Pushing open the door, Changsun Yu was stunned.


That's right, Whisper was actually inside, and at this time, Xiangcheng actually took off his red hijab and sat at the table with Whisper, eating snacks.


Xiangcheng exclaimed, and then rushed back to the bed at great speed, and put the red hijab back on. Even if he can't see it, Changsun Yu knows that Xiangcheng at this time must be red-faced.

She has always been gentle and generous, but she never thought that she would see such a side for Changsun Yu.

"Master Hou. "

Whispered stood up and smiled at Eldest Sun Yu.

"Because the princess has never eaten since she came out of the palace, she whispered and brought some snacks to the princess to satisfy her hunger. "

Whispering this, Changsun Yu couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

"If you're hungry, just let someone bring you food, my Hou Mansion doesn't have so many rules. "

Xiangcheng in the hijab said softly.

"The concubine doesn't care about this, but Hou Ye is the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty, so he naturally needs to care about the opinions of others. Otherwise, it will not have a good impact on Hou Ye's reputation. "

Xiangcheng said this, and Changsun Yu could only shake his head, but he was slightly moved in his heart.

At that moment, he went directly to the door and told the maid to prepare some food. In fact, he himself was hungry, because at the banquet, he really didn't eat anything except drinking.

When the meal was delivered, Whisper still wanted to leave, but was left behind by Changsun Yu.

"Whisper, I'm sorry to postpone your wedding. "

Changsun Yu whispered apologetically, she was originally her first woman, but the wedding was not the first. Changsun Yu was still very guilty in his heart.

Whisper shook her head.

"It's okay to whisper or not to get married, as long as you can accompany Hou Ye's side, whispering is very happy. "

Xiangcheng was holding a whispering hand.

"Sister, don't say that, Master Hou likes you so much, he will definitely prepare a beautiful wedding for you. "

Whispering was taken aback, Xiangcheng is Her Royal Highness the Princess!

"This can't be, Her Royal Highness the princess has a noble status, how can she be called Sister Whispering?"

Xiangcheng shook his head and said seriously: "Why not, my sister is older than me, and in this Hou Mansion, we are all women of the Hou Mansion, so naturally we can't distinguish between status and inferiority." "

Changsun Yu looked at the conversation between the two daughters, but smiled. Xiangcheng really deserves to be a royal woman, who grew up in the palace, and can see the three wives and four concubines more clearly than any woman.

In her thoughts, a talented man should have three wives and four concubines.

Therefore, the harem that Changsun Yu was most worried about was on fire, but it would not appear.


There was nothing to say all night, and Changsun Yu didn't know if he was crazy, he was so bold.

Forget about the candles in the cave room, he didn't even let go of whispering. When I woke up in the morning, the whole person was beautiful.

He is proud of his life now, right? There are two women who have captivated the country and the city, as well as a noble status, and monstrous power, it seems that the winner in life is talking about people like him.

"See Master Hou!"

As soon as he pushed the door out, the two maids guarding the door hurriedly saluted.

"Shhhh "

The eldest grandson Yu said so, and then walked to the side room and asked the maid to fetch water to wash his face and brush his teeth. In the end, Lei came to the courtyard without moving and made a set of punches.

When Changsun Yu finished a set of punches, the two girls woke up.

When they saw themselves, the two girls blushed involuntarily, and then gave Changsun Yu a white look. Faced with this situation, Changsun Yu could only smirk.

In the following days, the whole Chang'an finally calmed down. The aftermath of the eldest grandson Yu's wedding can be regarded as the past.

However, the good days are not long in time, and we are going to start working again.

"Your Majesty, has you been discovered?"

In the imperial study, Changsun Yu looked at Li Shimin and asked.

Li Shimin nodded, and said to Changsun Yu rather unhappily.

"It's not because of your Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, as that side was pacified, naturally, news was revealed. "

"The super rice thing has been discovered. It's just that, perhaps out of interest, those guys didn't announce it, but helped us block it. "

"Otherwise, it is estimated that countless people will frantically pour into the sixteen states of Yanyun. "

Eldest Sun Yu rolled his eyes.

"Your Majesty, that's not what you said when you took food from me. "

Changsun Yu directly exposed it, without giving face at all.

Li Shimin blushed, and then coughed dryly. Indeed, in the past four years, in order to let the sixteen states of Yanyun develop, Changsun Yu has gotten rid of the mess of perennial war.

This is the development of super rice in the sixteen states of Yanyun, in just four years, the main development of Youzhou by Changsun Yu actually has a posture comparable to Chang'an.

One can imagine how perverted the super rice is! This is just a simple internal development, using grain as energy to promote the development of various industries.

It's not like Chang'an, and there are a lot of things involved, such as foreign trade and the like. Many countries will trade in Chang'an, or trade cotton directly with Datang and the like.

Youzhou, which does not have these, just relies on super rice, and actually has a posture comparable to Chang'an, which is enough to see how powerful super rice is.

"Let's not talk about this matter for a while, I want to ask you, what should I do about this matter?"

Although he may have an idea in his heart, Li Shimin still wants to ask Changsun Yu. Now there is a situation that Eldest Sun Yu actually has the posture of faintly replacing Eldest Sun Wuji and Fang Xuanling.

For this kind of big and small affairs, Li Shimin's first thought was to ask Changsun Yu, perhaps he already had a sense of dependence on Changsun Yu.

Because Changsun Yu has never let him down.

"That's naturally the announcement of Super Rice, in the past four years, so many preparations have been made, isn't it just for this day?"

"Although we secretly cultivated super rice, we didn't dare to put it on the market on a large scale. Otherwise, it will make people disparity, so the people are only slightly better than the original days. "

"But starvation is still the norm. "

"So, super rice, it's imperative. As long as this step is successful, from now on, Datang will be the kingdom of the Heavenly Empire!"

Changsun Yu said solemnly, the power of super rice is too great. As long as the people can eat enough, the Tang Dynasty, which has mastered this sharp weapon, will have countless sources of soldiers and the support of the people all over the world.

At that point, the rise is just around the corner.

"Okay! In that case, let's announce it! Get enough seeds from Youzhou. Mobilize all these seeds to all parts of Datang. "

"Strive to plant all these seeds at the beginning of next month!"

Li Shimin said so, and Eldest Sun Yu nodded. This matter was so determined, and then Changsun Yu gave an order, and Youzhou began to prepare seeds.

The seeds must be transported to Chang'an first, and the genetic lock will be lifted for the eldest grandson Yu. After that, it will be transported to all parts of Datang. As for how to let the people plant this super rice.

Just take it as a wave of welfare, and tell the people that this is a seed distributed by the imperial court for free to reduce the burden on the people.

That way, no one will doubt it. Even those families who vaguely got the news would not have thought that Datang would be so decisive and so quick to popularize super rice.

Ready to hit them by surprise.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The tenth !!_

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