Finally, Changsun Yu killed in front of Gula, and behind Changsun Yu were the lives of thousands of Turkic soldiers.

"Monster, it's really you, monster!"

Gula shouted in horror, his eyes full of resentment! Since the birth of the eldest grandson Yu, their Turks have been defeated again and again, and each time they have suffered huge losses.

In the past, the Turks of the same level as Xue Yantuo and Tuyuhun can only take out 200,000 troops when they participate in the coalition army.

And the culprit of all this is Changsun Yu.

Gula was the marshal of the Turks, and it would be strange if he didn't hold a grudge against Changsun Yu.

Eldest Sun Yu looked at Gula's resentment and the two words in his words, and he could judge that this Gula did know himself.

"Who the hell am I?"

Eldest Sun Yu raised the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand and shouted at Gula. Gula and other Turkic generals were stunned, on this battlefield, what did Changsun Yu do when he asked such a question?

At that moment, he thought that Changsun Yu was insulting himself.

"Changsun Yu! Kill if you want to! Why insult us so much, I Turkic warriors, but they are not a bad seed!"

Gula roared angrily, glaring at Changsun Yu, so he didn't flinch.

Changsun Yu was stunned at the moment.

"Changsun Yu, is this my name, how do you feel that this name is so familiar?"

Suddenly, Changsun Yu remembered that the dragon marquis that Wang Hai always talked about seemed to be called Changsun Yu, right?

Knowing about Changsun Yu's fall to the top of Yunshan, only the high-ranking officials of Chang'an City, or a country like the Turks.

Wang Hai was originally such a small commander, so naturally he would not know such a big secret. Therefore, in Changsun Yu's thoughts, the Dragon Marquis Changsun Yu should be in Chang'an now, or on the battlefield of Xue Yantuo, commanding 200,000 dragon guards to fight.

"Perhaps, it's the same name and surname. "

Eldest Sun Yu thought so.

At that moment, he looked at Gula and the others.

This is the battlefield, so naturally it is not easy to ask, so it is better to take them down directly and ask them one by one.

At that moment, Changsun Yu galloped directly on his horse, and instantly rushed towards Gula and the others. Gula and the others gritted their teeth, knowing that they couldn't escape today.

It's just hatred! I was actually deceived by the Tang Dynasty, and Sun Yu, the eldest son of the Dragon Marquis, did not fall into Yunshan at all. He appeared on this battlefield so vividly.

It seems that this is the strategy of the Tang Dynasty! It is to attract them to attack, so as to destroy them in one fell swoop, and give their country a huge loss.

"Brothers, the left and right are dead! Why don't we fight with him! It's also good to see and see, the first person in the world, what is so powerful!"

Gula said with a loud roar.

The first person in the world is not the eldest grandson Yu, nor is it rumored in the Tang Dynasty. It was from the Turkic army, because they admitted that Changsun Yu was the most powerful of all the Tang Dynasty they had ever faced!

Whether it is Qin Qiong or Wei Chi, they are far inferior to Changsun Yu, this is the cognition of the Turkic army. Therefore, the first person in the world is their evaluation of Changsun Yu.

The eldest grandson Yu raised his eyebrows, the first person in the world, does this have anything to do with him?

However, if you want to know everything, just take them down.


With a loud bang, the Fang Tian painting halberd in Changsun Yu's hand instantly collided with the mace of a Turkic general. In an instant, the general flew straight upside down.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the whole person, and then was trampled by the war horse and turned into minced meat. The screams of hissing and tearing lungs are terrifying. And the eldest grandson Yu's face remained unchanged.

"Let's go together! Of course, he is a god, but I wait for dozens of warriors, isn't it his opponent alone?"

Gula roared angrily and said, their generals here are the most powerful warriors of the Turks, so many people combined, aren't they still the opponents of Changsun Yu alone?

At that moment, dozens of people directly surrounded Changsun Yu and kept attacking Changsun Yu.

However, at this time, Changsun Yu was at ease, and no matter how tricky their attack was, they could easily resist it.

And with just a small counterattack, he could actually kill several Turkic generals, and at this moment, everyone was stunned, and they were all shocked by the powerful strength of Changsun Yu.


Gula shouted in horror, although he had seen Changsun Yu on the battlefield of Yanyun, rushing to kill in tens of thousands of troops. But he didn't fight it personally.

Only now, when he fights in person, can he feel the terrifying strength of Changsun Yu.

It was just a stick of incense, and the thirty or so Turkic soldiers were basically killed. Only Gula and the two lieutenants beside him remained.

Gula was full of despair, how could such an existence be able to be defeated?

"Surrender, or there will be only one death today. "

Eldest Sun Yu crossed Fang Tian to draw a halberd and said indifferently. With such a fierce fight, he didn't even breathe at this time.

Gula gritted his teeth, he was unwilling, unwilling to be defeated by Changsun Yu's hands.

However, in the face of such a monster-like existence, he really couldn't do anything!

"I, a Turkic warrior, none of them are a bad seed, even if they die in Huangquan, they will definitely not surrender to your eldest grandson Yu!"

Gula roared, then suddenly pulled out the scimitar dagger at his waist and plunged it into his chest in an instant.

The same goes for the two lieutenants next to him.

Eldest Sun Yu frowned at the moment, and actually committed suicide directly?

In fact, Changsun Yu didn't know how much Gula and the others hated him, the dragon guard army under his command had entered the Turkic territory, burning and looting everywhere, it can be said that they hated Changsun Yu to the core.

Therefore, even if he dies now, he does not want to be captured by Changsun Yu.

However, Changsun Yu is a bit of a pity. I thought I could get my identity from it, but I didn't expect that they actually committed suicide.

But it's kind of a little bit of information, and it's a very critical piece of information.

That's his name, it's the same as the legendary Dragon Marquis, also called Changsun Yu.

Gula and all the Turkic generals were all exterminated by Changsun Yu! It can be said that the morale of the army was in great confusion, and the Turkic cavalry, which had lost its command, immediately rushed wildly in the encirclement.

The final result is that the 200,000 troops under the command of Changsun Yu will gradually be eaten and strangled by the Northern Expedition!

This war lasted until the early morning of the next day, and this was the end. Because even if you kill pigs, 200,000 pigs, you don't know how many you have to kill!

Not to mention, this is 200,000 Turkic wolves riding. It is the most elite army of the Turks, although this elite unit, in front of Changsun Yu, is no different from the flood on the Yangtze River, but it still has a little resistance.

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