"Xiaoyu, this is Yangzhou Zhechong Mansion. "

In front of a mansion, Wang Hai said to Changsun Yu.

This is in the east of the city, and a large piece of land has been set aside as the camp of Ochichong Province. Because there are only more than 1,200 soldiers, this big Zhichong Mansion can be completely accommodated.

At this time, the eldest grandson Yu had already changed into a Tang Dynasty bright armor. At first glance, it was very heroic, and on the way to Zhechong Mansion, the girls on the street looked stunned.

followed Wang Hai and entered the Zhechong Mansion.


The soldiers in front of the gate of Zhichong Mansion saluted Wang Hai, but then looked at Changsun Yu hesitantly, because they had never seen Changsun Yu before, but looking at the armor he was wearing, he should also be a general.

"This is the newly appointed Lieutenant Guo Yi, Li Yu. "

Wang Hai said to the soldiers guarding the door.

The two soldiers were shocked, because the eldest grandson Yu was too young, and it seemed that he was only about sixteen or seventeen years old. But at such an age, he can actually achieve the position of Captain Guoyi.

This is a great official from the fifth grade! In the land of a state, he can be regarded as a powerful person who is not too big or small.

"See General Lee. "

Wang Hai's prestige in the army is still very heavy, he said so, and these soldiers naturally hurriedly saluted.

Wang Hai nodded, and then walked in with Changsun Yu, and said to Changsun Yu as he walked.

"When you get to the school field in a while, you can show your strength, otherwise these boys may not be convinced. "

Changsun Yu nodded, he naturally knew that in the army, everything depends on strength. Only if you are strong will you be respected.

Not long after, Changsun Yu followed Wang Hai to the school field in Zhechong Mansion. On this huge school field, more than a thousand brothers are training in unison at this time.

Changsun Yu couldn't help but nod when he saw it, the army of this Zhichong Mansion can be regarded as the army at the grassroots level of the Tang Dynasty, and it is naturally incomparable with the standing combat army.

But look at Wang Hai here, the army is well trained, and it is not much weaker than some standing combat armies!

"See the general!"

Seeing Wang Hai coming, the soldiers all stopped moving, and then shouted loudly, and the momentum was quite extraordinary. Wang Hai was proud, these are all soldiers he trained!

Although it is said that in these places such as Jiangnan, there are very few wars. However, Wang Hai has always insisted on training, so his combat effectiveness of more than 1,200 Yangzhou Zhichong soldiers is still very impressive.

At least the other state capitals of the fold of the capital, a few of them together will not be his opponent.

"Brothers, this is the newly appointed Lieutenant Guoyi, and from now on, he will be the second-in-command of my Yangzhou Zhichong Mansion!"

Wang Hai said so, Guoyi Duwei, second only to Zhichong Duwei, in this Yangzhou Zhichong Mansion. If Wang Hai is not there, it will all be carried out according to the orders of Changsun Yu.

It can be said that this right is already very large. Because of the current Datang, all private armed forces have been eradicated. In the past, there may have been thousands of private armies.

But now, at most, there are more than 100 family guards.

Therefore, Changsun Yu, the captain of Guoyi, can be regarded as a big guy in Yangzhou City.

The soldiers talked a lot, obviously amazed at the youth of Changsun Yu. Why did they suddenly have a Captain Guo Yi?

Eldest Sun Yu smiled slightly, and then left

"Brothers, you may be wondering if I am qualified to be a lieutenant. Therefore, then I will make a fool of myself!"

Don't talk nonsense, I don't like any twists and turns in the army, it's better to show my strength directly.

Changsun Yu looked left and right, and finally saw the war horse on the side, thought about it, and said softly in Wang Hai's ear.

"What? It's dangerous, isn't it?"

Wang Hai's face changed, obviously what Changsun Yu said, which made him startled.

Eldest Sun Yu doesn't care.

"It's okay, my strength, Brother Wang doesn't know it yet?"

Wang Hai hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. Then he jumped off the point platform and walked to the side of the war horse. Then he turned over and got on the horse.

The soldiers are all curious, could it be that the two of them want to compete?

And the eldest grandson Yu jumped into the clearing. shouted to Wang Hai in the distance.

"Come on!"

Wang Hai nodded.

"Xiaoyu, be careful!"

After speaking, Wang Hai drove a sound, and at that moment, the war horse rushed directly towards Changsun Yu. At this moment, everyone understands that their complexions have changed dramatically!

This is a war horse in the army, when charging on the battlefield, it can directly knock the enemy into the air, and the bones can be shattered!

In the flash of light, the war horse instantly came to the front of Changsun Yu. Eldest Sun Yu's eyes flashed.


In an instant, his hands stretched out and directly hugged the onrushing war horse.

"Puff puff!"

Changsun Yu's whole person was slid backwards by the impact, and two deep traces were pulled out on the ground.

"Give it to me!"

With a loud shout, Changsun Yu's hands suddenly strained. One spin of both hands, a small over-the-shoulder fall. At that moment, the war horse, together with Wang Hai, was directly overturned by Changsun Yu and fell to the ground.


There was a loud bang, and everyone looked at Changsun Yu in shock. His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Is this still a human being? It can even shake the impact of the war horse, and even overturn the war horse in the impact, this kind of power is too terrifying, right?

"Brother Wang, are you okay?"

Although he controlled his power just now, Changsun Yu still asked Wang Hai with concern.

Wang Hai got up, and the fallen war horse also stood up, obviously no big problem. But the war horse actually took two steps back, obviously frightened by Changsun Yu.

"It's okay, it's okay, but Xiaoyu, your strength is too terrifying. "

Although he had seen the eldest grandson Yu lifting a thousand catties, he still didn't dare to imagine the power of this war horse in the hard impact.

Just now he thought that Changsun Yu was going to show off his skills, but he never thought that Changsun Yu actually chose to be hard, which is really shocking!

"Brothers, now do you want to accept Brother Li Yu as the captain of Guoyi?"

Wang Hai asked the soldiers.

"Serve! Serve!"

The soldiers raised their weapons and shouted loudly, looking at Changsun Yu's eyes, full of fiery color. Soldiers aspire to be strong, and the strength of Changsun Yu undoubtedly shocked them.

In this way, after a small show of strength, Changsun Yu became the Guoyi Lieutenant of Yangzhou Zhichong Mansion.

After losing his memory, Eldest Sun Yu was aimless, but now it's better. became the captain of Guoyi, and Changsun Yu seemed to have a goal in his daily life.

All day long, I was immersed in the barracks, either training soldiers or teaching various tactics and strategies.

Wang Hai didn't expect that in addition to his strong personal strength, Changsun Yu was actually a handsome talent! The training method given by Changsun Yu made him shocked.

And the art of war that Changsun Yu said made him even more excited. He was the most diligent in saving him all day, pestering Changsun Yu to study every day.

"Xiaoyu, your training method seems to be very similar to the rumored training method of the Dragon Protector Army! Although I haven't seen it, but the rumors are like this, is it Xiaoyu that you are a member of the Dragon Protector Army?"

Wang Hai said so, because the training method in Changsun Yu's mind was the training method created for the Dragon Protector Army by systematically practicing and calculating at the beginning.

Although Wang Hai had never seen it with his own eyes, some of the friends he knew had the privilege of going to the Dragon Protector Army for training. Through a few words, it looks very similar to this training method!

"Dragon Guards?"

Changsun Yu didn't expect that the training method that popped up in his mind might actually be from the Dragon Protector Army.

Could it be that his life experience is related to the legendary dragon guard?

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