The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1100: You should strangle you alive!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Ye Linlang was sitting in Audi's backseat, her lips curled, and she was thinking of asking the kitchen aunt how to make cranberry biscuits.

Who would have thought that this sudden call directly destroyed Ye Linlang's good mood!

There was a stern question from Mrs. Ye on the phone.

"I'm talking to you! Have you heard it! You are the scourge of your father and mother! Don't say that your brother, who has not yet been born, is dead, now come to kill my baby girl! You know Si Yao crying home How great must it be?!"

Madam Ye felt more and more angry!

Because of the absence of her son, her physique was doomed to not regenerate. Mrs. Ye always loved Ye Siyao as an eyeball.

Ye Siyao has always been so proud of her precious baby, but now, Ye Siyao even said that she could not withstand the pressure even the class, and she ran home crying directly at noon!

This is unprecedented!

Mrs. Ye was a full-time wife and never went to work. Who thought she had just put a beauty mask on the house, she saw Ye Siyao crying and ran over!

She has never seen her baby girl so sad!

Then when asked, it was all Ye Linlang's fault!

Ye Siyao said that Ye Linlang scorned her for throwing dirty water at the forum, and also planted everything on her head.

And Ye Linlang is so young, he will actually seduce men!

The class is not good at all. I have been fooling around in the pile of boys all day long. I am either flirting with men or secretly running into the men's locker room. I don't know what to do!

Maybe Ye Linlang will have a big belly someday!

Directly lose their entire Ye family face!


Seeing Ye Linlang not talking, Mrs. Ye was so angry that she didn't get angry!

"Are you dumb?! I tell you, if it wasn't for the dying old lady who would take you back before he died, do you think I would like Haifeng to take back your little disaster-killer star from Xiaohuang Village?"

The nature of Ye Fu's population is Mrs. Ye's wife and Ye Linlang's grandmother.

Ye Linlang had heard the comments of the servants. She had never seen the old lady Ye. She only felt that the image of "grandmother" was so vague in her life that she didn't even know what she looked like.

Mrs. Ye is extremely patriarchal. When Mrs. Ye had just given birth to Ye Linlang, Mrs. Ye vomited to Ye Linlang. She was the first to advocate the death of her grandson.

However, before leaving the world, Mrs. Ye seemed to have realized that she was abandoning her granddaughter too much, so she begged Ye Haifeng to retrieve the lost granddaughter.

This world is so ridiculous, and it is easy to decide the fate of others just because of a few words of others.

In fact, Ye Linlang was not grateful for the grandmother who never met.

I just heard that Mrs. Ye was scolding so much, and even said that her mother-in-law was a dead old lady...

Everyone is already dead, why do you have such a deep grudge?

Ye Linlang couldn't hear it anymore, she squeezed her lips dryly, her voice aching.

"Ma'am...madam, grandma is your mother-in-law after all, you shouldn't say that to her."

Sometimes Ye Linlang feels very wronged, obviously his own mother, but only like the servants of the family, so he called his wife embarrassedly.

Whether it is a mother or a mother, Mrs. Ye will not allow her to call.

Say something bad.

It's just such a name, how ironic?

You can't call your mother a mother. How cruel is it to live like an outsider.

She has a life and is raised, but apart from the deceased Song's grandma, no one in this world loves her, and no one wants to recognize her identity.


Mrs. Ye heard Ye Linlang speak, she snorted coldly, suddenly increased the volume!

"Yo, Scourge is willing to talk?! Do you still have the heart to speak for the dead old lady? Oh, do you know who was the first to jump out and say to abandon you?"

Ye Linlang’s temple on the forehead suddenly jumped, although he had long been informed of the causes and consequences of his abandonment in his discussion.

It was only once again spoken from the mouth of his own mother, but it still felt desolate.

Ye Linlang stiffened, and she took a deep breath before speaking softly.

"It's all gone, at least, I'm still at the Ye family."

Even though, she did not have a half attachment to this land.

Even, she didn't feel attached to the cold Ye family.

However, I have to admit that she was only 16 years old. If it was not for the Ye family to take shelter, maybe she would have been wandering the streets for a long time, or maybe she had eaten up and down, and was starved to death.

This is not a surrender to fate, but the most rational answer obtained after a clear understanding of the existing situation.

Compared to the average classmate, Ye Linlang is actually much precocious.

Because the cruel reality is, the easier it is to force people to grow.

When one day, she has the ability to feed herself, Ye Linlang swears that she will get rid of this bad situation!


When Mrs. Ye heard Ye Linlang, she was embarrassed to mention that she was staying at Ye's house now. She rolled her eyes in anger and directly treated Ye Linlang's words as a demonstration!

"Ye Linlang, don't you think that if the Ye family took you in, you would treat you as a genuine lady!"

"I tell you, a girl like you who doesn't have the slightest sense of shame, and still likes to mess with men, will only lose our Ye family's face! You say! Did you sneak into the men's locker room of your school!"

"You are such a little grade, do you understand self-esteem and self-love? If I knew Haifeng would bring you back like this, I should have strangled you alive when I gave birth to you!"

With a bang, Ye Linlang seemed to hear a lightning flash in the air, and in such a sunny weather, she split her directly.

Mrs. Ye's words, like a knife, Ye Linlang, who directly pierced, felt a pain in his heart, bloody.

This is her biological mother!

But I can say that if I knew I was like this, I would rather strangle her alive!

There was still a bunch of blame on the phone, and there were curses about why she was against Ye Siyao!

Ye Linlang choked, and tears oozed from the corners of his eyes.

The heart that I thought would not be more sad finally collapsed.

After a while, Ye Linlang heard his own voice and was extremely cold.

"Is that enough?"

At the other end of the phone, Mrs. Ye didn't seem to think that Ye Linlang even dared to challenge her, and immediately there was another scold!

"Little Disaster Star! I say something to you!"

Ye Linlang closed his eyes again.

"I'll go home and explain to you."

Before Mrs. Ye answered, Ye Linlang hung up the phone straight away!

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