The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1039: There is hope, it will be more desperate

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Su Wan heard the busy tone on the phone, and the whole person was messed up in the wind.

How dare she be regarded as a liar by Mayfair?

But it shouldn't be. Although her voice is slightly hoarse now, because of her friendship with Lin Feier, Lin Feier won't be able to hear that is her? !

Or... In Feir's mind, he was already a dead person, so when he heard this call, he felt horrified, and now he thought someone was fooling her?

Suddenly, Su Wan had thousands of thoughts in his mind.


Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's stunned look and raised his eyebrows at Su Wan.

"Late night, what's wrong? Lin Feier doesn't answer your call?"

Su Wan grieved and grieved, Zhaojiang Xuecheng smiled bitterly.

"I don't know what's going on. Mayfair refused to accept her at the beginning. It was difficult to connect the second time. As a result, I just said a word and she just hung up."

Jiang Xuecheng was a little funny when he saw Su Wan's cuteness, and he couldn't help reaching out and scratched Su Wan's forehead.

"She refused to answer and it was normal, after all, it was a strange call from a foreign country, and we both disappeared for so long."

Su Wan was startled, yes, she and Jiang Xuecheng disappeared for so long.

Su Wan didn't dare to imagine how sad Lin Feier would be.

Counting it, after nine months, Lin Feier must have had a wedding with Jiang Haoxuan, and it has already been produced. I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl.

Seeing Su Wan's trance, Jiang Xuecheng quickly woke her up.

"Late, don't be in a daze. You can call another one to see if you want to send a text message to explain your identity. If I were her, I would answer it even if there was only a hint of hope."

Friends that I have known since I was a child disappeared in this world for no reason, not even a corpse. Would you be willing to believe that the other party died?

Jiang Xuecheng felt that if it were himself, he would have a hope in his heart anyway.

After all, nine months is not nine years.

There are too many possibilities.

Su Wan heard Jiang Xuecheng's words and nodded quickly.

"I will try again."

Su Wan learned well this time, as Jiang Xuecheng said, and sent a text message to Lin Feier first.

--Mayfair, I’m back. I’m A Wan. I promise I’m not a liar. Will you answer my phone? I'm in a place called Xiaoheshan now. If you don't believe it, we can make a video call.

Su Wan thought that it was written in sufficient detail and credibility, so he was full of confidence and quickly called Lin Feier's phone.

The result was even worse this time. Just after dialing it, a sweet but very mechanical electronic female voice came out from the phone.

"Hello Dear User, I'm sorry, the phone you are dialing is currently on the call, please redial later..."

Wait, someone called Lin Feier so soon? !

Is it less than a minute before I call that phone?

Is her luck so bad?

Su Wan stared at the mobile phone dumbfoundedly, complaining to Jiang Xuecheng speechlessly.

"Mayfair seems to be very busy, and she is calling others now."

Hearing this, Jiang Xuecheng glanced thoughtfully at Su Wan.

"So fast? Did you reply to the text message you just sent?"

Su Wan heard this and shook his head a little confused.

"not yet."

Could it be that God was destined not to let her contact Lin Feier today?

Jiang Xuecheng reached out to answer Su Wan's call. Su Wan thought he wanted to make his own call, but Jiang Xuecheng returned the call directly to the police officer!

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng doing this, Su Wan was even more puzzled.

"Hey, hello, what are you doing?"

Jiang Xuecheng reached out and poked Su Wan's head.

"Silly girl, I think, Lin Feier should think you are a fraudulent phone call, so you are directly added to the blacklist, so it is the reaction that you dialed in the past, and she may not receive the text message."

Su Wan heard Jiang Xuecheng's rational and well-founded analysis, and there was a shock in his heart.

"No, what shall we do?"

Jiang Xuecheng smiled slightly.

"It's just a small problem, change the phone and try again... wait, I remembered that we might still be able to find someone."

Probably because the relationship with the family has been relatively cold, Jiang Xuecheng did not think of calling her mother directly.

Jiang Xuecheng looked at the policeman lightly, with a calm expression.

"Can you borrow your phone again?"

The younger brother of the police officer saw that Su Wan had just lost three times in a row. In fact, he was already talking about Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng.

But somehow, when he saw Jiang Xuecheng's black eyes sweeping towards this side, he felt a little involuntary in his heart.

"But... you can use it."

The brain didn't listen to the call. Before the policeman responded, the cell phone that had just been recovered was handed over again.

After the phone was picked up, Jiang Xuecheng also looked away, and the young police officer was relieved.

This is a really mysterious identity for men and women.

Listening to what Su Wan just said, what is missing for so long?

Also, where do you think they have seen their faces, and where exactly?

The little brother of the police officer racked his brain and couldn't think of an answer, so he continued to frown and think hard.

It's never possible to be a small third-line star. Come here to film?


Jiang Xuecheng, who picked up the phone, didn't know that he was being judged like this.

His slender fingers flicked across the screen of the phone and pressed a number very skillfully.


Jiang Xuecheng was certain that the owner of this phone number would never hang up his phone.

The reason is very simple, this is A Si's private number, very few people know.

When he was in Dichen Group, A Si has been serving as Jiang Shucheng's personal special assistant. He often needs to receive many calls for Jiang Xuecheng to entertain, so A Si bought a dual-card mobile phone.

In addition to Jiang Xuecheng's knowledge of that private number, only A Si's very close relatives and friends are counted.

As expected, Jiang Xuecheng didn't expect that the phone was connected quickly, and A Si's voice came from the far side.

"Uh, who are you? How could there be this number?"

A Si's voice sounded a little cautious and excited.

I don't know why, Jiang Xuecheng always felt that A Si recognized him before he even spoke.

Is this a hunch?

Jiang Xuecheng also grew up with A Si almost, and has been working under his staff. Jiang Xuecheng actually treats this subordinate as a relative.

Jiangxuecheng looked down slightly and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Asi, it's me."

Needless to say.

He knew that Ah Si would recognize himself.

In Jiang Xuecheng's view, Lin Feier so desperately blacklisted this phone number, certainly not because she couldn't hear Su Wan's voice.

And it is because of what I heard that I was afraid of the hopeless feeling of despair.

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