The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1012: Seek, don't have a hole in the sky!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

However, after a short effort, Jiang Xuecheng took a few confidant guards to change clothes, and left Shenting together.

Jiang Xuecheng was sitting on a worn-out maglev, which was extremely inconspicuous and unobtrusive through the downtown area.

Jiang Xuecheng followed the pace of the high priest through the transmission of the video recording electronic screen.

——If there is no wrong guess, I am afraid that the new address of the high priest's laboratory is in this city!

Now think about it, the high priest is really suffocated!

Since it is in the same city, the high priest has always been able to bear the unwillingness to gather his forces. This scheming is really rare!

I am afraid that because of the fact that Fiennes was still alive, the eyes of the Siswil family are everywhere, so is the high priest afraid of playing grass and frightening the snake?

As for now...

Jiang Xuecheng sat on the red copper-colored seat, a lot of contemplation flashed in a pair of phoenix eyes.

Is there something urgent that makes the high priest so eager to gather his power?

While Jiang Xuecheng was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a gurgling sound from the electronic video recording screen.

It seems that the high priest's maglev car was turned into a manor, and the picture suddenly went black, and nothing was seen!


How is this going? !

Why doesn't the screen show up at all? !

Jiang Xuecheng's sharp eyebrows frowned, and he quickly turned his head and asked the attendant who was in charge of the communication next to him.

"Xiaowei, what's wrong? Is this a malfunction? Or have we been discovered by the high priest?"

The worst plan is undoubtedly that the electronic chip embedded in Ming Ye was discovered.

Jiang Xuecheng was afraid that he would not be rescued in time, which would harm Ming Ye's life!

So when asking this question, Jiang Xuecheng breathed slightly.

The attendant who was replaced by Jiang Xuecheng as Xiao Wei shook his head.

"His Royal Highness, they should not have found us because the signal flow shown here is blocked, I guess..."

Xiaowei seemed to have thought of something, suddenly paused and stopped talking.

Jiang Xuecheng was the most impatient to speak half of his words. His face was condensed and he almost urged the other party to say the answer.

"What do you guess? Directly say, don't worry about being right or wrong."

Xiaowei gritted his teeth.

"I guess the manor they just entered was the destination. The signal was stopped about five or six minutes after they entered. The manor must be equipped with a signal-shielding instrument!"

So, it wasn't the "gadget" found on Midnight, but the signal was disturbed by the equipment of the high priest?

No matter what the answer is, Jiang Xuecheng knows he cannot hesitate.

Although he was light and simple this time, the guards present were all elites and had the best weapons.

Infiltrating now is not without chance!

Jiang Xuecheng's eyes became firmer a little bit. He took the opportunity to make a decisive decision and quickly commanded the people next to him.

"In this case, we will sneak into that manor now!"

A tall, thin young man next to Jiang Xuecheng froze for a moment, opening to Jiang Xuecheng hesitantly.

"His Royal Highness, we don't know how many ambushes are in that manor, do we have to wait and let the support troops come over first?"

Since the high priest dares to enter the manor just like that, the depth is unknown, and he dare not take risks easily!

Jiang Xuecheng shook his head at the tall, thin young man.

"No, now is the best time. Let's go in first, or we can kill them by surprise, and at the same time call the backup troops to come and stand by."

"If we haven't received our order for more than half an hour after we went in, we will ask them to come in directly and support!"

Seeing that Jiang Xuecheng's mind was decided, the tall and thin young man could not make any suggestions, so he gritted his teeth and said yes.

"it is good!"


Soon, Jiang Xuecheng and his party arrived at the gate of the manor.

Jiang Xuecheng was a sharp man, turned over first, and directly avoided the monitoring of the electronic eye, and then used a weapon to cut off the connection between the electronic eye and the interior of the manor.

Immediately afterwards, the accompanying guards followed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuecheng, although they saw the high priest and the maglev ride in the night in the courtyard, but the car was empty!

There is not even a guard!

Jiang Xuecheng was suspicious, and keenly felt that this courtyard was a bit wrong.

However, at this moment, they were already on the string and had to send!

Jiang Xuecheng believes that even if there are more people in the high priest, they should have no problem to support them for half an hour, even if they fall downwind, and the backup troops are enough to get the situation back.

Therefore, with such a bold attitude, Jiang Xuecheng took his entourage and turned the entire courtyard over and over again!

However, there is still no one!

Where have they been!

Jiang Xuecheng secretly hated that the electronic transmitter was shielded from the signal, and in such a crucial few minutes, he had lost their whereabouts!

The tall, thin young man who had been standing beside Jiang Xuecheng was also very surprised by this situation.

He grimaced, and asked Jiang Xuecheng with respect.

"Your Highness, what now?"

Because of the loss of the high priest and his entourage, Jiang Xuecheng was upset at the moment, and he was free to answer each other's questions.

Suddenly, Jiang Xuecheng's eyes were attracted by a flower bed rockery.

There is a rockery there, and the rocks are rugged. Perhaps it was because of the rain the night before.

Could it be that the laboratory of the high priest is under this rockery?

No matter how absurd this guess is, Jiang Xuecheng is determined to give it a try.

"You come with me!"

Jiang Xuecheng waved his hand, and then walked into the rockery first.

Sure enough, just a few steps away, Jiang Xuecheng felt that a thick stone slab was buried in the center of the rockery.

The feeling of stepping on it is very different.

"You got this slate!"


With Jiang Xuecheng's order, the stone slab was quickly moved to the side, looking down from the top, revealing a long passage.

And there are wall lamps everywhere, not dark at all.

Many guards were suddenly in an uproar, and it didn't seem to expect that there would be another world here.

Jiang Xuecheng laughed at the corner of his mouth, and then he gathered his expression and commanded everyone.

"You follow me down first, Xiaowei, you are guarding on it. If there is any change, please contact the support team outside at any time!"

Among these people, Xiaowei is most important in Jiangxue City, and Jiangxuecheng knows that Xiaowei's parents were killed by the high priest, so it is the least likely to defect!


The young man, who was called Xiao Wei, focused his head on Jiang Xuecheng, and then watched Jiang Xuecheng and his party jump into the passage.

Beside the rocky rockery, only Wei Wei was left. He was nervous and anxiously waiting for the next situation.

Your Highness, will it be all right?

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