Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan only felt that the prospect of the eyes looked like a flutter.

As close as painful as acupuncture, Su Wan felt at a certain moment that his body had already been out of his control.

She could feel that the strange feeling of bloating was clamoring in her body. Su Wan's breathing gradually became more rapid and her heart rate became more unstable.

Is there such a pain when you die?

It was such an uncomfortable moment, but Su Wan actually had the urge to cry and laugh.

She was guilty in her heart, and Jiang Xuecheng arranged that the anesthesia needle given to her was useless!

Su Wan's fingertips shivered slightly, her pale lips were bitten by her teeth, and she was stained with a scarlet color.

Just when Su Wan felt that he was going to be unable to support it, he suddenly heard a burst of cheers bursting around him.

"Successful, we succeeded!"

"This must be a miracle in the history of surgery!"

"None of the three is OK! The vital signs are normal!"

"Great! I'm really afraid of what happened to your Highness. This experiment is so dangerous. I don't want to touch it a second time in my life!"


The black vertigo lingered in Su Wan's mind for a while. Su Wan tried his best to identify what those people said, but he could only barely hear some fragmented words.

Su Wan lifted his eyelids strenuously, but failed to break away his sore eyes.

Suddenly, Su Wan felt that the voices of those people gradually became clearer.

What is dangerous?

Is it dangerous?

Doesn't Jiang Xuecheng say that this blood exchange project must be foolproof, so don't worry about it?

Suddenly, she felt someone's hand brushing her shoulder.

Then, there was a thick needle tube that plunged into her skin.

Su Wan's heavy eyelids felt so hot at this moment, she opened her eyes reluctantly, and the sight was the dazzling white light of the operating room.

After seeing Su Wan's eyes open, the laboratory staff in white coats were all surprised.

I didn't seem to expect the Su party to wake up so quickly.

"Miss Su, did you wake up? Did you feel uncomfortable or..."

I don't know if it was because of the needle's drug power attack. Su Wan felt a fever in his eyes.

The faces of the laboratory staff kept shaking in front of her, and Su Wan's face became pale.

She dumbfounded her voice and interrupted the words of the laboratory staff in a hasty manner.

"Syracuse...No, how is Lord Emperor's body?"

Su Wan was so anxious that she almost used Chinese. After all, during this time, her private exchanges with Jiang Xuecheng almost always used Chinese, so that she formed a habit.

Seeing those people's inexplicable expressions, Su Wan realized that he was wrong and quickly changed his mind.

Take off the mask for the old man in the white coat and look at Su Wan with a smile.

"Miss Su, you don't have to worry. His signs are all normal, but it's just that he hasn't awakened and is still in the infusion."

In the eyes of these people, although Su Wan is still unknown to Jiang Xuecheng, Jiang Xuecheng is willing to use his life to save Su Wan, which shows his deep affection for Su Wan.

I'm afraid this little girl in front of her will sooner or later become the hostess of the Holy See.

So please give me a few more words in advance, it's always good.


Su Wan heard the old man in a white coat saying that Jiang Xuecheng was fine, and finally he put down some of his heart.

She recalled the remarks she had heard when she was half unconscious, and her heart was cramped again.

"Is this experiment very dangerous? Is it going to kill you if one fails?"

This time, there was no need to wait for the old man in the white coat to speak, and the girl dressed by an assistant next to her was surprised.

"You don't even know? Lord Emperor, he really gave up his life to you, and even if he succeeded, his ability will drop significantly--"

Speaking of the end, the girl's eyes showed an enviable envy.

In this world, how important a blood talent is is a matter of respect for status and ability.

But for the sake of a woman, the emperor prince put those down easily!

Many people present were admired, and at the same time they had infinite hidden worries.

Now the Holy See is turbulent, and all the nobles are on the move, but the emperor puts Su Wan's affairs in front of the solid power, and I am afraid that something will happen sooner or later.


Su Wan did not know in advance that he would exchange blood for himself, and would involve so much.

A layer of mist gradually appeared in her beautiful apricot eyes.

Not only sour, but also indescribably sweet.

Fortunately... Fortunately, Jiang Xuecheng is fine.

Su Wan has never been like this now, eager to see Jiang Xuecheng.

She anxiously wanted to stand up, but probably because she had just undergone a major operation, she just felt a little bit out of her body.

It was the female assistant who had spoken that helped her first.

Su Wancha smiled sincerely at her.

"Thank you, I want to see Lord Emperor."

The female assistant nodded when she heard the words and helped Su Wan to the lounge next to it. Su Wan immediately saw the quiet sleeping figure in the center of the ward.

A white tone of light was cast on Jiang Xuecheng's face, and a faint shadow appeared on his side.

Even though he was still sleeping, Jiang Xuecheng's facial features seemed so handsome and charming.

The short black hair is neat and clean, the three-dimensional outline is slightly sharp, the nose is high and the lips are thin. Although the narrow and long phoenix eyes are closed at the moment, they still can't conceal the cold charm.

Su Wan looked closely at Jiang Xuecheng's face and couldn't help but open his eyes wide and wanted to see Jiang Xuecheng more carefully.

It seems that by tracing the outline of Jiang Xuecheng with his eyes, Jiang Xuecheng can be remembered forever in his heart.

This is the man he deeply loves.

Moreover, this man also loves himself deeply.

How lucky.

Su stared at him for a long time. She couldn't help but bow her head, wanting to drop a soft kiss on Jiang Xuecheng's forehead.

As a result, Su Wan just lowered her head. Just as Su Wan's lips were about to meet Jiang Xuecheng's eyebrows, Jiang Xuecheng's eye feathers shuddered.

He suddenly opened his eyes!

The long and narrow phoenix stared tightly at Su Wan, as if it had brought thousands of stars, which was fascinating.

Su Wan's face turned red, like a child secretly doing bad things, but he was caught by his parents without success.

"I didn't want to steal a kiss from you!"

When there was no silver three hundred and two in one place, Su Wan realized how stupid he was!

How could she just do it!

Just when Su Wan stomped secretly, Jiang Xuecheng raised his eyebrows and pressed Su Wan's head indiscriminately, taking the initiative to drop a kiss on Su Wan's lips.

Although it was like a dragonfly spitting water, it caused ripples in Su Wan's atrium.

Su Wan's face flushed red, and he heard Jiang Xuecheng speak slowly.

"I know, you want to kiss me openly, so I took the initiative."

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