable, after seeing the other sons and brothers on the side also looking at him with some strange eyes, when he looked at the man in black on the side with some hesitation, he secretly thought in his heart: Anyway, he didn't tell me what his identity was, and I wouldn't get involved in this matter at most!

"Anyway, I didn't bother him, I don't believe that I can offend him like this!" Qu Lianhuan thought secretly in his heart at this moment!

After paying attention in his heart, he saw Qu Lianhuan say with an ugly face: "Zhan Zijin, since your tone is so big, then I don't care about this matter, presumably with the strength of your Zhan family, you should be able to settle this matter."

After that, he saw Qu Lianhuan and greeted a group of Qu family entourages on the side, and left the restaurant without looking back

After seeing Qu Lianhuan leaving, some sons and brothers also left together, leaving only five or six sons and brothers tightly huddled around Zhan Zijin, waiting quietly.

After Zhan Zijin on the side saw Qu Lianhuan leave the restaurant like this, his face suddenly became a little ugly, and he secretly thought in his heart: Damn Qu Lianlian, he is simply a coward, I don't know why such a guy still asks me to make friends with him

Although the Zhan family also has some influence in Quzhen, after all, this is the base camp of the Qu family, and the Zhan family still can't be compared with the Qu family!

Just when Zhan Zijin didn't know what to do next, he saw a man in a navy blue samurai uniform with an excited look on his face, trotting to Zhan Zijin's side, whispering a few words, and suddenly saw Zhan Zijin's face regain a look of confidence, and a look of pride also appeared on his face

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Qin Shubao and the others to hear a noisy footsteps ringing in the restaurant, only to see dozens of big men with messy hair and open chests laughing and scolding into the restaurant, led by a young man with a cold face.

After Zhan Zijin on the side saw this young man, his face was suddenly happy, and he said, "Cousin, why are you here?"

After that, I saw Zhan Zijin even trotting towards the man, looking at the man with an eager face.

I saw that this man was carrying a short knife around his waist, his face was full of solemnity, and he looked at Zhan Zijin on the side, and his eyes were a little bright, and he said: "Zijin, why did you suddenly come to this Qu Town, is it because there is not enough for you to play at home?"

Hearing this, Zhan Zijin's face on the side suddenly became a little embarrassed, he looked at the man in front of him in a scornful manner, and said: "It's not, it's just that I originally wanted to eat when I came to take Quzhen this time, but now I have encountered some small troubles."

As he spoke, he saw Zhan Zijin cast his eyes on the crowd in the lobby on the side, and a pair of eyes stared at the man in black not far away.

Seeing this, I saw that the man who suddenly came to see him shifted his gaze, and when he saw the neatly arranged group of gray-robed people in the lobby, his eyes shrank even for a moment, and after looking at it for a while, he said in a deep voice: "I am Zhan Gouda of the Zhan family, I don't know where the strong man in front of me is, this matter is not right for my unsuccessful brother, Zhan Gouda is here to make a compensation."

After that, when I saw Zhan Gouda, he looked at the man in black who was doing steadily in the lobby with a little respect!

Seeing this, I saw that the man in black didn't pay any attention to Zhan Gouda's meaning, but quietly ate the food on the table, and even said with a smile: "Come on, everyone eats, although the owner of this restaurant is not very authentic, but the cooking skills of the chef in this restaurant are still good, hurry up and eat it or it won't taste good if it's cold!"

Hearing the words of the man in black, the gray-clothed people on the side seemed to have heard some order, the chopsticks in their hands kept swinging around, and the laughter and noise filled the entire lobby of the restaurant, and they didn't pay attention to Zhan Gouda at all.

When Zhan Gouda on the side saw this scene, not only did he not have any anger on his face, but he looked at the group of people in front of him with a solemn face!

The Zhan Gouda in front of him is naturally not comparable to Zhan Zijin, an eyeless idiot. Seeing that the group of people in front of him quickly returned to their original state under the order of the man in black, how could Zhan Gaoda not know that he had met a hard stubble this time!

Seeing this, I saw Zhan Gouda couldn't help but turn his head and glared at Zhan Zijin fiercely, took a deep breath, and continued: "Since you are dining now, then we won't disturb your Yaxing!"

After that, Zhan Gaoda, who saw him on the side, waved his hand neatly, preparing to leave the restaurant with a group of men.

Seeing this, Zhan Zijin on the side looked at his cousin with doubts, but Zhan Gouda didn't pay any attention to him. Seeing that Zhan Gaoda really wanted to leave, Jin Dang on the side said with a look of anxiety on his face: "Cousin, you won't be afraid......, what is there to be afraid of this old guy!

