With the support of Empress Changsun and Li Yuan, Li Shimin exposed the arrow wound in his chest.


When they saw this arrow wound for the first time, everyone gasped, even the eldest grandson queen hadn't seen it before. Because the treatment of wounds was all from the imperial doctor and Sun Simiao.

They didn't dare to open it at random, because there was still medicine on it.

At this time, Li Shimin's chest was actually all festering. The black flesh and blood also emitted a foul smell, and the people who watched it were shocked.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, that is, Sun Simiao. If it were someone else, I guess I would have already returned to the West, right?


However, at this moment, at Li Shimin's chest, the black arrow wound, and streams of black blood actually flowed out slowly.


Looking at the black blood dripping into the small basin, Sun Simiao stroked his long beard and said with a smile.

"This is the toxin in the body, this medicine is very powerful, even the toxin that has penetrated into the heart can be discharged. "

"When all the black blood is discharged, Your Majesty's body, except for the weak arrow wound in the chest, will be fine. "

Sun Simiao said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their joy was involuntarily revealed. For a whole time of flowing incense, the black blood was deposited in a small half basin, which is enough to see the depth of Li Shimin's poisoning!

And with the flow of venom, Li Shimin's chest arrow wound, which was originally dark and stinking, also returned to his normal bed appearance at this time.

It's still a little scary, but it's a lot better than before.

"Well, this is the ointment that Poor Dao has prepared a long time ago. But the gold sore medicine in this army is really magical!"

In fact, Sun Simiao came to Chang'an this time for the sake of Changsun Yu.

Four years ago, when the Golden Sore Herb was first born in the army, he knew about it. After all, he is a doctor, and there are many friends who are from the Tai Hospital, and even his junior brother is also from the Tai Hospital, so he can naturally know some secrets.

However, he had something to do at that time, so he delayed for four years before he came to Chang'an.

It's just that I didn't think about it, and I haven't gone to find Changsun Yu yet, but I encountered this matter first.

The golden sore herb, coupled with Sun Simiao's own ointment, Li Shimin's arrow wound that penetrated deep into the flesh and bones was not a big problem.

When the ointment jumped to the point where it was all wrapped around the wound, Empress Eldest Sun also gently put Li Shimin on the dragon bed.

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because looking at Li Shimin's gradually stable face, everyone knew that this time it was okay.

However, when Li Shimin didn't wake up, everyone would not disperse. On the contrary, Sun Simiao himself left first, and the reason he gave was that he wanted to go back and study the magical poisonous herb.

For a person who has devoted his life to medicine, if you don't learn about this herb, you will be really sorry for yourself!

Finally, after waiting for an hour, Li slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm not dead?"

Li Shimin muttered softly.

"Your Majesty!"

Empress Eldest Sun exclaimed, tears streaming uncontrollably. Li Shimin is indeed much better, at least he can support himself and lean on the head of the bed.

Looking at the people guarding around him, Li Shimin said with a smile.

"I thought that this time I was dead, and it was Doctor Sun who saved me, right?"

Everyone nodded, they didn't listen carefully to Sun Simiao's words just now. Therefore, they all believe that Sun Simiao saved Li Shimin.

Li Shimin nodded, all he could think of was the same, after all, the best divine doctor in Datang's medical skills, if he couldn't save himself, no one in this world could save him.

"But I really don't think that's going to be better. "

Li Shimin suddenly sighed, and everyone's faces changed immediately.

"Your Majesty, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? You are the Son of Heaven, how can you say that?"

Empress Changsun was rarely angry, and Li Shimin, who rarely made Empress Changsun angry, was hurriedly relieved.

"I'm just talking, if I really die like this, then Yu'er may be able to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. "

"After all, what he hates is just me, he is still a good boy to you, and he has always done his best to Datang. "

Li Shimin's words silenced everyone.

"And if he sees that I am about to die, he may pity me and call me my father, right?"

Li Shimin said suddenly.

Everyone couldn't bear it, although His Majesty did it very excessively, but since His Majesty had given up the dignity of the emperor, he didn't know how many times he begged Changsun Yu.

How much, Eldest Sun Yu also wants to give his father a little chance, right? Every time he treats him coldly, it hurts people very much.

"By the way, Your Majesty, this edict?"

The old eunuch took the edict in his hand and asked hesitantly. Since Your Majesty is not dead, will this edict be invalidated?

Li Shimin beckoned and put the edict in his hand. Then it was handed to Empress Changsun.

"Guanyin, this edict will be handed over to you to keep, if I am really absent one day in the future, with this edict, I can establish the next emperor of my Tang Dynasty. "

Empress Eldest Sun was stunned, but looking at Li Shimin's appearance, as a husband and wife for many years, she also knew that Li Shimin was serious.

When receiving the edict, Empress Changsun also made a joke with Li Shimin.

"Yu'er is not the son of this palace, what if this palace tampers with the edict in the future and lets Cheng Qian ascend the throne?"

Li Shimin just smiled and shook his head, he could not believe anyone, but he must believe it after Empress Changsun.

At this moment, the thoughts of the eldest grandson Wuji and the others are different, but they didn't expect that Li Shimin actually had such great expectations for the eldest grandson Yu.

"Your Majesty, this is unreasonable, right? This throne should belong to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but at this time, it was actually given to the Marquis of Long, he has not even entered the royal family tree, and he is still the eldest grandson of the surname. "

Wei Zheng suddenly stood up and said.

Li Shimin's face suddenly darkened, he was just right, and this Wei Zheng began. Sure enough, in his life, he is at odds with him, just like with Changsun Yu.

"Okay, how do you know that Yu'er will not recognize her ancestors and return to her ancestors in the future?"

"As long as he recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestors, then he will be the future emperor of my Tang Dynasty!"

Li Shimin's words were very decisive. Even the eldest grandson queen actually has nothing, by Li Shimin's side, she clearly knows how difficult it is to sit on this throne.

Therefore, Li Chengqian can stay away from the throne, which is not a good choice.

After all, compared to Changsun Yu, Li Chengqian is still a little weaker. There is no such decisiveness as his father's death. The only decisive attack was a rebellion, but it was eventually suppressed.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The seventh update !!_

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