The eldest grandson Wuji's heart jumped, they have been following Li Shimin for more than ten years, and they are not familiar with Li Shimin's character. Seeing Li Shimin's expression now, their hearts were already cold.

Sure enough, I saw Li Shimin sneering.

"Hmph! This matter has been proven conclusively, even Changsun Yu himself acquiesced. So, none of you need to say anything. "

Jun Wu joked, since Li Shimin said so, this matter has basically been affirmed.

The eldest grandson Wuji sat directly on the ground, his eyes glazed and his mouth kept muttering.

"It's over, it's over!"

To be honest, even after he knew everything, he would suspect that Changsun Yu was Li Jiancheng's son. It's just a coincidence.

Why did the dozen or so black-clothed people come out of the Hou Mansion at the beginning? If they weren't the people of Changsun Yu, could they escape safely from the hands of the Tang Dynasty Longhou?

It's impossible to think about.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, Changsun Yu really looks like Li Jiancheng's son! As for whether the assassination has anything to do with Changsun Yu or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

At the beginning, even if Li Jiancheng was an infant child, he was directly killed by Li Shimin. Not to mention, the eldest grandson Yu who has grown up.

Who doesn't know the talent of the eldest grandson Yu, who doesn't know about the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty? Not to mention that Li Shimin is worried, even they are worried about Li Shimin. If the eldest grandson Yu is really Li Jiancheng's son.

Wouldn't the eldest grandson Yu be able to easily and directly overthrow Li Shimin and ascend the throne as emperor?

At this thought, the courtiers fell silent. Although Changsun Yu's popularity is good, and everyone has a good impression of him, but at this time, it is obvious that he will die.

"Go, pull the eldest grandson Yu up, I want to see how he explains this matter in front of the Manchu Dynasty civil and military!"

Li Shimin said coldly, but although he said so, his decision was obvious, and everyone knew that it was just a formality.

The matter on this side of the Taiji Hall, Whispering didn't know at this time.

He was just led by a palace maid to Li Yuan's bedroom.

However, she got a piece of news that she couldn't believe.

"Madam, the Emperor is not in the palace. "

A palace maid said this, and her face suddenly changed dramatically.

"No, where did you go?"

The palace maid didn't hide it, and said directly.

"This morning, the Emperor Taishang heard about Longhou's matter, and he was very excited, so he went directly to the Taiji Hall just now, and said in his mouth, don't let anyone hurt his grandson. "

The palace maid said.

Whispering, it suddenly dawned on him, Li Jiancheng, that is also Li Yuan's son! He is still Li Yuan's eldest son, and he is one of Li Yuan's most beloved sons.

Once upon a time, the three young brothers had a very good relationship. But who would have thought that for the sake of this imperial position, he would finally fall out and lead to a meeting between swords and soldiers.

These all made Li Yuan very painful.

At the beginning, he failed to protect the children of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji. But now, now that he knows that Changsun Yu's kid is actually Li Jiancheng's orphan, he has to save Changsun Yu no matter what.

Therefore, early in the morning, the old man excitedly went to the Taiji Hall.

"What should I do?

Although it is said that Li Yuan went to save Changsun Yu, how can Li Yuan save him? Who in the world does not know how vicious Li Shimin is to Li Jiancheng's remnants.

Even if his father Li Yuan is here, it is estimated that it will be difficult to save the eldest grandson Yu, right?

"This sister, please take me to the Taiji Palace. "

whispered to the palace maid, but the palace maid hesitated. Although it is not the main hall of the early dynasty, it is also an important place to discuss state affairs!

However, in the end, the palace maid agreed. Her promise brought glory and wealth for the rest of her future life.

Whisper was taken by the palace maid to the Taiji Hall.

At this time, on the Taiji Palace, Changsun Yu was also personally escorted to the Taiji Hall by the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army.

At this time, the eldest grandson Yu didn't look down-and-out at all. is still wearing a brocade robe, not at all like a prisoner.

I have to say that the fame of Changsun Yu is indeed very effective. At the same time, Changsun Yu also knew why Li Shimin was so jealous of himself.

Even the cell boss in the cell was very respectful to him. Because of Changsun Yu's cotton and super rice, they have given ordinary people a broad road.

It can be said that the whole night is served with delicious food and drink.

In fact, in the hearts of many people, if Changsun Yu's talent can really become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, maybe this is their luck in the Tang Dynasty, right?


The eldest grandson Wuji and Gao Shilian both exclaimed in surprise, but as soon as they wanted to step forward, they were stopped by the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army.

Changsun Yu looked at the two elders who were kneeling on the ground and helping him plead, with an apologetic look on his face.

"Uncle, uncle, I'm sorry to worry you. "

Changsun Yu said softly, he thought a lot about this night. However, the cold chill in my heart has been growing.

Although he never said what he wanted from Li Shimin. Even shouting in his mouth, it has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to get entangled with him?

But what about Changsun Yu? Still can't escape the law of true fragrance. He has been silently paying for Li Shimin and Datang.

No matter what, he is doing it for the Tang Dynasty, isn't it also for Li Shimin's father? Even if the genetic locks of super rice and cotton are controlled by him.

But Changsun Yu is indeed for the sake of secrecy! Because of the Tang Dynasty, the power of the family is very large, and if it is handed over to Li Shimin, it will inevitably be really exposed.

But who believes these words?

Now, everyone thinks that he is the orphan of the crown prince, and even wants to seize Li Shimin's country.

"Eldest Sun Yu, what else do you have to say so far?"

Li Shimin, sitting on the dragon chair, looked at Changsun Yu condescendingly. His eyes were full of indifference and murderous intent. At this moment, seeing his eyes, Changsun Yu couldn't help but twitch in his heart.

If you are not sad and sad, it is absolutely fake. Although they have never known each other, they have been together for such a long time, and Changsun Yu also subconsciously began to substitute Li Shimin into the role of his father.

But now it seems that everything is Changsun Yu's own passion!

When it comes to him, he is not a father, but a cold-blooded and ruthless emperor!

"It's disgusting that you are on top and disregard for all living beings. "

After a long time, Changsun Yu finally spoke. However, his words can be said to be a shock to all the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty! Everyone looked at Changsun Yu in disbelief.

It's come to this juncture, doesn't Changsun Yu still know what it means to retreat?

Changsun Yu's heart was already dead, and looking at the man above, he finally returned to the time when he hadn't met yet. At that time, he hated this man in his heart.

And now, it has also become a real hate.

No one knew how Changsun Yu felt, although his mouth was very damaged. But I have been paying and helping Datang rise, who would have thought that in exchange for such a chilling result?

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,Today's dad has a birthday.,I've been preparing.,It's estimated that I'm going to go to dinner at six or seven o'clock in a while.,Today's update will be a little slow.,Even can't finish writing.,But it's okay.,,Come back at night and rush out all night.。

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