The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1071: Jiang Qiran, really turned around? !

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Ye Siyao stunned.

At first she didn't understand what Ye Linlang suddenly came to see her, but now she saw the school uniform that Ye Linlang had deliberately cut short, so she understood everything.

Ye Siyao put down the eyebrow pencil on the table.

"I said long ago that I don't like your eyes, why, Ye Linlang, are you going to listen to me again, how disgusting you are?"

Ye Linlang frowned as she saw Ye Siyao's arrogant appearance.

Before today, she really did not expect that her sister would be so uncultivated!

Ye Linlang was too lazy to argue with this kind of unqualified person.

She glanced coldly at Ye Siyao, put down the school uniform with passive hands and feet, and then spoke mercilessly.

"Ye Siyao, I advise you, you will always encounter ghosts if you do too much bad things, and advise you to stop in time, otherwise..."

The rest, Ye Linlang did not go on, but left.

Ye Siyao stared at Ye Linlang's back and turned away, and suddenly picked up the eyebrow pencil on the dressing table, and threw it to the ground suddenly!

She used to think that this older sister from the countryside was not good, but now it makes her hate even more!

Dare to threaten her!

Ye Linlang really thought that she was a genuine lady of the Ye family. Can she compete with her in the Ye family? !

Not even her mother recognized her identity!

I am embarrassed to pretend to be strong in front of me, yuck!


Ye Linlang returned silently to the room. After washing, she turned on the lamp and started to do her homework.

For the rest of the assignments, Ye Linlang felt that his head was about to explode when he made the English papers arranged by the class teacher!

She knew these twenty-six letters, but when they were combined, they became words, phrases, and sentences, and she didn't understand them at all!

Ye Linlang fell into a silence.

So she had to use the most stupid way to start looking up the dictionary one by one to find a specific meaning.

In the end, Ye Linlang couldn't stand it anymore. After all, such a long paper, if she checked all the words and analyzed the specific meaning, she really exhausted Ye Linlang!

So Ye Linlang ended up in a sloppy and grassy way, and she needed to write sentences in some places, so she took a few sentences from the text and the like.

Hey, Ye Linlang has foreseen that he will be trained by the teacher tomorrow.

But there is no way. She may not have the basic English skills in Xiaohuang Village. She may not be as good as a junior high school child in a big city!

When Ye Linlang finished all his homework and was about to sleep on the quilt, he suddenly heard the buzzing of the seat in the room.

Hey, someone called her?

Isn't it Miao Miao?

Ye Linlang was very surprised, she connected the phone, but within a second, Jiang Miaomiao's excited voice rang at the end of the phone.

"Lin Lang Lin Lang, I tell you a big news!"

Ye Linlang was speechless about Jiang Miaomiao's exaggerated statement.

She did homework for several hours in a row, and she was really a little sleepy.

Two eyelids started to fight, and even the voice became a little weak.

"What news, so excited?"

Jiang Miaomiao took a deep breath before telling her the explosive news.

"Xiao Linlang, I heard my parents just said, praying that he really wants to transfer to our school! His parents traveled to the whole world, so we gave the prayer to our family!"

When Ye Linlang heard Jiang Qiran's name, I don't know why. It was obviously very sleepy before, and the result was like hitting chicken blood instantly!

Her body began to tremble, and the smile on her face couldn't hide it!

"Really? Really? Does Qiran live in your house now?"

"I can still lie to you!"

The two girls communicated tirelessly.

Ye Linlang knew this. Although Jiang Qiran had decided to transfer to City A, he did not live in Jiang Miaomiao's house. Instead, he bought an apartment outside.

Ye Linlang went to check and found that the place was only ten minutes away from Lingyun High School.

This night, Ye Linlang held his cotton-like soft quilt, only to feel that she couldn't sleep at all.

Even dreaming is full of sweetness.

The boy she likes is coming to Lingyun High School!

that's nice!

Even though he knew he was too far away from Jiang Qi, that young man was like a shining lighthouse, and Ye Linlang, who was lost in the sea, suddenly found his way.


The next day, Ye Linlang went to school.

Ye Siyao didn't get up this time, they went in the same Audi car.

However, like yesterday, Ye Linlang got off the train some time in advance.

Anyway, she didn't want to be related to Ye Siyao at school, so if you walk a few minutes more, it should be exercise.

As soon as he entered the class, Ye Linlang felt a strange atmosphere.

All the girls in the class looked at her with an almost hostile look.

Probably because of sitting at the same table with Yin Zihan, she was inexplicably received hostility by the whole class, even the whole school!

Ye Linlang glanced at his seat, thinking that Yin Zihan's scum would never come, but the result was very unexpected. He saw a figure lying on the desk.

Miao Miao didn’t say that Yin Zihan was the most scumbag student and didn’t like to go to class?

Is it turning now?

Ye Linlang thought he would sit at the same table with him for twenty days, so he could not help but sigh.

Hey, it seems that it really hasn't stopped.

What she most wanted to know now was which class Jiang Qiran would transfer to. Although Jiang Qiran was superior in IQ, she never skipped grades because of her parents' request.

In other words, Jiang Qiran will also be a high school student!

Ye Linlang originally thought that Jiang Qiran would be in class F with Miao Miao. Whoever thought of Miao Miao directly pouted, saying that Jiang Qiran would not be willing.

Ye Linlang asked to know that Miao Miao was also in elementary school in S City, and she was in the same class with Jiang Qiran. Although she was still very young, there were a lot of girls in the class who gave Jiang Qiran a gift and a love letter.

Jiang Miaomiao received all the information correctly, making Jiang Qiran unwilling to follow her class.

When knowing the news, Ye Linlang was speechless first, and later couldn't help feeling Jiang Qiran's charm.

Cai Primary School, there are so many girls like it, what did Jiang Qi look like back then?


The first Chinese class was spent in the time of Ye Linlang's infatuated Jiang Qiran.

And Yin Zihan's sleep was so deep that the two were in peace!

After class, Ye Linlang wanted to go to the toilet and carefully put the jadeite jade Buddha in his pocket into the desk hole.

As a result, when she returned from the toilet, she was stopped by Ye Siyao in the corridor.

Ye Siyao shook the jadeite jade Buddha in his hand and smiled maliciously at Ye Linlang.

"Ye Linlang, if you still want to go back to the broken thing in my hand, just honestly go to the stairwell and confess to the first boy coming over?"

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