I saw that Zhan Zijin's words had not yet been spoken, and the man in black in the lobby suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Yes, why are you in such a hurry, my old guy will let you go."

I saw that the man in black at this moment was full of coldness, and he said without sadness or joy

When the words landed, I saw the gray-clothed men on the side, even though they quickly took out their respective weapons from the packages on their backs.

I saw several gray-clothed men blocking the door of the restaurant with brisk steps, blocking the retreat of Zhan Gouda and several others

Seeing this scene, Zhan Gouda's face was very ugly, and he held back the anger in his heart, turned his head to look at the man in black on the side, and said in a cold voice: "I don't know what Your Excellency means by this, I can't do it if I want to."

Hearing this, I saw the man in black slowly step forward, looked at Zhan Gouda with a cold face, and couldn't help but chuckle, and said, "Where do I dare to do it, these subordinates of mine can't beat the famous Zhan family army!"

As soon as these words came out, even though the hall was silent, Qin Shubao and the others on the side all looked at Zhan Gaoda and the others not far away with solemn faces.

I saw Cheng Yanjin on the side looking at Qin Shubao with some curiosity and asked, "Shubao, what does the Zhan family army mean? Could it be the army of the imperial court?"

I saw that Qin Shubao's face was full of solemnity at this moment, and he slowly spoke: "Strictly speaking, the Zhan family's army is no longer the army of the imperial court! But their combat effectiveness is not comparable to these corrupt armies of the current imperial court!"

"Zhan Jiajun, one of the right-hand men who followed Taizu to fight the world, was regarded by Taizu's enemies and even aliens at that time as a fierce tiger Zhan Jiajun, who will compete!"

When Luo Gongzi on the side heard Qin Shubao's words, he also looked at Qin Shubao with a surprised face, and secretly thought in his heart: I didn't expect Qin Shubao to know such secrets, it seems that I should check his background carefully!

The reason why Luo Gongzi thinks so is because the existence of the Zhan family army has been diluted by the imperial court's efforts, and almost no one knows about it since the Taizu period!

This matter involves some other secrets, so even those who know the existence of the Zhan family army tacitly do not mention this matter, and choose to let him be buried forever in the occasion of time

When everyone in the lobby heard this, their reactions were different.

After Zhan Zijin heard this, his face was full of doubts, and he secretly thought in his heart: Isn't my cousin from the Quzhen military camp, how did he become a Zhan family army, and does the Zhan family refer to his own family?

Thinking secretly in his heart, the expression on Zhan Zijin's face became more and more confused!

So, Zhan Zijin couldn't help but cast his eyes on Zhan Gouda on the side, but his eyes couldn't help but stare at him

I saw that Zhan Gaoda's face was covered with sweat at this moment, and a pair of eyes were staring at the man in black tightly, and after a while, his face slowly changed back to calm, and his voice was a little hoarse and said: "What Zhan Jiajun, did Your Excellency make a mistake! We are soldiers in the military camp in Quzhen, I don't know what Your Excellency means by what you just said?"

Hearing Zhan Gouda's words, he saw that the man in black just smiled lightly, and Zhan Gouda's performance had already given him an answer in his heart, so he didn't ask, but said lightly: "Do you think that if there is no evidence, I will come here?"

After that, I saw that all the gray-clothed men on the side took out their weapons in their hands, and everyone faintly surrounded Zhan Gouda and others.

Seeing this, Zhan Gouda's face sank, and he said, "Since this is the case, then we will see the real chapter under our hands!"

After that, I saw Zhan Gouda's big hand wave, and even if all his subordinates swept away the previous gloom, a trace of danger suddenly permeated the field again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shubao and the others on the side were all shocked, only to hear Qin Shubao say in a deep voice: "At this time, I am afraid that there are a lot of lives in the hands of these people."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone looking at Zhan Gundam and the others in the field became more and more solemn!

But when the man in black saw this scene in the field, he suddenly burst out laughing, and there was a faint hint of expectation in his eyes, and he said lightly: "In this case, why don't you let me see how powerful Zhan Jiajun is!"

After saying that, I saw a wave of the black-clothed big hand, and the gray-clothed men beside him immediately rushed towards Zhan Gundam and the others

Seeing this, Zhan Gouda's face did not have a trace of fear, but a look of eagerness, his eyes were full of madness, and he shouted: "Free to play."

After that, I saw Zhan Gouda standing quietly in the middle of the field watching this scene, and he had no intention of making a move immediately

The man in black on the side also looked at the people in front of him with a calm face, without any movement!

I saw a gray-clothed man holding a long knife in his hand, his eyes were full of madness, and he rushed towards a burly man in front of him.

