The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1060: Who bullied anyone!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

In the light of day, there are actually ruffians? !

Ye Linlang's heart tightened, and even his head hadn't responded, and his footsteps ran involuntarily towards that!

Ye Linlang is a kind of girl with a strong sense of justice, so she doesn't want to see this happen anyway.

Hope that girl is fine!

Whoever thought Ye Linlang had just ran into the alley, saw a girl in a white-blue school uniform picking up her school bag, and positively smashed the school bag on a young man in a frantic manner!

And although the girl looked down on her face, she looked extremely sturdy from the back. A slender leg stomped on the young man's waist and kicked several feet!

But the young man in the vest was holding his head and squirting, with a snot and tears on his face, he was almost crying and crying!

Ye Linlang suddenly froze.

Uh... this picture seems to be different from what she imagined!

Ye Linlang originally thought which girl needed help.

But looking at this picture... If the guy is really a scumbag, it seems that this girl is also the upper hand.

It seems... I am worried about myself.

Ye Linlang twitched.

Could it be said that girls in big cities have learned any kind of self-defense techniques? !


"Uh, this classmate, you... do you still need help?"

Ye Linlang carrying a schoolbag, asked weakly to the girl who stepped on the rogue.

The girl seemed to realize that someone was coming now.

She suddenly turned her head.

Suddenly, Ye Linlang saw such a stunning face.

That's right, apart from being stunning, Ye Linlang can't think of any words to describe this girl.

Ye Linlang originally thought that his unpleasant sister Ye Siyao was already very beautiful, but compared to the girl in front of her, it was still too inferior.

I saw that the girl was wearing a white-blue school uniform and seemed to be a student of Lingyun High School.

A beautiful face with melon seeds, big eyes, and skin more beautiful than white jade, like the favorite darling of the creator, as long as he stands there, he must gather all kinds of eyes around.

And obviously she was in a school uniform, but she was dressed beautifully and childishly, the slender place was slender, and the full place was full.

The other party's age seems to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, but the body is really well developed!

So good that Ye Linlang had a nosebleed.

Ye Linlang suddenly understood why this girl would also be perverted in the daytime. This figure of this face really makes people a little uncontrollable!


After Ye Linlang woke up and turned around, she was glad that the other person had a good skill, otherwise she was really afraid that the other party could not protect herself.

The girl looked at Ye Linlang with a smile and spoke very easily.

"Classmates, I just shouted for so long that only you came here to help me. You are so nice, thank you."

Ye Linlang heard the words, suddenly embarrassed.

"I didn't help you at all, it's you who solved it yourself, where should I thank you."

She has been described as a disaster star since childhood, except for her grandmother, this exquisite girl like a painting is really the second person in Ye Linlang's life who says she is good.

So Ye Linlang couldn't help but feel a little good about this girl.


The girl shook her head indifferently, her expression extremely bold.

"Look at your thin arms and thin legs, I really appreciate your heart."

She paused and then asked Ye Linlang for help.

"Yeah, classmates, I'm about to send this **** to the police station. You stop him, will you call me?"

Ye Linlang glanced at the other hesitantly, her lips trembling, and finally she looked amazed.

"I...I don't have a cell phone."

The girl couldn't help but be surprised when she heard Ye Linlang's words. It's no matter what age it is, most people go out and they have to be equipped with a mobile phone.

Uh... But it seems that Ye Linlang’s parents are strict, probably afraid that Ye Linlang doesn’t have a mobile phone to study hard.

"It's okay, you come here, I have a cell phone, just help me call the police station, lest this kind of scum will come out and harm the girl."

Between the words, the girl kicked the young man who was stunned again.

Ye Linlang immediately walked over and opened her backpack according to the girl.

Ye Linlang took out the other party's white mobile phone, and roughly called the police station hotline. After the explanation, the other party agreed to send out the police.

"thank you."

The girl smiled brightly, so beautiful that she almost shook Ye Linlang's eyes.

Ye Linlang usually doesn't have friends and doesn't understand how to communicate with others. In this way, she encounters a girl who is thankful to herself, and she is even a bit cautious.

"You're welcome."

Anyway, there is still half an hour away from school, and it is not far from Lingyun High School. Ye Linlang decided to accompany the girl and other police officers.

In the waiting gap, the girl took the initiative to ask Ye Linlang.

"Let's make a friend. My name is Jiang Miaomiao, the river with three points of water, and the river with three points of water. What is your name?"

Ye Linlang didn't expect such a beautiful girl, she actually wanted to be friends with herself!

She was both happy and disturbed in her heart, and finally summoned the courage to say her name.

"My name is Ye Linlang, the leaf of the leaf means the Lin Lang of Meiyu."

Jiang Miaomiao smiled, her voice was sweet, but her attitude was like a boy.

"Ye Linlang? Good name! Then I will call you Linlang, you can call me Miaomiao."

She really has friends!

Ye Linlang almost jumped up in excitement, her eyes staring at Jiang Miaomiao.

"Miao Miao, are you also a student of Lingyun High School?"

When Jiang Miaomiao wanted to answer, he suddenly saw four young and violent young men walking around the corner of the alley, each holding a stick!

The one-piece undershirt with the head and the exposed dragon tattooed on the exposed shoulder looks like a fool!

Jiang Miaomiao murmured, almost pushing Ye Linlang subconsciously.

"Lin Lang, you run! They don't look like good people!"

Ye Linlang also panicked. Although it seems that Jiang Miaomiao has a good skill, but she has beaten a man, so much, how can it be done? !

"After hitting our pheasant brothers, the two of you little girls want to run?! If you don't give you two today, my Wang Tianbao will not be in this area!"

Ye Linlang was a little scared in his heart and subconsciously grabbed Jiang Miaomiao's hand.

Jiang Miaomiao apparently did not expect that he would encounter such a battle today, his face sweating and falling.

Just when the two little girls did not know how to be good, a slender figure of a white shirt suddenly appeared around the corner.

Jiang Miaomiao's eyes suddenly lighted up, and the panic under his eyes suddenly disappeared!

"Pray for it!"

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