Early the next morning, the eldest grandson Yu got up refreshed.

The reason why he was in such a good mood was because he was very comfortable in the same bed last night.

"Master Hou, Doctor Sun asks to see you. "

Changsun Yu suddenly rolled his eyes, this guy is really here! As for the people in the Hou Mansion, because of Changsun Yu's request, they only respectfully call Changsun Yu the Hou Ye, not His Royal Highness the Great Prince.

"Hurry up and ask Doctor Sun to come in. "

Whispering smiled slightly, in this family, it is still Whisper who is in charge. Because Xiangcheng was born in the palace, although he helped Empress Changsun manage the business of the imperial village, he didn't know how to handle the housework at all.

Therefore, in this Hou Mansion, those Hou Mansion industries are all managed by Xiangcheng.

As for the sundries in this Hou Mansion, it is managed by Whispering.

"Hahaha, Your Highness, I'm not late, am I?"

Far away, Sun Simiao's angry voice sounded. This old man is full of gray hair, white beard, and his voice is so loud.

"It's a coincidence, but unfortunately, there are no dishes and chopsticks for you. "

Eldest Sun Yu said so, and then ate breakfast by himself.

Whispered a white glance at Changsun Yu, and then commanded.

"Go, prepare a pair of dishes and chopsticks for Doctor Sun. "

The subordinates hurriedly went to prepare, obviously, in this Hou Mansion, everyone knew the temperament of Changsun Yu. I know that his mouth is sometimes damaged, but in fact he is very kind-hearted.

And usually in times like this, just follow the whispered commands.

Sun Simiao didn't know what it meant to be embarrassed, obviously after yesterday's incident, he knew exactly what kind of person Changsun Yu was.

If Sun Simiao knew the buzzwords of later generations, he would definitely give Changsun Yu an arrogant evaluation. Isn't the character of the eldest grandson jade just tsundere?

He said no, but he was honest in his body and actions.

After breakfast, the eldest Sun Yu took Sun Simiao to his backyard. Here, even the descendants of the Hou Mansion can't come in at will.

Only when the eldest grandson Yu told them to sprinkle water could they come in.

"Look, this is my country. "

Compared with when I was in Chenjia Village, the scale is much larger. The size of various plants has exceeded more than three hundred weights. And any one of them has its own exclusive ability.

Of course, Changsun Yu also found out that most of them were related to drugs.

"Hey, all of them are species that have never been seen before. "

Sun Simiao was excited and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Changsun Yu.

"I said, Doctor Sun, don't touch it! Medicinal plants are all over there, and as for these here, they are not medicinal. "

Changsun Yu said.

Sun Simiao was puzzled at the moment.

"Are you sure of everything?"

Eldest Sun Yu smiled and said nothing, he was much more proficient in pharmacology. With just one touch, the system scans it, and you can immediately know the properties of any plant.

Of course, any herb has a suitable prescription for better results.

This is also the reason why Changsun Yu is willing to let Sun Simiao participate, because Changsun Yu has some abilities. Some drugs, he could not do to dilute the effect.

For example, the gold sore herb in the army, if it flows directly to the market, it will be too terrifying. It can be said to be a golden sore herb with white flesh and bones, and the impact is too great, right?

And when it is circulated to the market, it will inevitably be obtained by other countries, which is too unfavorable for Datang.

And if Sun Simiao can dilute the efficacy of the medicine, which is comparable to or slightly exceeds the precious gold sore medicine on the market, it will be enough to benefit the people!

After all, the cost is low.

The same is true for other drugs, most of which are too horrible and need to be diluted.

"You have too many medicines, it will take me some time to figure out all the pharmacology!"

Sun Simiao frowned and said.

Eldest Sun Yu nodded, and then gave Sun Simiao a piece of paper.

"I marked every bonsai. Above, according to the markers, all the functions are memorized. "

"And Doctor Sun, what you have to do is to study all these herbs thoroughly, dilute the curative effect, and come up with a prescription, so as to benefit the people of the world. "

Sun Simiao solemnly took the piece of paper from the eldest Sun Yu.

Changsun Yu looked at him curiously.

"Doctor Sun, don't you want to ask me for benefits? Because I want to make money with these things. Shouldn't you ask for some compensation or something?"

However, Sun Simiao's answer made Eldest Sun Yu a little shy.

"Hahaha, Tang Longhou, who in the world doesn't know? That cotton clothes, that super rice, which one is not benefiting the people? I, Sun Simiao, believe that Your Highness, you will not exploit the people for a little money. "

Changsun Yu blushed, but he didn't expect that in the eyes of the famous divine doctor, his image was so tall.

Sun Simiao continued.

"Moreover, if these herbs are as magical as the hundred poisonous herbs, then the things they create are immeasurable merits for the Tang Dynasty, or for the thousands of generations of people in the world!"

"I can personally participate in this matter, but I have to thank His Highness, how can I ask for any reward?"

Sun Simiao can see clearly that these things can solve too many problems. There are some medicinal herbs that may not be obvious in their importance.

But Changsun Yu will make an analogy.

As the name suggests, it is used to give pregnant women to take and play a role in stabilizing the fetus, as for how powerful the effect is, Changsun Yu can only use one word to describe it!

According to the system, as long as you have been taking placenta after pregnancy. Unless it is an accident or man-made, premature birth, deformed baby, or natural crippled baby and other infant diseases will not be brought out of the mother's body.

It can be said that Datang will reduce the death of thousands of babies every year because of this fetal grass.

This is immeasurable merit!

Not only that, as long as the child is taken with placenta herb, the child who is born, according to the system, will be more intelligent.

This is a great achievement for Datang.

"Doctor Sun, this fetal grass, you should get it first, don't dilute this thing, it's too important to my Datang." "

Doctor Sun was stunned for a moment, and then carefully found the fetal grass on the paper.

But when he saw the effect of the fetal grass, his whole body trembled.

"In the world, there is such a divine thing?"

He was excited in his heart, he had devoted his life to curing diseases and saving people! And if this herb was really mass-produced, how many babies would be saved from birth in the Tang Dynasty!

This supreme merit, if they do it well, or even die in the future, they can soar to become immortals!

"Your Highness, rest assured, this matter, even if you don't sleep, Lao Dao will be the first to complete!"

Sun Simiao said seriously, this matter, to be honest, even if it is exchanged for his ten lifetimes to go to hell, he is willing.

I didn't expect that what I couldn't do with a lifetime of hard work would be realized here today.

And what about the other herbs? He couldn't wait to go back and study them.

Changsun Yu nodded, and when the days calmed down, he thought about it a lot. Instead of messing around all day, it is better to do more meritorious and good deeds.

After all, you can travel to this world, and in the dark, maybe it is destined. Therefore, even if he does not believe in gods and Buddhas, he still believes in the so-called merits and good deeds.

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