I only heard a soft sound, and I saw that the long knife in the hand of the man in gray was stopped by a small broken blade.

I saw that the man in gray saw this scene without the slightest surprise, and his right leg suddenly turned into an afterimage and kicked towards the head of the soldier in front of him!

Bang~, the soldier in front of him suddenly didn't react, his eyes were full of horror, and he hurriedly put his arm on his head

I saw that this soldier was brutally attacked by this attack, and his body suddenly took a few steps back.

Seeing this, another soldier on the side rushed out and continued to block the man in gray.

This scene is not just a special case, most of the situations in the field are similar, it seems that the individual combat ability of the men in gray is much stronger than these soldiers of the Zhan family, and the scene is almost uncontrollable

Seeing this, Zhan Gouda, who was on the side, suddenly felt unhappy in his heart, and said, "Damn! When did these eagle dogs become so powerful!"

After that, I only heard Zhan Gundam speak: "All the soldiers listen to the order, Xuan Crossbow Array!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw that all the soldiers took out a small wooden stick from their waists, and the broken blades they were holding in their hands were inserted into the wooden sticks.

The three soldiers stood at the front of the line, holding their weapons tightly in their hands, the sharp blades of the weapons facing outward, and the surrounding circles were full of broken blades! From a distance, the entire team of soldiers was like a hedgehog, exposing all the spikes on its body

The man in black on the side saw this scene in front of him and said, "What's the situation, do you think that you can defeat my men by shrinking down like this?"

Hearing this, Zhan Gouda, who was not far away, sneered and said, "Your Excellency is a little happy early

"Xuan Crossbow Array, attack!" only to hear Zhan Gouda shout, even when he saw everyone like hedgehogs rushing towards the gray-clothed man in front of him!

Seeing this, I saw a gray-clothed man who looked like the leader waved his hand, and suddenly several gray-clothed people pulled out the long knives in their hands and slowly approached the 'big hedgehog' in front of them!

I saw a sharp light flashing in the eyes of the gray-clothed people in front of me, raised the long knife in his hand, and slashed away

Seeing that these long knives were about to hit the target, they saw several long broken blades suddenly appear in the large meat bullets in front of them, and several wooden sticks were connected to the end of the broken blades

The gray-clothed men swept the broken blades in front of them, knowing that the length of this weapon could not reach them, so they continued to boldly press down the long knives in their hands

At this time, the long-handled broken blade that could not reach them at all suddenly continued to stab forward, as if it had grown out of thin air.

Suddenly, there was only a pop, and the chests of the three gray-clothed men were filled with several broken blades.

I saw that after the several soldiers in front of me succeeded in one blow, they didn't have the slightest nostalgia, and immediately pulled out the broken blade inserted into the gray-clothed men's bodies without blinking!

Another uniform voice sounded in the audience, and everyone's hearts trembled!

I saw that the black-clothed man at this moment was full of frost, looked at the scene in front of him coldly, and said slowly: "This trick is really very skilled in the Zhan family's military!"

Hearing the words of the man in black, Zhan Gouda on the side smiled, but there was no trace of smugness on his face, and he slowly said, "It's just a fluke."

Hearing this, I saw that the face of the man in black on the side was even more unsightly

At this time, I saw a gray-clothed man who had been standing beside the man in black suddenly turned his head to look at the man in black, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, why don't I try the details of the Zhan family's army!"

Hearing this, I saw that the man in black muttered for a moment, then slowly shook his head, and said, "Not for the time being!" I want to see how my sons deal with these people

Hearing the words of the man in black, the man in gray on the side just respectfully clenched his fists and stepped aside!

At this time, several gray-clothed people on the side seemed to have noticed the scene that had just happened, and their faces were very ugly, looking at the big hedgehog in front of them, and several more people rushed up even if they continued

This time, several gray-clothed men also held their long knives high, with a cold look in their eyes, and slashed fiercely towards the group of soldiers in front of them

Moreover, because the big hedgehog composed of the soldiers in front of him is very close, it will be absolutely impossible to separate for a while. As a result, everyone in the audience who realized this scene had their eyes tightened

Qin Shubao also frowned tightly, looking at the situation in front of him, he was also shocked in his heart!

Qiang~, I only heard a sound of gold and iron in the field, and several spears suddenly popped out among the big hedgehogs in the field!

I saw that the spears in the field swept and blocked the long knives of all the gray-clothed men!

Seeing this, Cheng Yanjin and the others on the side couldn't help but look at the situation in front of them with some doubts, and said: "Where did this group of guys get their spears, I haven't seen anyone bring spears in!"

