The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1016: But Su Wan and I mind!

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Because the high priest was given an overdose of hallucinogenic potions, even after being infused with medicine, Midnight felt tired.

He reluctantly lifted his eyelids, only to feel a heavy body.

But at a glance, there were no such colorful tubes all over the body, and the skin was not pierced.

So, he was rescued in time?

Midnight stunned, and he blinked hard several times with his eyelids, finally feeling his vision clearer.

The eyes are filled with heavy figures, and Jiang Xuecheng's long figure is the most eye-catching.

Midnight leaned on the wall and barely stood up.

"What happen to you guys?"

Seeing no one around, Ning Ye narrowed her jade eyes, and her hazy vision became clearer.

Jiang Xuecheng heard the sound of Ming Ye, his heart string collapsed suddenly.

He woke up from his anger, and immediately turned his head to the side of Midnight.

"Midnight, is your body okay?"

Midnight nodded toward Jiang Xuecheng, and at the moment Jiang Xuecheng turned his head, Ming Ye suddenly noticed the blood-stained glass cylinder behind Jiang Xuecheng!

and many more!

The figure in that glass column seems to be... like a high priest? !

Ming Ye's pupils tightened suddenly, and he walked forward staggeringly. A guard next to him saw him strenuously and subconsciously wanted to help Ming Ye.

However, Ming Ye didn't like strangers coming close, and almost glanced at each other subconsciously.

Even though the body had not fully recovered, the cold ice-green pupil surprised the guard and immediately withdrew his hand.

This look is too infiltrating!

But the pair of emerald-colored enchanting pupils in Midnight really don't seem to be possessed by normal people.


Mingye was struggling forward with his own strength, and after walking a few steps, he finally felt that his legs and feet were not so soft.

He walked to Jiang Xuecheng and stared at the fallen body in the glass cylinder.

"The high priest...she...died?!"

Midnight never felt so difficult to speak.

The throat was as heavy as someone was leaded, and after another dull pain, he could hear his hoarse voice.

Midnight is hard to describe his mood at that moment.

Is it resentment? Is it popular?

Still disappointed, indescribably lonely? ...

The scarlet blood stains in the glass cylinder made the woman who had not breathed more and more spooky.

This is the woman who created him and brought him to this world.

Even though he was not born by the high priest, he was connected to her blood in another way.

And what this woman gives herself is not the joy of a new life, but the endless pain, sorrow, and even despair.

Midnight has been thinking that one day, he will kill the high priest himself.

But I never thought that there would never be that day.

Because the high priest died.

And it was suicide.

She was born with grace and grace, but when she died, it was nothing but blood-stained clothes, curled up in a glass cylinder!

Is such a simple method of death too cheap for this woman? !

This woman has harmed the lives of so many innocent people, how can it just... die? !


Jiang Xuecheng looked at the thin lips of Ming Ye, knowing that there was no less shock and resentment in his heart than he was.

In a way, Midnight is also a poor man, created as a tool, and came to this world without a little light, no blessings, no expectations.

At this moment, Jiang Xuecheng suddenly had a kind of hidden heart for Ming Ye.

Ning Ye has always said that she would personally end the woman.

But no one expected that the high priest would commit suicide.

Jiang Xuecheng couldn't help but sigh and spoke softly to Ming Ye.

"This woman died very light, but left so many messes for us to deal with."

Ning Ye's fingers trembled slightly.

——His goal has always been to kill the high priest himself, but the high priest is dead. What's the point of living in this world?

It seems that the only goal in life is directly defeated, and there is no expectation.

Midnight took a deep breath, he gritted his teeth, and buried those bewildered and unwilling in his heart.

"I seem to remember that before I passed out, the high priest said that he would have a whole body blood exchange with me..."

Midnight paused, and the face of the high priest when he spoke appeared in a trance, and the other party looked at him like that, like a pure and loving mother.

But the high priest said at the time.

——I made you, so you should die for me, right?

The heart was aching suddenly.

Although Midnight never cares about the so-called life and death, or how you will die.

However, what the high priest said was like a sword, piercing his heart.

——Anyway, nobody cares about you in this world, does it? What do you mean when you live? It's better to die for me.

Midnight shook those complicated thoughts out of his mind. He looked at Jiang Xuecheng solemnly, his expression no longer had the hint of agony, only full of indifference.

"If, if I exchange blood with Su Wan to remove CHK3 virus from her body, then you can use my blood to restore Su Wan to health."

Midnight's voice was cold and clear, and he could not hear the emotion.

However, his voice did not fall, but Jiang Xuecheng frowned, almost blurting out subconsciously.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Give Su Wan a whole body blood exchange. She can indeed survive, but you will die!"

Midnight's thinned lips were pursed, and his look still saw nothing strange.

"I know that death is not an important thing for me."

He has always been very clear that he is just an alien born without being expected, and he cannot even be regarded as a normal "person".

The previous words of the high priest undoubtedly reminded him that his existence was only a pathological condition, not to mention that no one in the world loved him.

Actually alive, there is not so much fun originally.

After the death of the high priest, his only obsession was gone.

Jiang Xuecheng saw the calm face of Ming Ye, his body was a little stiff.

He doesn't feel how much Mi Ye likes Su Wan now, so he is willing to die for Su Wan.

It seems that after the conversation on that day, Jiang Xuecheng felt in a trance that he somewhat understood this young man who had an indissoluble bond with himself.

Jiang Xuecheng's eyebrows were tight, and he sternly said such a sentence.

"You may not mind, but Su Wan and I mind!"

It is not acceptable for Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan to trade others' lives for their own survival.


Midnight was slightly startled, and it seemed that Jiang Xuecheng would veto so quickly.

"But Su Wan's virus..."

Jiang Xuecheng shook his head lightly at Chongming Night, his expression resolute.

"Now that the information and personnel of the high priest are in our hands, we have not reached a dead end!"

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