The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1079: Break through, your intention to Jiang Qiran is wrong!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang stared at each other with wide eyes. Hearing Ye Linlang's scream, Jiang Qiran was completely stunned!

The two even forgot to separate!

In the men's locker room, the space was narrow, and Jiang Qiran pressed Ye Linlang tightly against the floor at this moment, without any gaps, and even felt Ye Linlang's delicate skin texture.

Ye Linlang's face was dull, and Shui Ling's eyes stared at him stiffly, and his lips kissed his knot.

However, she seemed to be struck by lightning, completely unaware.

A strange and uncomfortable dryness spread from the body.

This is an experience that Jiang Qiran has never felt before, and he cannot even restrain it.

On a weekday, the indifferent and indifferent teenager, at this moment his eyes became a little dull.

Ye Linlang was shocked by this scene, so she screamed unconsciously.

When the reaction came, Jiang Qiran had covered her mouth.

It is a pity that it is too late.

After all, Ye Linlang just screamed so loudly that everyone heard it.

However, Ye Linlang broke the jar directly, regardless of it.

Jiang Qiran's fingers were white and slender, and when she covered her lips, there was an unfamiliar crisp-ma coming from Ye Linlang's lips, as if the cold fingers were carrying hot temperatures.

Burn her to death.

Ye Linlang's face became more scary.

At that moment, she even selectively ignored the nearly sharp accusations in Jiang Qiran's eyes.

This is simply dreaming.

No, even if it is a dream, she dare not dream of such a scene today!


And the male voices who changed clothes outside completely stopped the original laughter and gave out a burst of exclamation.

Ye Linlang even heard all kinds of footsteps running towards this side. Obviously, from far and near, all came to her and Jiang Qiran.

"Oh my god! How could there be a girl's voice!"

"Which girl is so bold and dare to run to the men's locker room!"

"It seems that it was from Jiang Qiran's single room, everyone go and see!"

"It's too powerful-is it bursting?! The locker room eh! They're not doing something unseemly, hehehe..."


The same argument as boiling water, even with that kind of fun, suddenly let Jiang Qiran sink his heart!

He doesn't care about it, but Ye Linlang as a girl, what should she do? !

Public opinion is always more likely to hurt the girl.

Jiang Qiran stood up quickly, and his brows were tightly frowned together, and even the original open eyebrows showed a wrinkle.

Ye Linlang finally realized the girl's consciousness. She blushed and almost muttered to herself.

"Qi Ran, what should we do now?"

Jiang Qiran looked at her calmly, his eyes almost cold, and Ye Linlang was trembling subconsciously.

If her eyes can be turned into a knife, she might have been killed by Jiang Qiran with her eyes tens of thousands of times!

Shouldn't she be hated by Jiang Qi?

Ye Linlang thought anxiously.

"You have a nosebleed."

The faint statement should not be half emotional, but I don't know why, Jiang Qiran's tone is slightly hoarse at the moment.

It's just that Ye Linlang is panicking in her heart now, fearing that her male **** hates her because she is too faceless and skinless, so where can she notice such details.

No, she has a nosebleed?

Ye Linlang opened his eyes stunned, only to feel thunder thunder again!

Ye Linlang stretched out his hand and stroked his nose. As expected, her bright white hands showed a scarlet color.

And Jiang Qiran's dressing room, a lot of people have been guarding for a long time, almost have to be surrounded by water!

If it were not for them that they knew too little about Jiang Qiran, and this young man looked like a person with a background and could not provoke it, otherwise they would have opened the door and entered!

The locker room attached to the swimming pool is not locked!

It's easy for them to push away!


Ye Linlang screamed again, obviously this matter could not be concealed.

Jiang Qiran simply put a loose dress on himself, and then pushed open the door, preparing to tell those people to see nothing.

Just a moment after the door opened, Jiang Qiran found that countless eyes were staring at them!

A group of murmurs!

Several boys standing in front stared at the slim figure in the dressing room in shock, and their jaws were almost shocked!

"There are girls, oh my god!"

Breaking news!

This is a serious crime against school rules!

Ye Linlang was so scared that he buried his head even lower when he heard those breathing and discussion.

All her teeth were knocked on her knees, her hands were tightly blocking her face, fearing that others would recognize herself!

At this moment, she really realized what **** she had done!


"Is it enough?"

Jiang Qiran swept the boys coldly, his voice cold and sharp, with a grim momentum that he could not avoid.

Those who came to see the lively boy's complexion red and white, almost can be used as a palette.

Several boys were afraid of Jiang Qiran's natural sense of oppression, and turned their faces one by one.

However, in the end it is a noble school. There are many boys with superior backgrounds and well-regarded, and no one knows who exclaimed.

"I recognize the other blue hairpin on that girl's head! Isn't that what Ye Linlang was dressed this morning!"

As soon as the boy reminded him, he immediately exploded the pan!

"Yes, it's her!"

"Absolutely Ye Linlang. Someone else saw Ye Linlang take the initiative to talk to Jiang Qiran this morning. She secretly ambushed here, it must be for Jiang Qiran's intention to misbehave!"


The voices raced once, Jiang Qiran frowned, his face cold to death!

Ye Linlang was even more terrified, her body shivered slightly, the whole person shrunk into a ball, and her face didn't dare to lift it.

However, those people were not reconciled and the matter ended.

I only heard a clear click, the flash light was on, and some people took pictures!

Even if Ye Linlang's face was not clear, Jiang Qiran stood here like this

Jiang Qiran also understands that this is not a joke!

His thin lips squeezed tightly, and there was a gloom that could not be shaken off his handsome face.

"Delete the photo for me!"

During the talk, Jiang Qiran suddenly approached the young man who took the picture, and no one knew how he shot, and immediately lifted the collar of the male student!

Obviously, the boy also has a height of more than one meter and seven, and he is two fatter than Jiang Qiran, but Jiang Qiran mentioned it very easily!

It seems that the boy will be thrown on the wall in the next moment!

The male student who took the picture realized that he had kicked the iron plate.

He stumbled and begged for mercy.

"I... I didn't mean it, but the photos have just been sent out..."

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