Hearing this, he saw Jin Qin Shubao looking at the scene with a solemn face, and said slowly: "The spear was naturally not brought in by them! The weapon in front of him can be said to be a spear, or it can be said that it is not a spear

Qimen weapon, this must be Qimen weapon, Qin Shubao's heart shouted wildly!

The size of a spear is very obvious, if these soldiers brought it in, how could Qin Shubao and the others not be able to find out, but the things in front of them can't be faked, so there can only be this explanation!

Qin Shubao, who was only listening to the side, pointed to the spear that popped out, and said in a deep voice: "If you look at these spears carefully, the color on them does not have the luster that metal should have, but it looks like wood!"

Hearing this, everyone on the side of Cheng Yanjin turned their eyes to the side.

Maybe Qin Shubao and the others were a little louder, but Zhan Gaoda, who was not far away, glanced at Qin Shubao and the others coldly, and said slowly: "You have good knowledge, since you can still know Qimen weapons." But I advise you to stay quiet, or I'll treat you as the people in front of you!"

Hearing this, I saw Cheng Biting Jindang's face even though he was angry, but Qin Shubao on the side gently pulled his sleeve and signaled him not to speak!

Seeing that Qin Shubao and the others didn't make a sound, Zhan Gaoda on the side just snorted coldly and ignored Qin Shubao and the others!

I saw that the man in black on the side glanced at Qin Shubao with some surprise, but he also didn't speak!

At this moment, the two of them regard Qin Shubao and others as dispensable existences, as if they are ordinary people in the rivers and lakes, don't say that Qin Shubao and others are very ordinary people in the rivers and lakes at first glance, even if the so-called heroes of the rivers and lakes come, the people on both sides will not care in the slightest

After all, the identities of the two sides, although Qin Shubao is not very clear at the moment, he can also vaguely feel that both sides represent the imperial court, and it is not something that a few of them can afford to provoke!

At this time, I saw that Luo Gongzi on the side had a look of horror on his face, looked at Qin Shubao and said softly: "Qin Zhuangshi, why don't we hurry up and leave, the situation in front of us is really a bit complicated!"

When Luo Gongzi heard the name of Zhan Jiajun just now, although he was very surprised in his heart, there was no trace of fear on his face, but now after suddenly seeing these Qimen weapons in front of him, the whole person was inexplicably frightened!

After seeing this scene, Qin Shubao's heart also sank suddenly, knowing that I am afraid that the things represented by these Qimen weapons in front of him may not be simple!

At this time, Zhan Zijin on the side was already frightened, standing aside in a daze, looking at the scene in front of him fixedly, his heart was like a tornado suddenly set off in the sea, a stormy wave!

What the hell is going on, I'm just here to have a meal! How did things evolve like this, at this moment, Zhan Zijin shouted frantically in his heart!

Even if Zhan Zijin's reaction was slow, he could fully realize that things were far beyond what he could have imagined at this moment

Zhan Jiajun's name is his own as soon as he hears it, but he has never heard of this identity of his own family at all, and even among the people in front of him who can suddenly form such a formation just by seeing it, Zhan Zijin can faintly see a few people with very familiar faces!

These people have more or less followed his ass and acted nonsense, but at that time, these mud legs were all foxes and fake tigers, and their bodies were all empty, where they were like now, they were all full of bulging muscles, and they looked half weak!

What Zhan Zijin didn't know was that there were too many things that the Zhan family hadn't notified him of over the years! Even many of the doglegs around him were powerful guards secretly placed by the Zhan family.

But at this moment, everyone in the field ignored Zhan Zijin, who was close to the brink of collapse, but looked at the situation in the field with a serious face

I saw that all the gray-clothed people in the field looked at the big hedgehog in front of them cautiously, and the situation in the field was a little stiff for a while, and neither side had any intention of continuing to shoot

At this moment, the gray-clothed people were naturally worried about the endless Qimen weapons of the other party, but these soldiers in front of them could not move quickly because of the formation.

As a result, the double reversal in the field invariably stalemate!

At this moment, Zhan Gouda, who was only listening to the side, slowly glanced around the arena and said, "I don't know if this adult still thinks he can eat all of us?"

Hearing this, I saw the man in black glancing at Zhan Gaoda with a cold look, snorted coldly, and said, "Don't you really think that I have no way to take you?"

Zhan Gouda, who was on the side, was also not to be outdone, and said, "If there is any good way, please do your best."

Hearing this, I saw the man in black snort lightly, and said to the man who was already eager to try: "I'll give you a cup of tea, and you will break this array!"

Hearing this, I saw that the gray-clothed man on the side had a look of excitement on his face, looking at the soldiers in the field as if he was looking at a prey!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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