The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1081: I am a female rogue

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Ye Linlang looked around the empty tennis court and widened her eyes!

This... how could there be no one? !

Something happened in the home of the sports teacher who teaches tennis, saying that it will be delayed 15 minutes?

Although it is almost half of the past class, should the teacher still be there?

But the bell didn't ring after class, how could it be like this?

Ye Linlang was very puzzled. She thought about it, thinking that Lingyun High School is really very big. Will the tennis teacher let the students go to the small playground on the west side to run 800 meters?

It's not impossible...

Or in the first class, find an empty classroom for students to introduce themselves and the like?

Ye Linlang bit her lip corner, and she wandered around. There were only a few classmates wearing senior school uniforms running in the big playground not far away. Obviously, they were not in Grade A.

Otherwise... or look for it?

So, Ye Linlang first ran to the small playground on the west side. By the way, he searched the wind and rain runway all over, and still found no trace of the girls in Grade A in Grade One.

Because she ran too anxiously, a few drops of sweat fell on her face, but Ye Linlang just wiped it indifferently.

She looked up at the nearby teaching building and thought about it. Should she look for them one by one?

The scope of this search is too large...

Just when Ye Linlang hesitated, she suddenly heard the loudspeaker loudly blaring on the flower garden next to her, and shocked her eardrums.

But within two seconds, the harsh noise disappeared and became a beautiful piano piece, which was Richard Clayman's masterpiece "Adriana by the Water".

The principal of Lingyun High School likes piano music, so whether it is the sound of going to school or class, it is all piano music.

It turned out that it was after class...

Ye Linlang showed an inexplicable loss in his heart.

She actually missed the first tennis lesson in her life!

God knows that she has never touched tennis, but she really looks forward to it.

Ye Linlang walked towards the teaching building of Class A in Grade One. She wanted to apologize when she saw the tennis teacher next time. After all, it was the first class, but she was so absent.

Ye Linlang was so worried that she lowered her head, so few people around noticed her.

However, when Ye Linlang walked to the teaching area of ​​Class A of Grade One, and started to climb the stairs, it suddenly felt that many people looked towards him. ,

Those eyes looked at, looked at, and even accompanied by malicious pointing.

"That's Ye Linlang in Class A of Grade One!"

"She's too shameless, how can she go to the men's locker room in a majestic way! Where is she like a good girl."

"She was too shameful to think of Ye Linlang running to Jiang Shao to see him change his clothes!"

"That's right, it's a woman, sex, wolf!"


Ye Linlang heard those people whispering, but could not understand what they were talking about, and could only vaguely distinguish words like shameless, dressing room.

With a baby's fat face, she sank Chen, and a pair of mountains and clear eyes flashed a little awkwardly.

Over, it seems that her reputation is completely ruined.

Ye Linlang lowered his head silently, trying to narrow his sense of existence.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a girl with a playful pill head on her head, standing in front of her with her arms akimbo, her expression domineering.

It was her younger sister, Ye Siyao.

Ye Linlang was already in a bad mood because she was absent from a tennis class. Now I feel that Ye Siyao's saucy young lady is standing in front of her.

She ignored Ye Siyao, who was in front of her, and walked around a bend to prepare to walk aside.

"Stop! Why, run when I see me, so guilty?"

However, before she walked away, Ye Siyao yanked her wrist violently, and the other hand snapped her back suddenly.

Ye Linlang turned around impatiently.

"Is there a problem?"

If it wasn't because the two of them had such a blood relationship, Ye Linlang didn't even want to ignore Ye Siyao!

Ye Siyao raised a secret smile on his lips.

She let go of her hand from Ye Linlang, and ridiculed Ye Linlang two sentences with disdain.

"Ye Linlang, you are too shameless! Do you think you can go to the men's locker room and take the initiative to give a hug, can you hook Shangjiang to pray?"

Ye Linlang glanced at Ye Siyao silently, completely ignorant of where her brain supplement was derived.

"I knew Classmate Qi Ran originally, he didn't mind, what do you mind?"

Ye Siyao didn't seem to expect Ye Linlang to hit her back like this!

Ye Siyao's bright face rose purple.

"You are just nonsense, how can Jiang Qiran look like you, a woman who looks so bad and has such bad academic performance?"

Ye Linlang glanced at Ye Siyao like a lunatic, only to think her sister was sick.

"Oh, so you think Jiang Qiran can see you? A thief who likes to steal people's jade?"

Ye Siyao was speechless by Ye Linlang

"You! I am not a thief!"

"If you don't ask for it, you steal it! Do you think this is not a thief? What can it be, robber?"

Ye Linlang grew up in Xiaohuang Village from an early age. Because she didn't have any parents, she was ridiculed no more than she did now, so she is more or less strong.

In a sentence or two, Ye Siyao was forced to say nothing.

Ye Linlang was too lazy to care about her, and quickly walked towards the classroom.

However, it is very strange that Ye Linlang obviously felt that there were more classmates watching him around.

Obviously she lowered her head, but these people seemed to be able to bear her face and recognize who she was.

Originally everyone just whispered, but now it turns into a sneer that doesn't hide at all!

"It's too shameful!"

"It's really a girl-gangster! What does she think of the school!"

"Unless she said that she was mentally ill, I would not believe that the director of the grade department would not make a big deal for her!"


Ye Linlang frowned, not wanting to be the focus of everyone's attention, let alone being ridiculed.

And what he said does not shy away from himself, sentence to sentence is unpleasant!

Ye Linlang felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and there was only one corridor away. She decisively ran directly to Class A of Grade One.

Before reaching the class entrance, he was stopped by Yin Zihan who had just returned from the bathroom!

The peach-eyed teenager grabbed Ye Linlang's clothes and showed an exaggerated smile on his face, almost to his stomach pain.

"Ye Linlang, are you really sick?!"

Why did Yin Zihan say the same? !

"You have the disease!"

Ye Linlang hit back at Yin Zihan without a word, but whoever wanted the other person slammed her shoulder and pulled a note from above!

There are a few big letters written on it!

-I am a girl, a gangster, a gangster!

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