"Come, Master Hou, you used to love to eat the food made by whispering. "

In the dining room of the Hou Mansion, Changsun Yu sat in the middle, and on both sides were Whispering and Xiangcheng. They all kept giving the eldest grandson Yu vegetables.

It was not time to eat yet, but after knowing that Changsun Yu had rushed back from Huaiyuan City quickly, he whispered and Xiangcheng hurriedly made a table of meals for Changsun Yu.

Changsun Yu nodded, although he seemed to be really the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty. But before his memory was restored, he just felt a little embarrassed.


After taking a bite of the dish, Changsun Yu's pupils grew instantly.


He couldn't describe the feeling, he just kept looking down and picking up the rice.

Whispering and Xiangcheng both laughed, and the appearance of Changsun Yu's eating was unchanged from before. It's just that when they thought that their Hou Ye had lost his memory for more than half a year and had been wandering outside, they couldn't help crying.

However, just as Changsun Yu was eating, Xiangcheng seemed to have thought of something.

"That's right! I almost forgot, Xianggong is back, I should inform my father! In the past six months or so, my father has lost so much of his hair in order to find Xianggong. "

The whisper also nodded, and immediately called a guard, and hurriedly went to the palace to report the news.

And the eldest grandson Yu also put down the dishes and chopsticks, and asked the two girls hesitantly.

"I'm the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty?"

The two girls nodded, although it was said that Changsun Yu had lost his memory, but the two of them were too familiar with Changsun Yudai, from their words and deeds, as well as the details of Changsun Yu's body, they could conclude that this was their husband.

Xiangcheng walked to Changsun Yu's side, stared at Changsun Yu's face and said.

"Xianggong, there is a very small black mole on your left chin, which is usually not visible. But we don't know how long we've been in the same bed, so it's very familiar. "

Eldest Sun Yu's face turned red.

Whispering and Xiangcheng just smiled slightly, and for a moment it seemed to have returned to when Changsun Yu was twelve years old. When the young eldest grandson Yu hadn't opened the meat yet, he would blush when he saw the girls.

It's just that later, after having the two of them, they gradually matured.

After all, I'm seventeen years old this year, but I never thought that after this amnesia, I still feel young again.


The Imperial Palace, it is still noon, and the morning dynasty continues.

"Your Majesty, the Governor of Jiangnan Province, and his entourage have come to Chang'an, waiting for His Majesty to summon them!"

Hou Junji, the secretary of the military department, said from his background, the current Hou Junji, except for some small problems, has not made a big mistake, and it is still the founding merit of the Tang Dynasty, and he is still the secretary of the military department.

Li Shimin was suddenly excited, he wanted to know if this Li Yu, who had the same name as the eldest grandson, and Li Yu, who was also thin and golden, was his missing son.

However, just as Li Shimin was about to announce that Sun Yu would go to the palace, suddenly, a guard rushed into the main hall.

"What's so alarming?"

Li Shimin frowned and asked, what is he doing now, he just wants to see that Li Yu and see if he is his son.

But who knows, the surprise came so quickly.

"Your Majesty, Marquis Long, has returned to Marquis"

In a word, he turned around in shock, and his eyes were all locked on the guard's body.

"What did you say?"

Li Shimin also stood up in shock, and then asked excitedly to the guard.

The guards were also a little uncomfortable being stared at by so many court ministers at this time, but they still told the truth.

"The guards of the Hou Mansion came to deliver a message, saying that it was only an hour ago, and His Royal Highness the Marquis of Long had returned to the Hou Mansion. It's just that it is said that His Royal Highness Longhou has lost his memory. "

The guard said so, Li Shimin slammed down on the dragon chair directly, waved his hand, and let the guard retreat.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji said excitedly.

No wonder His Royal Highness has not returned to Chang'an for more than half a year, it turns out that he has lost his memory. "

At this time, Hou Junji seemed to have thought of something.

"Your Majesty, an hour ago, it seems that those Jiangnan Province soldiers who came to report to the Ministry of War also arrived at this time. "

Li Shimin was even more excited in his heart, and sure enough, he said that only Changsun Yu could do it alone, and it seemed that the governor of Jiangnan Province was Changsun Yu.

And the reason why Changsun Yu didn't come back to Chang'an, there was no news at all, it turned out to be because of amnesia.

In this way, all doubts can be perfectly explained.

"Hahaha! God bless me Datang! God bless me Datang! Look! Look! This is my son, even if he loses his memory and starts from scratch, he is still so good!"

"The governor of Jiangnan Province, commanding an army of 200,000, destroyed 200,000 Turkic wolf horsemen in a battle, invincible!"

Li Shimin said with a laugh, the pride between his eyebrows can be seen as long as it is a person. And the ministers also nodded involuntarily, and everyone didn't expect it.

Changsun Yu is actually the governor of Jiangnan Province, you must know that with the battle of Huaiyuan City, the name of Li Yu, the governor of Jiangnan Province, can be said to be famous all over the world.

Some people even say that Datang has finally produced a young talent who can be compared to Longhou.

Unexpectedly, this Li Yu is the eldest grandson Yu!

"Quick, hurry up and invite Long Hou! I will only be relieved to see him with my own eyes. "

Li Shimin said excitedly.

Not long after, the Xuanjia army guards of the palace hurriedly came to the Hou Mansion.

"Father, the emperor invites you to the palace. "

Xiangcheng said to Changsun Yu, and Changsun Yu hesitated.

He still couldn't believe that he had actually transformed into the Dragon Marquis of the Tang Dynasty, the biological son of His Majesty today. How is this possible?

"It's okay, my father is your father, he has always missed you very much, and he has been looking for you for more than half a year. "

Changsun Yu nodded, no matter what, he still has to face it after all, otherwise, how can he affirm the authenticity of his identity.

Following the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army, Changsun Yu came to the Suzaku Gate.

"The last general, see Your Highness!"

The soldiers in front of the Suzaku Gate all saluted to Changsun Yu, and Changsun Yu was a little uncomfortable at the moment. Just now, he was just a marquis, but now he has become His Royal Highness again.

"Uh-huh. "

However, Changsun Yu still nodded twice, and then under the leadership of the guards, he went to Hanyuan Palace. At this time, the Manchu Dynasty and Li Shimin had been waiting for a long time.

"Is this the palace? "

Changsun Yu said with a sigh, and then saw the Hanyuan Hall in the distance, and his heart was even more shocked. The huge palace on the top of the 100-zhang staircase, a magnificent momentum, rushed to the face.

"Your Highness, please. "

When the eldest grandson Yu stepped on the first step of the hundred zhang stairs.

"Marquis of the Tang Dynasty, His Royal Highness the Great Prince has arrived!"

"Marquis of the Tang Dynasty, His Royal Highness the Great Prince has arrived!"

"Marquis of the Tang Dynasty, His Royal Highness the Great Prince has arrived!"

The sound shook the sky, and the entire palace seemed to be swept away by this sound. Empress Eldest Sun, who was embroidering flowers in Hanfeng Palace, trembled in an instant.

Naturally, the voice couldn't convey this, but her intuition told her that something big was going to happen today.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The fourth !!_

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