After a short period of fright, Li Shimin suddenly came to his senses.

"Yu'er, are you alright?"

He suddenly shouted anxiously, looking at Changsun Yu's palm that was pierced by arrows, the whole person was panicked, and he couldn't see that he looked like an emperor at all.

"Imperial Doctor! Go and call the Imperial Doctor! By the way, call Divine Doctor Sun and let Divine Doctor Sun come over!"

Li Shimin shouted loudly, that anxious appearance was not pretended.

Eldest Sun Yu glanced at him and said.

"Don't call me Yu'er, we don't know each other. "

Changsun Yu said so, these words are indeed very hurtful. But at this time, Li Shimin didn't care. He just nodded again and again, and then looked at the injury in the palm of Changsun Yu's hand anxiously, which was shocking!

"I'm sorry Yu'er, if it weren't for saving me, you wouldn't be like this. "

Changsun Yu rolled his eyes and told him not to call himself Yu'er.

"If you hadn't been nosy and pushing me away, the arrows would have hurt me?"

Changsun Yu looked at the injuries in his hands and said, that calm appearance made the surrounding Xuanjia soldiers in awe.

To be direct, directly pierced through the palm of the palm by an arrow! Presumably the pain is not something that ordinary people can bear, but Changsun Yu is so indifferent, and he is even talking to Li Shimin.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's all my father's fault. "

Where did Li Shimin still have the demeanor of an emperor at this time? In front of Changsun Yu, he did not look like an emperor at all.

And the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army just tightly guarded the two in the middle to prevent someone from sneaking up.

"Let's go home first. "

Eldest Sun Yu said so, he was also afraid that Xiangcheng and Whispering were worried.

Li Shimin nodded, and then under the escort of the Xuanjia Army, Changsun Yu sat in Li Shimin's carriage and headed towards the Hou Mansion. Changsun Yu was originally unwilling, but with such an arrow in his hand, it was indeed not suitable for horseback riding.

In fact, if there was no one around, Changsun Yu could directly break the arrow and then take it down.

But it's okay to forget that there are so many people, because Changsun Yu is worried about scaring people. Changsun Yu's physique is too perverted, if the arrow is pulled out, Changsun Yu's wound will heal faster than the golden sore elixir.

It's really scary, so it's better not to show it to outsiders, so as not to increase criticism.

After a short time, the eldest grandson Yu arrived at the Hou Mansion.


When he saw Changsun Yu for the first time, Xiangcheng and Whisper covered their mouths and exclaimed. Then he looked at the palm of Changsun Yu's hand anxiously, and his tears couldn't stop flowing.

Changsun Yu was helpless at the moment, but he himself was not panicked at all. But the two girls were frightened, because they had been pierced in the palms!

It didn't take long for Doctor Sun to come to the Hou Mansion.

After dismissing everyone, Doctor Sun smiled at Eldest Sun Yu.

"You kid, are you still hurt?"

Obviously, the magic of himself, Doctor Sun knows. Eldest Sun Yu smiled slightly, the reason he gave Doctor Sun was that he had eaten countless gods since he was a child, causing his body to be a little perverted.

The body of the eldest grandson jade, in the eyes of Doctor Sun, is like that kind of immortal existence.

He handed his left hand to Dr. Sun, who gently cut off the arrow with a knife.

"Come on your own. "

Changsun Yu nodded, then grabbed the tail of the arrow, and then slammed it hard. At that moment, the arrow was directly pulled out, and a stream of blood was directly sprayed out.

It flowed into the small basin.

The moment the arrow was pulled out, Changsun Yu's palm felt a little itchy. Then, a magical scene happened, under the gaze of the two, Changsun Yu's palm was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although it is fused with the lizard's recovery gene, Changsun Yu's super recovery is undoubtedly a more perverted ability. This recovery ability, even if it is with the golden sore magic medicine, is far inferior!

"No matter how many times you watch it, it's amazing. When you were there with me, you accidentally scratched your hand, and Lao Dao accidentally saw your recovery ability, and thought you were a god. "

Eldest Sun Yu just smiled lightly.

"Trouble Doctor Sun to bandage me, I have to disguise it for a few days. "

Such a penetrating wound, it will take a few days for the gold sore miracle medicine to heal completely. Therefore, the head of the eldest grandson Yu had to be wrapped in a white cloth for a few days.

Doctor Sun nodded, and then cleaned the blood on the palm of Changsun Yu, took a little white cloth casually, and helped him bandage it.

There was no medicine at all, and it was just a disguise.

After everything was done, Changsun Yu walked out.

"Doctor Sun, how's it going?"

As soon as he came out, he whispered to Xiangcheng before he spoke, but Li Shimin was the first to ask anxiously.

Doctor Sun nodded.

"It's okay, the arrow has been taken out, and if there is a golden sore elixir, it will only take a few days to heal. "

Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, and then after thanking Doctor Sun, he ordered someone to send Doctor Sun back.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Li Shimin was very scared at this time, this was just a shot in the palm of his hand, if it hit the vital point, wouldn't it?

As soon as he thought of this, Li Shimin was shocked, but more angry. Who is it that dares to assassinate Changsun Yu in Chang'an City?

Is it really Li Shimin to be an ornament? In the current Tang Dynasty, no one dares to do evil under his own nose.

"Okay, you can also go back, this is the Hou Mansion, and it is always inappropriate for you to stay here as an emperor. "

The eldest grandson Yu directly issued an eviction order, and Li Shimin smiled bitterly at the moment, but he was not angry. Because he can also see that Changsun Yu is addicted to soft-heartedness.

If you really have no feelings for yourself, and even want to kill yourself, why did you use your own leader's list to resist the arrows just now?

"Okay, since that's the case, then the father will go back first. "

Although he wanted to say more words of concern, when he saw that Eldest Sun Yuzheng didn't look at him, he could only stop talking, and then turned to leave.

The appearance of the eldest grandson Yu, Xiangcheng and Whispering can't see it.

"Xianggong, Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the Ninety-Five. But for you, I've groveled like this. "

"According to what the concubine said, why don't you forgive Your Majesty, after all, they are both father and son, where is the hatred that cannot be overhad?"

said this softly, Xiangcheng is not easy to say, because she was brought up by Li Shimin and Empress Changsun. But if he whispered so, the eldest grandson Yu could only be silent.

"I know this in my heart. "

After Changsun Yu finished speaking, he returned to the room by himself, ready to rest. This appearance did not take the assassination of nine deaths just now in his eyes.

"Sister, we know best what Xianggong actually thinks. Now the difference is just to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors and change the surname to Li. "

"Let Xianggong take his time, don't rush. "

Xiangcheng said so, and he could only nod his head in a whisper, that is, Changsun Yu. Other people, if they can become Li Shimin's son and the prince of the Tang Dynasty, will definitely flatter Li Shimin one by one.

Only the eldest grandson Yu ignored Li Shimin.

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