"Hahaha, brother, I heard about yesterday's incident! Yes, you kid, in the whole Yangzhou, who doesn't know that the girl of the Chen family is captivating the country and the city. "

Early in the morning, when Changsun Yu was still training in the barracks, Wang Hai ran to his side and laughed loudly.

The soldiers below all laughed, and after the soldiers in charge of the guard chief Sun Yu came back yesterday, they told them, so the brothers in the whole battalion knew about what happened yesterday night.

"Keep training!"

Changsun Yu raised his eyebrows and shouted, and then sat on the podium.

"However, with your current status, it is easy to take the concubines of their Chen family, why do you fall in love with the third young lady?"

Wang Hai said so, in his opinion, Changsun Yu is the dragon among people, and now he is the captain of Guoyi, but it is estimated that it will not be long before he will rise to the top.

At that time, it is estimated that even if Yangzhou Thorn Shi sees Changsun Yu, it is estimated that he will have to salute.

A concubine is really not worthy of the eldest grandson Yu.

"Brother Wang, I never care about the difference in identity. In my opinion, the most important thing is people. Yuna saw me drowning at the beginning, but she was kind enough to save me, a stranger. "

"Compared to those women who have an empty noble status and a femme fatale, Yun'er is a hundred times better than them!"

Eldest Sun Yu's words made Wang Hai nod.

I also sighed in my heart, Changsun Yu is extraordinary, and the way of seeing things is different from them. is not bound by the world, this is exactly the same as the legendary Dragon Marquis!

I heard that Long Hou is also a person who is not willing to be worldly, so he has been criticized by many righteous and awe-inspiring people.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people and people with vision, Long Hou is a real hero.

After gossiping, Wang Hai suddenly sounded something.

"By the way, here's something to discuss with you, and I only learned about it when I went to Lord Assassin Shi just now. "

Eldest Sun Yu was curious, if it was related to them, it must be a war. It's just that in these places like the south of the Yangtze River, where they are peaceful and rich, how can there be war?

In the end, through Wang Hai's explanation, the eldest grandson Yu suddenly realized.

It turns out that these places in Jiangnan are not peaceful because they are too rich. In Jiangnan and other places, whether it is grain or various specialty goods, most of them are transported to the hinterland of the Central Plains by the Yangtze River.

Therefore, there are a lot of water thieves on the Yangtze River. They were huge in scale and had been making a living by plundering merchant ships on the Yangtze River.

Datang has money, so it is natural to pay attention to internal stability and development.

Therefore, this time, the Jiangnan Provincial Governor's Mansion, together with the Huainan Provincial Governor's Mansion, is ready to raise troops to recruit this water thief on the Yangtze River. There are many water thieves in the Yangtze River, with hundreds of people at the lowest and even tens of thousands at the most.

On this Yangtze River, it has been passed down from generation to generation for tens or hundreds of years. The previous dynasty also thought about extermination, but it has never been able to do it, and the current Tang Dynasty, which is strong, naturally has the idea of extermination.

Gangnam Province has more than 40 state capitals. In every state capital, there are soldiers from the Zhichong government. There are more than 1,200 people in the upper government, more than 1,000 people in the middle government, and more than 800 people in the lower government.

Huainan Province, on the other hand, has a total of 14 state capitals! The two provinces together can make up about 50,000 troops.

"So we're going to fight the bandits?"

Eldest Sun Yu asked at Wang Hai.

Wang Hai nodded.

"In a few days, we will go to the Jiangnan Provincial Governor's Mansion in Hangzhou, and wait for the Metropolitan Governor to make a plan, and then we should be able to start suppressing the bandits. "

Changsun Yu nodded, it was just a bandit, heart. Although the Yangtze River flood claims to have more than 100,000 people, most of them are rabble.

The 50,000 troops of the two lands were added up to extinguish the small floods, and it was not a problem. It's just that it might take time and be a little more troublesome.

In the past, why the previous dynasty had been extinguishing the flood, it was because it could not be delayed, because the army consumed a huge amount. But for the current Datang, there is nothing missing.

