In the blink of an eye, Li Shimin has been on the expedition for three months, and in these three months, the front line has always sent good news.

Everything is similar to what Changsun Yu calculated, and the current strength of Datang is not something that the Turks can imagine. They thought that even if they couldn't defeat Datang, they could still get benefits under Datang's hands.

But they never thought that they would collapse at the first touch, and in front of the Tang army, they had no resistance at all.

"Oh no!"

On this day, the eldest grandson Yu was reading a book in the courtyard. But suddenly, a shocking piece of news came in.

Li Shimin was seriously injured on the front line!

When Changsun Yu heard the news, his hand holding the book trembled slightly. Facing the anxious Xiangcheng and whispering, Changsun Yu just asked calmly.

"Not dead?"

Hearing Changsun Yu's words, Xiangcheng was almost angry. Although Changsun Yu and Li Shimin are incompatible, but in such a situation, they can't care about their father's life and death in vain!

"Your Majesty has been sent back to Chang'an overnight, because it is said that the divine doctor Sun Simiao is in Chang'an City. The military doctors in the army had no choice, so they could only be sent back to Chang'an and let Doctor Sun take action. "

Whispering, Eldest Sun Yu nodded.

Seeing the indifferent appearance of the eldest grandson, the two daughters were helpless.

Within a few days, Li Shimin was sent back to Chang'an quickly. In the Yong'an Palace, at this time, Doctor Sun Simiao has been waiting here for a long time.

Waiting on the side are dozens of doctors from the Tai Hospital, and the people here are the top doctors in Datang.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Outside the door, there was a loud roar. As soon as everyone heard it, they naturally knew that this was Wei Chigong's voice. Because there are still people on the front line, the person who escorted Li Shimin back to rescue this time was Wei Chigong.

"Your Majesty!"

Empress Eldest Sun exclaimed, and just wanted to rush to the stretcher, but was stopped by Sun Simiao.

"Don't be the queen mother, Your Majesty seems to be seriously injured. If you touch it casually, it may cause even more serious consequences. "

Sun Simiao said with a serious expression.

The queen nodded, and then stood aside anxiously. At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji and other civil and military courtiers were all anxiously waiting on the side.

With the cooperation of the imperial doctor, Sun Simiao examined Li Shimin in detail. But then, he frowned deeply.


Everyone's hearts are jumping, Sun Simiao is a miracle doctor, even he has to frown, is it possible to become Your Majesty?

Sure enough, Sun Simiao stood up, his eyes full of pity.

"Your Majesty was hit by a quenched poisonous arrow at the center of the mouth, although it did not hurt the heart, but it was already poisoned to the heart. "

"This isn't a very powerful toxin, if you give me a little time, it can be removed. However, it's been so many days, even the poor road is estimated to be powerless!"

Sun Simiao's words made the eldest grandson dizzy. Even the whole person couldn't help but take many steps backwards, and almost fell to the ground.


Wei Chigong roared angrily, his eyes were full of anger at this time.

"Shut up! Your Majesty is still here to disturb Your Majesty!"

The eldest grandson Wuji suddenly scolded angrily, and Wei Chigong shut up immediately, but the anger and anger in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Could it be that Your Majesty is really hopeless?"

Everyone is very desperate! Li Shimin is still young! Is it going to die young like this?

Sun Simiao shook his head helplessly.

"Poor Dao can prescribe some ways to maintain His Majesty's vitality, but how long it can last, even Poor Dao doesn't know. "

The crowd was silent, but more worried.

If Your Majesty really dies, what will happen to the entire Tang Dynasty? The crown prince Li Chengqian is still very young, although he is already twelve years old, but the Tang Dynasty is now such a big stall, it looks powerful, but there are many loopholes.

It's hard for a young emperor to be in charge!

However, some people think of a person, such as the eldest grandson Wuji. Whether it is Changsun Yu or Li Chengqian, they are all his nephews and his sister's children.

Therefore, no matter who ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, his eldest grandson Wuji is supportive.

At this time, he was thinking, if Li Shimin really died, even if he begged, he would ask the eldest grandson Yu to inherit the throne, otherwise, the Tang Dynasty would be in danger!

After all, even Sun Simiao said that there was nothing he could do, and it was estimated that there would really be no one in the world who could save Li Shimin.

The news in the palace was directly blocked. Except for a few ministers, very few people know.

And the eldest grandson Yu, as the eldest prince and the dragon marquis, naturally knows it. After all, Xiangcheng and Whisper had just returned from the palace.

"Woooooooo "

Seeing Xiangcheng crying back, Changsun Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Xiangcheng, why are you crying so much?"

Changsun Yu hurriedly got up, and Xiangcheng threw himself directly into his arms and said crying.

"Father, father is dying. "

Eldest Sun Yu was stunned for a moment, he pretended not to care before, but in fact, he believed in Sun Simiao's medical skills. After all, as the legendary medicine king Sun Simiao in later generations, his medical skills are close to gods.

Moreover, it has only been four years since Zhenguan, and it has not yet been five years before Zhenguan, how could Li Shimin die so early?

But obviously, Changsun Yu forgot that because of himself, Li Shimin had already changed beyond recognition.

"What's going on? Isn't there a Divine Doctor Sun? Even Divine Doctor Sun can't treat it?"

Eldest Sun Yu asked, although he tried his best to calm himself. But the slightest tremor in his voice betrayed him.

To be honest before he was a child, when he knew that Li Shimin was seriously injured and returned, he was actually not very worried, after all, Sun Simiao was here.

But now, knowing that Sun Simiao has no choice, Eldest Sun Yu is a little panicked, Li Shimin won't die like this, right?

Changsun Yu had mixed feelings in his heart, the person he hated the most was dead, he should be happy! How could he be a little depressed and upset in his heart?

"Doctor Sun said that his father was hit by a quenched poisoned arrow, because the poison was not removed for a long time, causing the poison to enter the heart, and even he had no choice. "

Changsun Yu was silent, did he actually make such a big change to history?

In this era, the most powerful doctor should be Sun Simiao, even Sun Simiao concluded that Li Shimin would definitely die, so who else could save him?

Changsun Yu's heart was suddenly lost for a while, he didn't know what was wrong with him at this time, he found that he couldn't even walk steadily, and his mind was in a trance.

Poisoned, poisoned?

Changsun Yu suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately rushed directly into his backyard. Regardless of the doubtful Xiangcheng and the whispering, Changsun Yu rushed out with a potted plant in his arms.

Looking at the potted plant in his hand, Changsun Yu said secretly in his heart.

"This is not to save you, but because you are dead, the impact on the current Datang is too great, and the people may suffer. "

Changsun Yu thought so, and then rode his war horse and rushed towards the Tai Hospital. One of Sun Simiao's junior disciples is the Tai Doctor, so every time he comes to Chang'an, he lives in the Tai Hospital.

The people of Chang'an City knew that after all, when he came, the Tai Hospital would be crowded with people seeking medical treatment.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The fourth !!_

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