"Your Majesty, this?"

Li Junxian looked at Li Shimin and hesitated.

"Go and call Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui and me. "

Li Shimin's face was gloomy, and no one knew what he was thinking. Li Junxian could only sigh in his heart, now it seems that the eldest grandson Yu may indeed be Li Jiancheng's son!

In the middle of the night, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were also called to the imperial city by someone from the palace.

"Brother Fang, Your Majesty is so late, what is the matter with us?"

The two of them talked to each other as they walked towards the study.

"The official doesn't know, it's just that it's the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army who gave the order, it seems that things are not simple. "

After a short time, the two of them came to the imperial study, but as soon as they arrived at the door of the imperial study, they smelled a heavy smell of blood.

Both of them had a big change in their faces, and hurriedly rushed into the imperial study. Immediately, I saw that Li Shimin was sitting on the dragon chair with a gloomy face.

At this time, several palace maids were kneeling on the ground, wiping the dirty blood on the ground, and they didn't dare to breathe.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were shocked, this is the palace! or His Majesty's imperial study, there are assassins who can enter, this is too scary, right?

Li Shimin said in a deep voice: "I'm fine, but I called the two of you late at night, I really have something to ask." "

Immediately, he waved his hand and gave his seat.

Although it was said that the thick bloody atmosphere here made the two of them very uncomfortable, and even wanted to vomit, they looked at Li Shimin's gloomy face and hurriedly sat down.

"Just now, a message came from my secret guard, saying that more than a dozen mysterious people had come out of the mansion of the Dragon Marquis. "

"It didn't take long for me to be assassinated, and after the comparison of the secret guards, the figures of these people. It is exactly the same as the dozen or so black-clothed people who came out of Longhou Mansion. "

Li Shimin said these words calmly, and then Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were trembling in their hearts, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Li Shimin continued.

"When they were about to kill me, they said something. "

As he spoke, Li Shimin's sharp eyes glanced at the two of them. The two of them trembled with fright, and their hearts were terrified, although His Majesty was very good, but His Majesty's ruthlessness, they had also seen it.

"They said that as long as they killed me, with the prestige and ability of their Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the Tang Dynasty, they would definitely be able to take over the throne calmly and ascend the throne as emperor. "

"This Tang Dynasty will return to their hidden emperor lineage. "

When Li Shimin's words came this, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui both raised their heads instantly, and looked at Li Shimin in shock. Their bodies trembled.

They finally knew what Li Shimin was looking for the two of them for.

Presumably, they have been investigating the matter of Changsun Yu for a long time, and they have known about it for a long time. Therefore, Li Shimin only came to them tonight to inquire.

There is no doubt that the one in Li Shimin's mouth is the eldest grandson of the Dragon Marquis. Now, who dares to say that the prestige in the hearts of the people of the world is quite high, except for you, the eldest grandson?

The two glanced at each other, knowing this extent, they absolutely could not hide it.

At that moment, Fang Xuanling stood up directly.

"Your Majesty, through our adjustment, there is indeed a great possibility that it is certain that the Dragon Marquis is the descendant of that person. However, there is no absolute evidence, and we are not sure, so we did not tell Your Majesty. "

Li Shimin nodded, he called two people to come, just to make sure. Since even they said that the eldest grandson Yu is most likely Li Jiancheng's son, it is basically eight or nine and ten.

The emperor was the most suspicious, and at this time, after having a little clue, he began to intersperse a lot of things.

Why did Changsun Yu hate himself when they first met? It was naturally because he killed his father Li Jiancheng.

Why did Changsun Yu take out cotton and super rice? I am afraid that the biggest reason is that he still wants to win the support of the people of the world? After all, the people of the whole world are the most grateful to Dade, and the first is Changsun Yu, and then he is Li Shimin.

Why did Changsun Yu go to the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun to fight? What he said at the beginning was that Changsun Yu felt that he was not good enough, and wanted to have a certain amount of capital and let Xiangcheng scenery marry.

Now it seems that this reason is simply ridiculous, his eldest grandson Yu's biggest purpose is probably to become the lord of that Yanyun, right?

When he was fighting against Yanyun, Changsun Yu was planting super rice over there, and the development of Youzhou was not much worse than that of Chang'an.

Now, as soon as Li Shimin's suspicion came up, he suddenly thought about it and was extremely frightened.

Think about it, sitting on the sixteen states of Yanyun, controlling 200,000 dragon guards, and then having the support of the people of the world. In the end, if the eldest grandson Yu rises up and reveals his identity as Li Jiancheng's son to the world.

What is the consequence of that? The consequence is that Eldest Sun Yu will take the righteousness of the great righteousness and raise an army to crusade against him! Regain the throne that should belong to Li Jiancheng's lineage!

"Eldest Sun Yu!"

Li Shimin stood up with a brush.


Then he slapped on the dragon case, his eyes were full of anger, no matter how he looked at it now. All of Changsun Yu's actions seem to be plotting to overthrow himself.

Otherwise, how can he explain that he is unwilling to give himself the secret of super rice and the secret of cotton, etc.?

Even Li Shimin suspected that some of the generals in the Sixteen Guards Army he sent to Yanyun for him to train might have been rebelled by him, or they were originally his people.

In fact, it is not only Li Shimin, but even Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui. After learning about Li Shimin's assassination tonight, they instantly began to panic, and then suspected Changsun Yu.

Because everything is connected, what Changsun Yu is doing now, whether it is taking out super rice and cotton to gain fame, or going to Yanyun and taking the opportunity to become the master of Yanyun, these can be judged that Changsun Yu is preparing for a rebellion!

"Your Majesty, although the matter has come to this point, it has not really been investigated, should it?"

Fang Xuanling hesitated for a moment and said.

But immediately, he was glared back by Li Shimin's cold eyes.

The two of them suddenly didn't dare to speak, and they also woke up instantly. In the current situation, basically all the spearheads are pointed at Changsun Yu, and Changsun Yu may indeed be Li Jiancheng's son.

Even if it is 10,000 steps back, even if Changsun Yu really has no intention of rebelling. But his identity as the son of Li Jiancheng, coupled with the admiration of the people of the world, and the strength of the sixteen states of Yanyun, will Li Shimin let him go?

They all sighed in their hearts, and it was really providence. originally thought that the eldest grandson Yu was Li Shimin's son, but he never thought that he would be Li Jiancheng's son.

At the same time, it seems that there is still a desire to rebel. No matter how good their senses are for Changsun Yu, they can't help but doubt Changsun Yu at this time.

Because, indeed, Changsun Yu did a lot of things, and he couldn't find a reason to explain why he did it.

Whether it was refusing Xiangcheng at the beginning, finding an excuse to go to Yanyun, or hating Li Shimin, these are all difficult to find reasons!

"The order, Xuanlong Hou entered the palace. "

Li Shimin said coldly to Li Junxian on the side.

Tonight, it is destined to be a sleepless night, and Changsun Yu is sleeping with his two wives in his arms at this time.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The sixth update !!_

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