Therefore, even if it is consumed, it will be fine, it is a big deal to fight for a while longer.

Anyway, there is plenty of food, and there is no shortage of military supplies.


"I heard that there are going to be troops to fight?"

On a small boat on the Yangtze River, Changsun Yu and Chen Yun'er sat on it. Chen Yun'er asked hesitantly while pouring wine for the eldest grandson Yu.

Originally, her daughter's family shouldn't have asked about such a serious matter, but she was still worried about Changsun Yu, so she couldn't help but ask.

Eldest Sun Yu nodded.

"The Yangtze River has been flooded for many years, and this time the imperial court is ready to gather the troops of Huainan Province and Jiangnan Province to suppress bandits together. "

Chen Yun'er hesitated for a moment, in such a situation, she should not be in love with children. After all, Changsun Yu is going to do great things and suppress bandits for the benefit of the people.

Therefore, she wanted to speak and stopped, but she did not know how to say it.

Eldest Sun Yu couldn't see her worries, and smiled at her right away.

"It's okay, it's just a small flood, although it claims to be more than 100,000 people. But it's all a rabble. Moreover, if it is really taken, the regular legion of the Sixteen Guards can be mobilized at any time. "

"The Sixteen Guards Army is one of the most elite troops in the Tang Dynasty, and any guard soldier is tens of thousands. Therefore, the flooding of the Yangtze River is not enough to worry about. "

Changsun Yu said so, if it is just a matter of suppressing bandits, and the elite of the Sixteen Guards must be used, then Datang is too embarrassed.

Chen Yun'er doesn't understand military affairs, so naturally he doesn't know what a government soldier is and what a standing army of the 16th guard is.

"Don't be careful, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield. "

Changsun Yu nodded, and then quipped.

"That's natural, I still want to take advantage of this time to suppress the bandits, make some contributions, and then be promoted to make a fortune, and the scenery will be on your Chen family. "

Changsun Yu smiled slightly and said seriously.

Chen Yun'er was flushed at the moment, but obviously got along with Changsun Yu a lot, and she also had a certain immunity to his rhetoric.

"With your current status, it's too late for Daddy to beg me to marry you. "

Eldest Sun Yu laughed.

"Then you're in a hurry to marry me?"

Chen Yun'er ignored Changsun Yu at the moment, and turned her head directly to look at the Yangtze River.

Immediately, she changed the subject.

"Look, that's where you were saved in the first place. "

Chen Yun'er pointed to a shore and said to Changsun Yu. Eldest Sun Yu was in a trance at the moment, and fell silent all of a sudden, he is doing well now, but he just doesn't know who he is, and where is his family?

"How many people seem there?"

Chen Yun'er looked at the place where Changsun Yu was rescued at that time, since there were three or four people standing there, it seemed that they were searching for something.

"Well, I don't know what it's for, regardless of them. "

Changsun Yu said, and then continued to taste wine and chat. At this time, on the bank of the river, one of them looked at the boat where Changsun Yu and Chen Yun'er were.

Seeing the back of Changsun Yu sitting, he frowned, but he didn't think much about it.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

One person asked.

The man in charge of the inspection said.

"There are fragments of His Highness's clothes on this gravel, and the gravel is a little deep, obviously something has weighed down here. It seems that it should be His Highness, and His Highness must have flowed here along the Yangtze River. "

Suddenly, everyone was excited.

After a lot of hardships, after several months, I finally found the clues.

"However, there are no more traces of it, because it is on the bank of the river. It's like footprints or something, and they have long been blown away by the river and the river wind. "

"If you want to find Your Highness, you have to continue to investigate. However, judging from here, His Royal Highness should be safe, and I don't know if he was rescued or left by himself. "

Everyone nodded, and the leading man thought for a moment and said.

"At least the safety of His Highness has been confirmed, continue to search secretly, and don't make a big noise. Otherwise, it may pose a danger to His Highness. "

The crowd responded.


Then, a group of people dispersed directly, unaware of the highness they were looking for. Fang was on the river, passing by them.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The sixth update !!_

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