Not long after, Sun Simiao came to Hanfeng Palace.

"Old Dao, see Your Majesty!"

Sun Simiao is not an official in the DPRK and China, it is more similar to Changsun Yu's staff, after all, he is now helping Chang Sun Yu do things. Maybe in the future, if the eldest Sun Yu really ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, he can make Sun Simiao an official.

And now, obviously, except for the eldest Sun Yu, even Li Shimin can't keep Sun Simiao.

"Yu'er is back, you know about it, right?"

Sun Simiao nodded, and then said excitedly.

"I was going to visit the Hou Mansion, but His Highness has already come to the palace. "

As he spoke, Sun Simiao also looked left and right, but did not see the figure of the eldest grandson.

"You also know about Yu'er's amnesia, right?"

Sun Simiao nodded.

"The original poisoning, Lao Dao has been studying for more than half a year, and it will indeed damage people's nerves, in this way, maybe amnesia is not impossible. "

Li Shimin nodded and glanced at Li Yuan and Empress Changsun.

"Then, I want to ask you, is there a way so that Yu'er will never remember what happened in the first place?"

Sun Simiao was stunned, what is the situation? Li Shimin's love for the eldest Sun Yu, Sun Simiao naturally would not doubt it, but why should they not be cured now?

Li Shimin sighed lightly, and then told Sun Simiao about the changes after the eldest Sun Yu's amnesia.

After listening, Sun Simiao also sighed, he had never heard of any royal affairs having such trouble. However, he also knew that this might really be the best way to go.

Only in this way can that grievance be buried deep from now on.

"Well, there is a way, but isn't this too unfair to His Highness? Because, in the past, there are also some precious things for His Highness!"

Li Shimin and the others were silent, this is indeed the case! They were indeed selfish, but Li Shimin was afraid! He was afraid that Changsun Yu would recover his memory and return to the appearance of hating him again.

"Actually, Your Majesty might as well go with the flow, the poison was very powerful at the beginning. According to the old understanding, under normal circumstances, if the mind is damaged, it is difficult to recover. "

"Therefore, since His Highness has lost his memory, he will basically not remember it again. "

"So, if you can't make a move, it's all the same. "

Sun Simiao said with a smile.

Li Shimin and the others breathed a sigh of relief, so it turned out, and Li Shimin was happy to send Sun Simiao out of the palace at the moment.

And what they don't know is that Changsun Yu is different from ordinary people. In his mind, there is another system! Ordinary people naturally say the same as Sun Simiao, if the nerve is damaged because of the toxin, it is naturally impossible to repair it again.

That is, he will never recover his original memory, but Changsun Yu is different. The current system has been sleeping all the time, because it is doing its best to help Changsun Yu repair the damaged nerves.

Perhaps, Changsun Yu will wake up one day, but what the specific situation is, it is still up to time to decide.

Because when Changsun Yu's nerves can be repaired and when the system can wake up, no one knows.

Even the current eldest grandson Yu doesn't know that there is a system in his mind.

"Father, it's getting late, and my son is here to say goodbye to my father and mother!"

When the moon was shining, Li Yuan had already returned to his bedroom to rest. And after the eldest grandson Yu sent Li Chengqian and them back to his palace, he came to say goodbye to Li Shimin with a whisper and Xiangcheng.

Listening to Changsun Yu's words, and looking at Changsun Yu's appearance, Li Shimin felt like he was in a dream.

"Well, then Yu'er should go back and rest early, you just returned to Chang'an, it is inevitable that you will be tired of traveling, so have a good rest. "

Li Shimin explained.

Eldest Sun Yu nodded, and then the three of them saluted Li Shimin and Empress Eldest Sun, and left under the leadership of the palace maid.

Looking at the back of the eldest grandson Yu and the two daughters who whispered, the eldest grandson queen gently leaned on Li Shimin's side.

"Erlang, that's good. Perhaps, just like what Doctor Sun said, Yu'er will never remember what happened in the rest of her life. In this way, you can forget the pain and hatred of the past. "

Li Shimin nodded, what happened at the beginning has always been a pain in his heart.

He will never forget that in that hall, the father and son met each other with swords and soldiers, and they never stopped. And now, everything is fine, the eldest grandson Yu has been blessed by misfortune and has lost his memory directly, and everything that was once is in the past.

On the carriage, Changsun Yu kept frowning.

"Whispering, what happened to me and my father in the first place? Why do you feel that my father is a little, a little ,,,?"

Changsun Yu didn't know what to say, but Xiangcheng was on the side.

"Scared, huh?"

Eldest Sun Yu nodded, it was true, when the father and emperor talked to him, he would even use an inquiring tone. It was as if he was born and suddenly angry, and the anxious appearance could naturally be seen by Changsun Yu.

Whispering hesitated, she didn't know whether to say those things or not.

However, she would never lie to her eldest grandson.

"Well, it was probably when you didn't disclose your identity before you disclosed your identity, and you were framed by the Cui family with five surnames and seven hopes, and framed as the orphan of the hidden prince Li Shimin. "

"Then, coupled with some coincidences, His Majesty turned against you, and even almost fought in the main hall. "

"It is because of this that you will be disheartened, and you have always held hatred for Your Majesty since then. "

After speaking, the two girls looked at the eldest grandson Yu worriedly.

"Huh, that's it?"

Eldest Sun Yu raised his eyebrows at the moment.

The two girls were stunned, this reaction seems to be a bit flat!

However, the two girls didn't know that the things at that time, only at that point in time, under that circumstance, and their own personal experience, would they be impressed, angry, and chilled.

And now Changsun Yu, after losing his memory, is more from the perspective of a bystander. Therefore, although he felt a bit tortuous, it was not a big deal.

The two daughters breathed a sigh of relief, neither did the expiration of the term of Changsun Yu, and the eldest Sun Yu also showed no signs of anger, a blessing in the world!

The two women glanced at each other, and they both smiled, this kind of situation is their favorite.

As the wives of Changsun Yu, they naturally know that Changsun Yu actually cares about family and affection the most. is also because he cares, for Li Shimin's behavior that is equivalent to betrayal, he will be cold and angry to the extreme.

Therefore, don't look at Changsun Yu has always been very indifferent to Li Shimin, but the pain in his heart is actually only known to the two daughters of the pillow person.

Now, the eldest grandson Yu has amnesia and forgets everything, which may be a really good thing.

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