The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1058: Scared almost out of my soul

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Madam Ye screamed and pushed Ye Linlang hard, as if Ye Linlang was something dirty!

"Don't call my mother, or my mother, I don't have a daughter like you!"

Ye Haifeng was also ignorant on the spot.

There seems to be some surprises with Mrs. Ye's attitude.

"Cough, it's not necessary, Lin Lang is our daughter..."

Ye Linlang did not expect Mrs. Ye to have such a big opinion on herself!

She even just called her mother. The anxiety and expectation in her heart are indescribable. At this moment, she is completely wiped out!

Obviously it is the weather of the autumn tiger, even though it is already evening, but the heat has not completely dissipated.

Ye Linlang was directly splashed with a layer of cold water, and the cold fell into the bone marrow!

She just wants a mother, is it wrong?

Ye Siyao can hug her mother generously and coquettishly.

But why don’t you even qualify as a mother?


Ye Linlang bit her lip corner, desperately trying not to cry.

But tears betrayed the will.

The bitter liquid kept spinning in the eyes of the sixteen-year-old girl, and her heart felt like it had been stabbed hard.

Endless grievances strike, Ye Linlang's legs and feet are soft, almost make her unable to stand!


Mrs. Ye stared at Ye Linlang fiercely, and then opened angrily to Ye Haifeng.

"Haifeng, did you forget how Xiaobao died? The doctor said that if Xiaobao came out first, Xiaobao would not die! She must have killed Xiaobao!"

This little treasure was naturally the younger brother of Ye Linlang's mother and mother. At that time, Mrs. Ye had a difficult birth, and she lived a child without dying.

At that time, Mrs. Ye wanted the boy wholeheartedly, and the Ye family had high hopes for this boy. Whoever thought that he hadn’t been born would die!

That's right, Mrs. Ye just looked at Ye Linlang.

As long as she saw her, Mrs. Ye could think of her premature son, as well as the days when the Ye family was blinded for not having a son.

Ye Haifeng was instantly silent when he heard the words Xiaobao.

After all, Ye Jia’s thinking of favoring men over women is very serious. Although Ye Siyao liked it later, he didn’t have a son.

The three generations of the Ye family relied on the male to inherit the incense, but when he reached Ye Haifeng's generation, he broke his blood, and it was annoying!

However, after more than ten years, Ye Haifeng admitted his life.

He gave Mrs. Ye a helpless look.

"Don't let Lin Lang call you mother, then how do you let Lin Lang call you?"

"Just like those servants, call me wife."

Mrs. Ye ordered very hard.

Ye Linlang's face was so pale, his tears almost came out of his eyes!


In the mother's heart, her status is similar to that of the next generation.

Ye Linlang looked at Mrs. Ye and Ye Haifeng dullly, and Ye Siyao, the sister who had always been proud, suddenly felt completely cold.

When she was in Xiaohuang Village, she had always dreamed of Mom and Dad coming to pick her up. She had always dreamed of being loved by Mom and Dad like other children.

Ye Linlang now knows when he comes to the Ye family.

Sometimes, even under the same roof as Mom and Dad, it does not necessarily mean happiness and joy.

She was like an outsider in front of these three relatives.

No, not even outsiders.

In Mrs. Ye's eyes, she is just like the next person.

The heart is beating so fast, and it hurts.


Mrs. Ye glanced at Ye Linlang with disdain, a cold voice came from her lips.

"Why, you don't want to call my wife?"

Ye Linlang was cold with hands and feet.

She pinched her palm vigorously to barely stabilize her emotions.

"Ma'am... ma'am good."

When the sixteen-year-old girl said this, her eyes were flushed, so helpless and bleak.

Seeing Ye Linlang's cowardly and incompetent appearance, Mrs. Ye was happy and disdainful. She nodded coldly, and then took Ye Siyao away.

"Si Yao, let's go."

Ye Siyao nodded proudly, very satisfied with his mother's attitude.

She has always been the daughter of Qianjin who was held high in her palm, and she was also selfish to the extreme.

Before Mrs. Ye said she was going to take back her sister who was raised in the country, Ye Siyao was almost scared.

She actually has a sister!

What do you get back!

Do you want to grab the love of your parents? !

That's right, Ye Siyao has long believed that everything in the Ye family is hers, and absolutely no country sister is allowed to take up a penny!

Fortunately, from the mouth of some old servants, Ye Siyao knew that her sister was a disaster star.

Ye Siyao knocked on Mrs. Ye again to make sure that her mother didn't like this sister.

Ye Siyao is most happy to see this scene of humiliating Ye Linlang now!

Really good, it seems that even if Ye Linlang returned to the Ye family, he could not shake his position in the Ye family!


After Ye Siyao and Mrs. Ye left, Ye Linlang didn't know how he left the courtyard.

Only knowing that he was ugly at the time, his father named Ye Haifeng asked her a few words, and then sent someone to take her away.

The previous woman named Aunt Liu took Ye Linlang to the third floor of the villa and stopped in front of a bedroom where there was little sunlight.

"Ye Linlang, you will live here in the future."

Not waiting for Ye Linlang to say anything, Aunt Liu impatiently threw it to Ye Linlang, and then walked away.

Ye Linlang looked at the key in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.

She doesn’t welcome her home like this. Should she really come back?

Ye Linlang now only knows that it turns out that it is not because the blood is connected, there must be a so-called affection.

Ye Linlang opened the bedroom door and unexpectedly found that although the room could not get much sunlight, the layout was actually good.

Although the bedroom space is small but very warm, the walls are covered with pale pink wallpaper, the double bed in the bedroom looks very soft, and there is even a pot of Guanyin lotus on the window sill, which is very homely.

In fact, this bedroom is already the most ruined room of the Ye family.

But for Ye Linlang, this is really much better than the house where she lived in Xiaohuang Village, which still leaks on rainy days.

Ye Linlang sat silently by the window, she silently took out the jade jade Buddha in her pocket.

A tear fell silently.

"Grandma, I miss you so much."

No matter how magnificent the place is, in Ye Linlang's view, it is not as good as the hut with grandma.

However, Granny is gone.


While Ye Linlang was crying at the inferior jadeite jade Buddha, the room door was suddenly opened!

Ye Linlang was stunned and put the jade jade Buddha in a hurry.

Who will come to her? !

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