As soon as the old prince waved his hand, a eunuch walked up with the four treasures of the study. The ink is specially made, and the words written on it will not dissipate for hundreds or thousands of years.

Under Li Shimin's excited expression, the old prince slowly wrote two words on it.

"Li Yu!"

That's right, this is the name of the eldest grandson Yu! From today on, he will change his surname to Li, recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors, and become the eldest son of Li Shimin and the eldest prince of the Tang Dynasty!

"Good, good, good!"

Li Shimin was very happy and excited, looking at the name on the family tree, he was really happy. The eldest grandson Yu is finally willing to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

At this time, Changsun Yu's heart also felt inexplicable.

"From now on, Yu'er will be the prince of my Tang Dynasty and be named the King of Yan!"

Li Shimin said directly, although he said that he wanted to directly confer the crown prince on the eldest grandson, but this still had to be done slowly, not in a hurry. The eldest grandson Yu is the master of the sixteen states of Yanyun, and it is normal for him to be given the title of King of Yan.

The eldest grandson Yu saluted Li Shimin.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin smiled bitterly, the eldest grandson Yu recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors, but he just didn't call his father the emperor. However, he also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry, because this young man likes face.

Perhaps, after some time, Changsun Yu will accept himself?

And Changsun Yu himself thinks the same, he needs time to get used to, and if he directly calls Li Shimin his father, he still can't say it.

After the consecration, they are to give wine. The Emperor will share a drink with you, which is an honor for some ministers.

As soon as Li Shimin waved his hand, an old eunuch personally walked up with a tray. And on top of this, there are two bowls of wine.

Li Shimin personally handed one of the bowls to Changsun Yu, and then picked up the other bowl himself.

"Your Majesty, the wounds on your body have been plagued and have not yet been officially healed, so it is indeed not suitable to drink alcohol. "

Empress Eldest Sun persuaded on the side, and she only habitually persuaded her.

Li Shimin waved his hand indifferently at the moment.

"It's okay, I'm happy today, and I definitely want to have a drink with Yu'er. "

Changsun Yu raised his eyebrows at the moment, and said casually in his mouth.

"Forget it, you better stop drinking, or I won't have that much energy to save you. "

Eldest Sun Yu's words made Li Shimin stunned. Is Changsun Yu concerned about him? The ministers also smiled slightly, and they were all relieved to see the relationship between Changsun Yu and Li Shimin gradually improving.

"Okay, then I'll listen to Yu'er today. "

Li Shimin said directly at the moment, and then put the wine back, and a trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the old eunuch with the tray.

Changsun Yu did not doubt him, so he directly raised his head and drank all the wine in the bowl.


Li Shimin laughed, and then waved his hand, and the old eunuch squatted down with the wine bowl and retreated. The ceremony can be regarded as over, from now on, the eldest grandson Yu is His Royal Highness King Yan of the Tang Dynasty.

No, he is not called Changsun Yu now, but Li Yu.

Empress Changsun walked in front of Changsun Yu and took out a jade pendant from the box held by the palace maid on the side.

"Yu'er, this is a gift from the palace, and your name is engraved on it. Cheng Qian, Lizhi, and Qingque, each of them has one. "

Eldest Sun Yu nodded, he naturally knew that there was a jade pendant hanging around the necks of several little guys. What is written on it is their name, it seems that the eldest grandson queen is looking for a big one, and it is a talisman.

When Changsun Yu just wanted to reach out and take it, she was stopped by Empress Changsun, it seems that she was going to put it on Changsun Yu herself.

Changsun Yu smiled helplessly at the moment, but he didn't refuse. just bowed his head slightly, and then asked the eldest grandson Yu to hang the jade pendant around his neck.

Li Shimin showed a smile, very happy in his heart, and finally went in a good direction together. Although the eldest grandson Yu has never called his father, he is already very satisfied in his heart.

However, accidents seem to always accompany them.


Changsun Yu suddenly snorted, and the whole person suddenly took a step back. His face was pale, he covered his head, and the green tendons on his hands burst out.


Empress Changsun exclaimed, obviously startled by Changsun Yu's sudden change.

"System, what's wrong with me?"

Eldest Sun Yu was shocked, he now had a splitting headache, and even felt that his eyes were in a trance.

"Master, you are poisoned, it seems to be a psychotoxin. It will destroy your brain, the master's strong physique, unable to resist this toxin!"

The system said so, and at this time, Changsun Yu felt that his spirit was even more trance-like.

"Yu'er, what's wrong with you, Yu'er?"

Li Shimin shouted anxiously to the eldest grandson Yu.

Changsun Yu opened his eyes in a daze and pointed to the old eunuch with the wine.

"Poison, there's poison in that wine!"

Li Shimin's face suddenly changed drastically! His eyes were full of shock, the reason why he was so shocked was because this old eunuch had been with him for more than ten years!

When he was still the king of Qin, he inadvertently saved this old eunuch. After Li Shimin ascended the throne, he was even more self-contained, and his resources were always by Li Shimin's side.

is definitely Li Shimin's confidant minister, he never expected that this old eunuch who had been with him for more than ten years would actually be poisoned.

"Take him!"

Li Shimin yelled.

Suddenly, the Xuanjia army guarding around rushed directly towards the old eunuch. Not surprisingly, how could an old guy be the opponent of the Xuanjia Army, and he was directly detained.

Li Shimin stepped forward.


His eyes were red at this point, and he was obviously angry to a certain point.

The old eunuch sneered, and then blood left on the corner of his mouth. It's swarthy and stinking. Apparently, he had committed suicide by poisoning.

Li Shimin was furious, but looking at Changsun Yu, who was kneeling on the ground with a splitting headache, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Quick, go and invite Doctor Sun!"

Li Shimin yelled! But this is the top of Yunshan Mountain! Whether it is going up or down the mountain, it is very troublesome, is it really too late?

At this time, the civil and military officials had already become a mess, and no one dared to believe that at this ancestor worship meeting, the eldest grandson Yu would be poisoned.

Or, the old eunuch wanted to poison Changsun Yu and Li Shimin together. This old eunuch has been hidden for a long time, and more than ten years ago, he has been hiding by Li Shimin's side.

In fact, he had many opportunities to kill Li Shimin. But he didn't do it, because Li Shimin died, and there would be a new emperor on the throne of the Tang Dynasty.

It is better to become Li Shimin's real henchman, or the real henchman of the Tang royal family, who has always been on the king's side, and can get a lot of confidential information about the Tang Dynasty.

The reason why it was exposed this time was because of the failure of the plague plan, and Datang's intelligence organization was not a fool. They have no choice but to evacuate, and before they can do so, detonate all the hidden pieces.

How much loss can be caused to Datang, it is all earned. It's better than being found out later, and the blood loss comes from it.

"System, how's it going?"

Changsun Yu asked at the system in his mind.

"The master, the neurotoxin, the system only needs to adjust the master's genes to heal. However, there may be some unknown side effects. "

"However, because the genes and nerves in the mind are hundreds of millions of times more elaborate than the body, the system needs to put all the computing into it, and the owner may not be able to contact the system. "

Changsun Yu nodded, this is not a big problem, as long as it can be treated. Otherwise, on this cloud mountain, your own medicinal materials are not there, and if you can't treat it, there will be only a dead end.

At the same time, Changsun Yu secretly said in his heart, be careful in the future, no matter what you eat or drink, or let the system detect it when you get it.

Poison is too dangerous, and the poisonous grass claims to be able to cure all kinds of poisons, but whether it is the plague or this neurotoxin, there is no way.

It seems that there is time to get a physique that is invulnerable.

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