The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1068: I hate people touching him the most!

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With the exclamation, almost all of the class temporarily forgot the large-scale magazine Ye Linlang, and looked towards the door of the class.

Even the former sullen class teacher couldn't help turning his head.

I saw a classy young man standing in front of the class A in the first grade of high school.

The other person's eyebrows were a bit lazy, as if he hadn't waken up yet, but as long as he stood there, it was like a spotlight appendage, letting people follow his figure involuntarily.

That was a very good-looking teenager.

Unlike Jiang Qiran's indifferent and handsome beauty, this young man looks a little bit like a monster.

The facial features of the other party are soft, with red lips and thin, high nose and high, but fortunately the silhouette is very deep, the whole person is not feminine at all.

This young man called Yin Shao is so beautiful!

Even Ye Linlang was unconsciously attracted attention.

Especially the opponent's pair of peach eyes raised up toward Meifeng.

No matter where you look, it seems that you are looking at you narrowly, and the evil spirits are fascinating and intoxicating, which makes you cheeks hot.

And there is another extremely compelling reason for this teenager. Lingyun High School explicitly banned the wearing of school uniforms from Monday to Friday.

and many more! He doesn't seem to be wearing a school uniform.

Ye Linlang realized this and immediately frowned.

In front of me, the so-called Yin Shao not only loosely wore a short sleeve and cropped trousers, but also shone a dazzling color on the tip of his ear.

Simply add sin to sin!

Does Lingyun High School ignore it?

Before the loss, Gu Yichen, the president of the student union, still grabbed her and Miaomiao. Looking at this Yin Shao, it was more serious than she and Miaomiao.


While Ye Linlang was sullen, the voices of nymphos around him were one after another.

"Ah, Yin Shao is coming to class, I'm so excited! I used to listen to the teacher from the junior high school, and Yin Shao junior high school almost didn't come to class!"

"Oh my god, it really is Yin Shao!"

"Ah, is Yin Shao looking at me! I think my head is dizzy, what should I do if I have a nosebleed?"

"Hey, hello, don't be a nympho, OK, Yin Shao is clearly watching me!"


Ye Linlang sniffed his lips in silence.

As for the excitement?

It's obviously more exaggerated than the fans saw.

Ye Linlang glanced at the head teacher, skimmed over the magazine that was still held in her hand, and suddenly blushed!

——Well, what can this Shao Yin look like a dog?

At this age, she put this kind of unsightly magazine in the desk, and let her bear it!

Now the Lord appears, think about it and know that this fellow is not a good student!

Jiang Qiran, who she likes, does not know how many times worse!


The female class teacher obviously couldn't resist the charm of this young master Yin.

After all, Yin Zihan not only looks handsome, but also moves quickly. Now she is only 16 years old, and she is nearly 1.8 meters tall.

The kind of beauty between men and boys is enough to kill all kinds of female creatures.

The class teacher's face turned slightly red, and he even forgot that he was still holding an 18X magazine in his hand, and quickly walked to Yin Zihan.

"Yin Zihan, you have been absent for so many days before, the teacher is very worried about you, can you go to school on time every day in the future?"

Facing Teacher Zhao's follow-up and temptation, the peach-eyed demon boy seemed to have never heard it.

The other party's eyes narrowed, completely ignoring teacher Zhao's chattering mouth, and stared directly at the large-scale magazine in her hand.

I saw on the cover, a tall female model with naked body was holding her chest, and there was a choppy wave in front of her.

The posture of the female model was so inspiring, but Yin Zihan's face was suddenly cold!

It seems that what I see is not a little yellow book, but a practice question in a course!

"Who allows you to touch my book!"

The teenager's voice was a little high, with obvious sulking!

Anyone could hear that, Master Yin was angry.


However, this is not the point.

The point is, wait, this book is really not bought by Ye Linlang, but Yin Zihan? !

Master Yin admitted? !


Everyone looked at the peach-eyed boy in surprise, hesitating for two or three seconds, his eyes moved to Ye Linlang again.

Being stared blankly at those people's eyes, Ye Linlang simply doubted whether two holes appeared in his face!


The class teacher who had been screaming sharply suddenly froze after hearing Yin Zihan say this.

She really didn't expect Yin Zihan to be!

Although Yin Zihan doesn't come to school very much, but no one has heard of his hobby in this respect...


The female teacher's face suddenly couldn't hold her.

She pretends to hold the magazine that exceeds the standard in her hand, and really feels like she is holding a hot potato.

"Yin Zihan, although I can understand the adolescent boy and girl's enthusiasm in this regard, but this kind of book will only ruin your youth, so the teacher will help you put it away first."

I don't know why, when facing the young man who can almost be his son at this age, the female teacher's momentum is suddenly weak.

The meaning inside and outside the words is obviously to expose this matter, and the book is confiscated and it is over!

When Yin Zihan heard the teacher's words, she didn't appreciate it at all.

He looked sarcastically at the female head teacher.

"Teacher, are you holding this kind of book, do you want to go back and do something shameful?"

The head teacher's eyes widened in surprise.

Before turning back, I saw Yin Zihan snatching the magazine, as if venting his dissatisfaction, and directly tore the magazine in half!

And it was extremely insulting to hit the head of the class teacher!

The confusing female model on the cover suddenly broke in two and fell from the head of the class teacher!

Seeing this scene, the whole class was in an uproar.

All of a sudden, the whole classroom was full of the sound of a fan blowing, and there was no more human voice.

Before others were awake, Ye Linlang reacted suddenly. She had originally seen this Yin Shao uncomfortable. Now seeing Yin Zihan disrespecting her teacher so much, her blood pressure was so mad!

How could there be such an arrogant creature!

Openly provoke the dignity of the teacher!

Ye Linlang suddenly rushed over, she didn't think about it, almost immediately grabbed Yin Zihan's wrist!

"This classmate, are you too much! The teacher kindly educates you, why do you disrespect people so much!"

There is a girl's angry voice on the ear, but the tone is still sweet.

Suddenly angry, lack of momentum.

Yin Zihan frowned in an instant.

He stared at Ye Linlang and grabbed his hand, his beautiful face suddenly stiffened.

"You let me go!"

He hates people touching him the most!

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