The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1083: Just to make you feel bad!

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Ye Siyao was stunned, and the whole body's blood was just rushing over his head, so he stood up without thinking, and insulted Ye Linlang openly.

It wasn't until the harsh voice of the Chinese teacher passed his ear that Ye Siyao noticed that it was now in class!

And this male Chinese teacher always pays the most attention to classroom discipline. After all, she is usually fined for being late, and letting her come in today is already open!

Ye Siyao has never been fined, not to mention being humiliated by others!

A bit of unwillingness appeared in her beautiful eyes, and the whole person immediately disappeared, pitifully pleading with the Chinese teacher.

"Teacher, I really didn't mean it. It was Ye Linlang who provoked me first, and I couldn't help but scold her."

Ye Siyao said that those beautiful eyes did not know how to squeeze out a few drops of tears. I was so pitiful.

When the few boys next to him saw Ye Siyao, they just felt that their hearts were all changed.

Needless to say, Ye Linlang can do the kind of thing that sneaks into the men's locker room, but no, Jiang Qiran can't see the figure at all in this class.

Therefore, the vast majority of the class is unconditionally on Ye Siyao's side.

Ye Linlang first became the schoolmate of the school grass Yin Zihan, and now he provokes Jiang Qiran, and then bullies Ye Siyao, he has become a common public enemy of boys and girls!

Many students began to plead for Ye Siyao.

"Teacher, it's class now, and the discipline inspection director patrolled at the beginning of the school. How embarrassing you are to let Ye Siyao stand out like this!"

"Yes, teacher, and obviously Ye Linlang's fault, Ye Linlang should go out to punish the station. Why should Ye Siyao suffer?"

"That's right! Teacher, you can't favor Ye Linlang like this! The whole story is unclear."

It is a pity that this Chinese teacher is the most strict, and he is a master who can't enter the oil and salt. Where can these students be persuaded to persuade them.

He swept coldly over the men and women who pleaded for Ye Siyao, with a loud voice.

"If you affect my class progress again, I will let you go to the penalty station too, and I will do it!"

As soon as these words came out, those who had previously spoken for Ye Siyao shut up.

After all, the Discipline Inspection Director has recently inspected various teaching buildings. If this kind of moth breaks out just after the start of school, it is disgraceful to say anything.

The worst result, I am afraid that not only is it so easy to accept eye baptism under the flag, it may also be called parents.

Lingyun High School has a special punishment program. If students make mistakes, ask parents to come together and study the review together.

In fact, most of Lingyun High School is rich and powerful, but the background of Lingyun High School is not small.

Take Yin Zihan's father as an example. As the school's largest director, not only is it a business giant, but also has a lot of connections in politics and the world.

Therefore, if any parent or student is unwilling to accept this kind of education system, it is better to get out as soon as possible. Lingyun High School does not lack such money.

And everyone knows that Lingyun High School is not only the best aristocratic high school in A city, but also ranks very high in Kyushu, and it is the best at training talents. The number of students who have been admitted to prestigious schools at home and abroad in the past few years is beyond count.


Seeing that the Chinese teacher was so stubborn, Ye Siyao finally could only grumble his mouth in grievance and reluctantly walked out.

Ye Linlang was relieved when she saw Ye Siyao's grievances.

She didn't even like the Chinese teacher, but now she looks so brilliant!


With two bags of tears, Ye Siyao stood bitterly on the corridor.

She is a spoiled young lady, and she looks pretty. Although she is more arrogant, there are many men and women who are willing to hold her in Lingyun High School.

it's good now! But he was publicly punished and stood outside the classroom!

This is the most shameful stroke since I was a kid!

Ye Siyao's heart was extremely complicated. She bit her lip corner violently and immediately recorded the embarrassing thing on Ye Linlang's head!

Blame this little disaster star!

If it weren't for her, how could she be so disgusted by the Chinese teacher!

Ye Siyao thought about the more angry, she looked towards Ye Linlang's location,

I saw Ye Linlang swiftly take notes in one hand, while constantly reading through the books with the other hand, obviously he was suspending the class very seriously.

The Yin Zihan next to him, as a fighter in the scumbag, had already slept down and could not even see his face.

Hum, Ye Linlang's English is so poor that even junior high school students are not as good. Do you think it is useful to study Chinese?

Ye Siyao stood deliberately at the window where Ye Linlang was, staring at Ye Linlang.

Ye Linlang hadn't noticed at first, until she felt an inexplicable chill rising from behind, she just turned her head and looked out the window.

Don't look at it, startled.

When I saw Ye Siyao's face reflected in the pure white window, especially Ye Siyao's resentful eyes, it was really strange that Ye Linlang couldn't tell.

——I really should let those who love Ye Siyao in Grade A of High School come to see what kind of person the goddess is in their hearts.

Where is soft and cute! Is it clearly a complaint?

Speaking of being soft and cute, Ye Linlang could only remember Jiang Miaomiao's face.

Well, I don't know if Miao Miao has seen those posts about her, and the protagonist is still her and Miao Miao's brother.

Ye Siyao saw Ye Linlang turned her head, and immediately compared her mouth silently to Ye Linlang.

-Cheap, human.

Ye Linlang really felt that Ye Siyao's mouth was too dirty, and did not know how a girl who was one year younger than her learned this.

Ye Linlang pursed her lips, not wanting to waste class time on such people, and immediately looked up to read the blackboard written by the Chinese teacher on the blackboard.

The language teacher’s blackboard writing is also pretty and clean, but Ye Linlang personally prefers the style of Jiang Qiran.

Jiang Qiran's words are just like Jiang Qiran's people, making people unforgettable at first sight.

This look is like practicing calligraphy. If you are willing to do so, I don’t know if I can give her a calligraphy.

Maybe it's a little inspiring for her dog to crawl!


On the other side, Ye Siyao, who was directly ignored by Ye Linlang, became more and more unwilling. She stood resentfully outside the classroom wall and immediately took out her mobile phone from her school uniform pocket.

Open the most eye-catching post on the homepage of our school forum.

"shocked! Ye XX of Grade A in Grade One actually broke into the men's locker room! Injustice against the new male god! 》

Originally she was just a spectator, and now it is not bad to add a fire!

She made a long string of words, and the smile on the corner of her lips became more terrible...

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