Looking at the determined Li Shimin, Wang Sheng and Li Junxian didn't know what to say, they seemed to have no other way but to sigh.

"Alright, I'm going to rest, so let's all go down. "

Li Shimin waved his hand and said to the two.

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

At that moment, Wang Sheng and Li Junxian saluted respectfully, and then retreated.

After the two left, Li Shimin looked at the night outside the window in a daze. To tell the truth, people are afraid of death, although Li Shimin is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he is just a mortal after all.

At this time, knowing that he was going to die, Li Shimin was still in a trance for a while. That feeling is indescribable, maybe there is reluctance, but there is also relief.

At this time, Li Shimin's back looked very desolate. He was successful in his life, becoming the emperor of the Tang Dynasty above 10,000 people, and even created the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty.

However, in some ways, he was also a failure.

For example, the murder of his two brothers and their families.

For another example, the matter with Changsun Yu, these are all regrets that he regrets.

Li Shimin's matter, Changsun Yu didn't know, he was also sitting in his courtyard at this time, looking at the night sky in the sky.

"I don't know what's wrong, why did you suddenly feel restless on the night today?"

Changsun Yu muttered to himself, but then shook his head, maybe he was thinking too much.


The next day, when Li Shimin went to the morning court, he discussed everything, but Li Shimin suddenly proposed one thing.

"Repair the Zhaoling?"

The ministers were stunned, how could they suddenly repair the Zhaoling Tomb?

"I just feel that the four seas are peaceful, so I want to repair the Zhaoling Tomb in advance. "

Li Shimin said this, and the ministers all looked at each other, and then shook their heads. This is not a big deal, so the ministers do not take it seriously.

Datang is short of money now, but it is just to repair the Zhaoling Tomb. After all, these emperors of all generations will make more repairs to their future imperial tombs when they take office.

It's just that Li Shimin, in the eyes of the ministers, still belongs to the period of youth and strength, so there is no need to be in such a hurry.

But since it was Li Shimin's order, then they just did it.

No one knew that Li Shimin was preparing a cemetery for himself in advance. Because according to Sun Simiao, Li Shimin may die tomorrow.

If it's the worst day, you'll die within a year. Therefore, Li Shimin will start to prepare from now on.

It is worth mentioning that Li Shimin will take Li Ke with him now, whether he is in the early dynasty or dealing with state affairs.

Eldest Sun Yu is not interested in the throne, and even now he is unwilling to deal with him.

And he himself, there is less than a year left, naturally he can't wait, Li Ke is obviously the most suitable monarch, so Li Shimin now looks like he is starting to cultivate Li.

Everything was as expected, and Li Shimin's expression of the Manchu Dynasty was shocked.

But before they could object, Li Shimin said that this matter was proposed by the crown prince's eldest grandson. Sure enough, in the entire court, the voice of opposition disappeared in an instant.

It is enough to see how great the prestige of Changsun Yu is in the court.

And after this dynasty, the most anxious person is undoubtedly the eldest grandson Wuji.

"Go, Yuzhuang on the outskirts of the North Gate. "

Sitting in his own carriage, the eldest grandson Wuji hurriedly ordered.

Subsequently, under the control of the coachman, he left Chang'an City in a short time and came to Yuzhuang on the outskirts of the North Gate.

Under the leadership of the subordinates, the eldest grandson Wuji directly entered the hall and saw the eldest grandson Yu who was drinking tea.

He was very anxious at this time, and he couldn't care about anything, so he said directly to Changsun Yu.

"Your Majesty has taken King Qi to the early dynasty today. "

Eldest Sun Wuji's words did not make Eldest Sun Yu show any expression, but nodded lightly, not surprised by this news at all.

And the eldest grandson Wuji continued.

"Your Majesty said, did you personally propose this matter?"

Eldest Sun Yu put down the teacup and said to Eldest Sun Wuji.

"I didn't have a proposal, but I just told Xiao Ke about it, maybe it reached Li Shimin's ears. "

Changsun Yu said.

The eldest grandson Wuji was covered with cold sweat, which actually called his father's name, no matter who it was in the eyes of, it was a big unfilial piety.

It's just that since the eldest grandson Yu has severed his relationship with Li Shimin, he naturally can't be called father and son.

"You! You're so confused! This prince's position, as well as this Tang Dynasty, should be yours!"

The eldest grandson said without jealousy.

And Changsun Yu smiled faintly.

"Uncle, I'm not interested in the Tang Dynasty, after all, with my ability, even if I leave the Tang Dynasty, I can build a country as powerful as the Tang Dynasty. "

Eldest Sun Yu's words made Eldest Sun Wuji's whole person stunned for a moment. Although it is very arrogant, this is a fact, because Datang can be so powerful, all because of Changsun Yu.

And Changsun Yu, since he can let the Tang Dynasty rise to this extent, then in other places, it may not be impossible to have nothing and create a Tang Dynasty again.

It's just a little troublesome, but for Changsun Yu, it's not something that can't be done. For this, the eldest grandson Wuji admits it.

Because, Changsun Yu's ability is really powerful and terrifying.

"But, but if you don't want it, you can give it without hate! Or for Cheng Qian and Qingque, even if it's for a pheasant slave who is still a child!"

Eldest Sun Wuji said so, what he meant was that it was best to give it to the son of Empress Eldest Sun.

Because, whether it is the eldest grandson Yu or Li Chengqian, they are the sons of the eldest grandson Wuji's sister. Therefore, no matter who they ascend the throne and become emperor, it will be of the greatest benefit to the eldest grandson Wuji.

It's just that I didn't expect that today, Changsun Yu actually gave up this throne.

This is simply too unenlightening!

And the eldest grandson Yu also looked at the eldest grandson Wuji, and then shook his head.

"Uncle, maybe from your standpoint, it is natural to ask a few of us to inherit the throne, which is the best, and it is also the most helpful to the eldest grandson's family. "

"But, for me, Xiao Ke is also my younger brother. The reason why I think Xiao Ke is suitable is entirely because of his excellent ability. "

"Among this prince, the one who is suitable to inherit this country and can continue to take off with the Tang Dynasty is Xiao Ke. "

Eldest Sun Yu said so, he is different from Eldest Sun Wuji. The eldest grandson Yu Wuji wants to think about the help of the heir to the throne to the eldest grandson's family.

But Changsun Yu won't, because whether it is Li Chengqian, Li Ke, or even the rest of the princes who are not taken seriously, in the eyes of Changsun Yu, they are all treated equally.

Changsun Yu cares about their abilities, not their status.

Because, they are all their own brothers.

Changsun Wuji was angry, but Changsun Yu's words were right! Because in the case that Changsun Yu is not the emperor, no matter who becomes the emperor, it is the same for Changsun Yu!

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