Everyone looked at Changsun Yu blankly, they couldn't believe it, Changsun Yu actually drank the blood of the plague?

Sun Simiao asked Eldest Sun Yu with anger on his face.

"Your Majesty, why do you do this? Why do you drink the blood of the plague? Don't you know that in this case, you too will be infected with the plague and die in a few days?"

Sun Simiao's words made the patients in the hospital look desperate. But fortunately, this time the plague depends on luck.

Some of their family members are fine.

Changsun Yu was silent, then turned around and looked at the people who were all looking at him. At this time, their faces were pale, and they looked like walking corpses, and they knew at a glance that their lives were short.

Changsun Yu didn't want to deceive them.

"Because, the first infected people will not survive more than two days. "

Changsun Yu's words made everyone instantly frightened. However, rarely, except for the crying of some female characters, no one yelled.

Obviously, in this era, people have become accustomed to birth, old age, sickness and death.

Plague, war, this is a very common thing in the eyes of the people of this era.

"But there's no need for you to drink the blood of the plague!"

Sun Simiao said angrily.

However, Changsun Yu shook his head.

"No, because if I drink this blood, I will have a chance to save them. "

The words of the eldest grandson Yu made everyone stunned.

And Changsun Yu continued.

"If I have a plague in my body, I can better analyze the plague, and I can greatly reduce the time for analysis, maybe I can research the antidote within two days. "

Changsun Yu's words silenced everyone. All the people and the guards looked at Changsun Yu in disbelief.

They never expected that the reason why Changsun Yu drank the blood of the plague was actually this. Just to speed up the progress and save them from the mortal?

"You, why are you doing this?"

Sun Simiao was stunned, he claimed to be a supreme healer. But at this moment, he suddenly admired Changsun Yu very much.

If it were him, would he dare to drink the blood of this plague?

Eldest Sun Yu smiled slightly, he was not the kind of person who liked sensationalism, if he hadn't been bumped into by Sun Simiao, he wouldn't even have said it to the public.

Changsun Yu is like this, he likes to do everything in secret silently.

It's like when he hid his identity at the beginning, he hid by Li Shimin's side as a courtier and a dragon marquis.

Help him give advice and strengthen Datang.

"Alright, hurry back, the existing time is wasted here. "

Eldest Sun Yu grabbed Sun Simiao, and then walked out. The moment Sun Yu grabbed Sun Simiao, Sun Simiao's face suddenly changed greatly, and the whole person was instantly frightened.

In this way, the two walked together to the outside of the Tai Hospital.

However, when the two of them just walked through the gate of the courtyard, Changsun Yu's legs suddenly became weak, and he almost didn't stand firmly. Fortunately, he was supported by Sun Simiao.

Eldest Sun Yu was horrified in his heart.

"Sure enough, there is no anti-poison in my genes. It's just that I didn't expect that this direct drinking of plague blood would have such a great effect?"

Changsun Yu smiled bitterly, the system tricked him, but he didn't tell him before. Originally, he thought that his physique could last many days compared to ordinary people.

But now it seems that he can support more than a day at most, and his feelings are shorter than Li Shimin's life!

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Simiao asked anxiously.

Eldest Sun Yu smiled bitterly.

"Underestimating the strength of this plague, it seems that I can sustain myself for more than a day at most. If this is less than a point, I can't come up with an antidote. It's not just me who will die, all the patients, all of them are hopeless. "

Eldest Sun Yu said so, it is true, because he is the only one who can come up with the antidote. If he is dead, then these people are indeed hopeless.

Datang, at least in this plague, will reduce one-tenth of the population.

That would be a huge loss, and the most important thing is that Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was also one of them.


Sun Simiao's pupils shrank, but when he calmed down at this time, he really didn't know what to say.

Because if Changsun Yu didn't use this method, the first batch of infected people would definitely die. At this time, he admired the eldest grandson Yu.

"The world says that I am a divine doctor, a bodhisattva who saves suffering, but compared to today's highness's body test poison, the old way is not as good. "

Changsun Yu smiled slightly.

"Okay, hurry up and help me back, or it will be too late. "

Sun Simiao nodded, and then hurriedly called a few guards, drove the carriage, and took the eldest Sun Yu back to the Hou Mansion.

And what they didn't know was that the words just now were heard by a guard. The guards didn't hold back, and passed it out.

At the moment, the entire Chang'an City can be said to have been completely shaken.

In order to save the first batch of patients, he actually drank the blood of the plague and tested the poison in order to speed up the research of the antidote.

It can be said that everyone was moved by the righteousness of Changsun Yu. Because, in the entire Chang'an City, every household, there will probably be a seriously ill patient.

Changsun Yu's move directly moved the entire Chang'an City. Even those big families who don't deal with Changsun Yu are in awe of Changsun Yu at this moment.

They all thought that if His Highness could survive this hurdle, then in the future, he would follow His Highness's lead! All the decrees issued by His Highness would be obeyed!

Because, these families, if they are not children, parents, or themselves, all have serious diseases and plague patients.

Changsun Yu's move was originally caused by Li Shimin. But he never thought that it would play such a role, which he didn't even expect.

However, Changsun Yu doesn't care about these either, he doesn't do it all for Li Shimin. Because the first infected people have already numbered tens of thousands!

Let yourself watch tens of thousands of people die, Changsun Yu can't do it.

"System, it's up to you whether I live or die!"

The eldest grandson Yu was lying on his bed, and Xiangcheng and Whisper were already crying into tears.

"Master, I am one with you, if you die, I will also lose my life energy and dissipate directly. "

"So, I'll try. "

The system said so, saying that these days are the days when Changsun Yu communicates with the system the most. Eldest Sun Yu couldn't help but smile slightly, speaking of which, in addition to his mother, it is this system that has always accompanied him.

Although it is only a brain from a super civilization and has no human feelings, Changsun Yu still does not regard it as a dead thing.

Call yourself a master, and you fellowship with it as an equal.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The eighth update !!_

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